We need better and more PopSci by scientists

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorialpeer-review


Any scientist knows that to be a good scientist, they must conduct thoughtful research; generate high-quality, verifiable results and analyses; and get them into circulation in the scientific community. However, what often goes underappreciated is that this good science will likely remain ignored by most of the world if one doesn't find a way to get it out beyond the scientific community. Unfortunately, when it comes to making our science accessible, we scientists all too often fall short. And that's when the nonscientist public turn to other nonscientists they can understand. Hence, we find ourselves in a world shaped by a lot of misguided, and often erroneous, information about science.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)eadq8026
JournalScience (New York, N.Y.)
Issue number6706
StatePublished - Jul 19 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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