Vortex-like excitations and the onset of superconducting phase fluctuation in underdoped La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4

Z. A. Xu, N. P. Ong, Y. Wang, T. Kakeshita, S. Uchida

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647 Scopus citations


Two general features of a superconductor, which appear at the critical temperature, are the formation of an energy gap and the expulsion of magnetic flux (the Meissner effect). In underdoped copper oxides, there is strong evidence that an energy gap (the pseudogap) opens up at a temperature significantly higher than the critical temperature (by 100-220 K). Certain features of the pseudogap suggest that it is closely related to the gap that appears at the critical temperature (for example, the variation of the gap magnitudes around the Fermi surface and their maximum amplitudes are very similar). However, the Meissner effect is absent in the pseudogap state. The nature of the pseudogap state, and its relation (if any) to the superconducting state are central issues in understanding copper oxide superconductivity. Recent evidence suggests that, in the underdoped regime, the Meissner state is destroyed above the critical temperature by strong phase fluctuations (as opposed to a vanishing of the superfluid density). Here we report evidence for vortices (or vortex-like excitations) in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO4 at temperatures significantly above the critical temperature. A thermal gradient is applied to the sample in a magnetic field. Vortices are detected by the large transverse electric field produced as they diffuse down the gradient (the Nernst effect). We find that the Nernst signal is anomalously enhanced at temperatures as high as 150 K.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)486-488
Number of pages3
Issue number6795
StatePublished - Aug 3 2000

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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