title = "The technology menu for efficient energy use in India",
author = "Larson, {Eric D.} and Anand Subbiah",
note = "Funding Information: Notes 1. Financial support for Princeton University's participation has been provided by the Office of Energy and Infrastructure of the USAgency for International Devel-opment (Washington, DC), the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation of the USEnvironmental Protection Agency, andby theRockefeller, Dodge, andW.Alton Jones Foundations. TheNational Productivity Council hasprovided financial sup-port for its staff's participation. 2. A copy of the trial Volume 1 of the Menu maybe requested from Mr. K.C. Mahajan, National Productivity Council, Lodi Road, NewDelhi -110003, India, or from EricLarson, Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Prince-ton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 08544, USA. 3. The long-runmarginal cost of electricity is the cost to build and operate a new powerplantin India. References CEA (Central Electricity Authority), Fourteenth Electric Power Survey of India, Department of Power, Ministry of Energy, New Delhi, March 1991. CMIE(CentreforMonitoringtheIndianEconomy), CurrentEnergySceneinIndia, Bombay, October 1991. K.C. Mahajan, K.K. Chakravarti, D.Pawan Kumar, E.D. Larson, andA.Subbiah, Technology Menu for Efficient Energy Use -Vol. 1: Motor Drive Systems, National ProductivityCouncil (New Delhi, India)andCenter for Energy andEnvironmental Studies, Princeton University (Princeton, NewJersey, USA), February 1993. Planning Commission, Eighth Five year Plan, Government of India, New Delhi, 1991.",
year = "1994",
doi = "10.1016/S0973-0826(08)60011-3",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "1",
pages = "36--38",
journal = "Energy for Sustainable Development",
issn = "0973-0826",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
number = "1",