The Second Moment Theory of Families of L-Functions–The Case of Twisted Hecke L-Functions

Valentin Blomer, Étienne Fouvry, Emmanuel Kowalski, Philippe Michel, Djordje Milićević, Will Sawin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


For a fairly general family of L-functions, we survey the known consequences of the existence of asymptotic formulas with power-saving error term for the (twisted) first and second moments of the central values in the family. We then consider in detail the important special case of the family of twists of a fixed cusp form by primitive Dirichlet characters modulo a prime q, and prove that it satisfies such formulas. We derive arithmetic consequences: • a positive proportion of central values L(f χ, 1/2) are non-zero, and indeed bounded from below; • there exist many characters χ for which the central L-value is very large; • the probability of a large analytic rank decays exponentially fast. We finally show how the second moment estimate establishes a special case of a conjecture of Mazur and Rubin concerning the distribution of modular symbols.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-160
Number of pages160
JournalMemoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Issue number1394
StatePublished - Feb 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics
  • Applied Mathematics


  • Kloosterman sums
  • L-functions
  • analytic rank
  • modular forms
  • mollification
  • moments
  • resonator method
  • root number
  • shifted convolution sums
  • special values of L-functions


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