The JPC Periodic Table

George C. Schatz, Anne B. McCoy, Joan Emma Shea, Catherine J. Murphy, Gregory Scholes, Victor Batista, Kankan Bhattacharyya, Juan Bisquert, Daniel Crawford, Tanja Cuk, Robert Dickson, Howard Fairbrother, Maria Forsyth, John Fourkas, Franz Geiger, Andrew Gewirth, Theodore Goodson, Gillian R. Goward, Hua Guo, Gregory V. HartlandPavel Jungwirth, Stephan Link, Gang Yu Liu, Zhi Pan Liu, Benedetta Mennucci, Timothy Minton, Amy S. Mullin, Oleg Prezhdo, William F. Schneider, Benjamin Schwartz, Neil Snider, Gemma Solomon, Eric Weitz, Xueming Yang, Arun Yethiraj, Francisco Zaera, Martin Zanni, Jin Zhang, Haizheng Zhong, Timothy Zwier

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1 Scopus citations


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