The crisis of American foreign policy: Wilsonianism in the twenty-first century

G. John Ikenberry, Thomas J. Knock, Anne Marie Slaughter, Tony Smith

Research output: Book/ReportBook

12 Scopus citations


Was George W. Bush the true heir of Woodrow Wilson, the architect of liberal internationalism? Was the Iraq War a result of liberal ideas about America's right to promote democracy abroad? In this timely book, four distinguished scholars of American foreign policy discuss the relationship between the ideals of Woodrow Wilson and those of George W. Bush. The Crisis of American Foreign Policy exposes the challenges resulting from Bush's foreign policy and ponders America's place in the international arena. Led by John Ikenberry, one of today's foremost foreign policy thinkers, this provocative collection examines the traditions of liberal internationalism that have dominated American foreign policy since the end of World War II. Tony Smith argues that Bush and the neoconservatives followed Wilson in their commitment to promoting democracy abroad. Thomas Knock and Anne-Marie Slaughter disagree and contend that Wilson focused on the building of a collaborative and rule-centered world order, an idea the Bush administration actively resisted. The authors ask if the United States is still capable of leading a cooperative effort to handle the pressing issues of the new century, or if the country will have to go it alone, pursuing policies without regard to the interests of other governments. Addressing current events in the context of historical policies, this book considers America's position on the global stage and what future directions might be possible for the nation in the post-Bush era.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherPrinceton University Press
Number of pages157
ISBN (Electronic)9781400829774
ISBN (Print)9780691150048
StatePublished - Nov 24 2008
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Social Sciences


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