The Atacama cosmology telescope: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich-selected galaxy clusters at 148GHz in the 2008 survey

Tobias A. Marriage, Viviana Acquaviva, Peter A.R. Ade, Paula Aguirre, Mandana Amiri, John William Appel, L. Felipe Barrientos, Elia S. Battistelli, J. Richard Bond, Ben Brown, Bryce Burger, Jay Chervenak, Sudeep Das, Mark J. Devlin, Simon R. Dicker, W. Bertrand Doriese, Joanna Dunkley, Rolando Dünner, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Ryan P. FisherJoseph W. Fowler, Amir Hajian, Mark Halpern, Matthew Hasselfield, Carlos Hernndez-Monteagudo, Gene C. Hilton, Matt Hilton, Adam D. Hincks, Renée Hlozek, Kevin M. Huffenberger, David Handel Hughes, John P. Hughes, Leopoldo Infante, Kent D. Irwin, Jean Baptiste Juin, Madhuri Kaul, Jeff Klein, Arthur Kosowsky, Judy M. Lau, Michele Limon, Yen Ting Lin, Robert H. Lupton, Danica Marsden, Krista Martocci, Phil Mauskopf, Felipe Menanteau, Kavilan Moodley, Harvey Moseley, Calvin B. Netterfield, Michael D. Niemack, Michael R. Nolta, Lyman A. Page, Lucas Parker, Bruce Partridge, Hernan Quintana, Erik D. Reese, Beth Reid, Neelima Sehgal, Blake D. Sherwin, Jon Sievers, David N. Spergel, Suzanne T. Staggs, Daniel S. Swetz, Eric R. Switzer, Robert Thornton, Hy Trac, Carole Tucker, Ryan Warne, Grant Wilson, Ed Wollack, Yue Zhao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

240 Scopus citations


We report on 23 clusters detected blindly as Sunyaev-ZEL'DOVICH (SZ) decrements in a 148GHz, 455deg2 map of the southern sky made with data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 2008 observing season. All SZ detections announced in this work have confirmed optical counterparts. Ten of the clusters are new discoveries. One newly discovered cluster, ACT-CL J0102-4915, with a redshift of 0.75 (photometric), has an SZ decrement comparable to the most massive systems at lower redshifts. Simulations of the cluster recovery method reproduce the sample purity measured by optical follow-up. In particular, for clusters detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than six, simulations are consistent with optical follow-up that demonstrated this subsample is 100% pure. The simulations further imply that the total sample is 80% complete for clusters with mass in excess of 6 × 1014 solar masses referenced to the cluster volume characterized by 500 times the critical density. The Compton y-X-ray luminosity mass comparison for the 11 best-detected clusters visually agrees with both self-similar and non-adiabatic, simulation-derived scaling laws.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number61
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 20 2011

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


  • cosmic background radiation
  • cosmology: observations
  • galaxies: clusters: general
  • radio continuum: general
  • surveys


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