The atacama cosmology telescope: A measurement of the cosmic microwave background power spectrum at 148 and 218 ghz from the 2008 southern survey

Sudeep Das, Tobias A. Marriage, Peter A.R. Ade, Paula Aguirre, Mandana Amiri, John W. Appel, L. Felipe Barrientos, Elia S. Battistelli, John R. Bond, Ben Brown, Bryce Burger, Jay Chervenak, Mark J. Devlin, Simon R. Dicker, W. Bertrand Doriese, Joanna Dunkley, Rolando Dünner, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Ryan P. Fisher, Joseph W. FowlerAmir Hajian, Mark Halpern, Matthew Hasselfield, Carlos Hernndez-Monteagudo, Gene C. Hilton, Matt Hilton, Adam D. Hincks, Renée Hlozek, Kevin M. Huffenberger, David H. Hughes, John P. Hughes, Leopoldo Infante, Kent D. Irwin, Jean Baptiste Juin, Madhuri Kaul, Jeff Klein, Arthur Kosowsky, Judy M. Lau, Michele Limon, Yen Ting Lin, Robert H. Lupton, Danica Marsden, Krista Martocci, Phil Mauskopf, Felipe Menanteau, Kavilan Moodley, Harvey Moseley, Calvin B. Netterfield, Michael D. Niemack, Michael R. Nolta, Lyman A. Page, Lucas Parker, Bruce Partridge, Beth Reid, Neelima Sehgal, Blake D. Sherwin, Jon Sievers, David N. Spergel, Suzanne T. Staggs, Daniel S. Swetz, Eric R. Switzer, Robert Thornton, Hy Trac, Carole Tucker, Ryan Warne, Ed Wollack, Yue Zhao

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151 Scopus citations


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