Supercooled and glassy water

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1112 Scopus citations


The anomalous properties of cold and supercooled water, such as the fact that at sufficiently low temperatures it becomes more compressible and less dense when cooled, and more fluid when compressed, have attracted the attention of physical scientists for a long time. The discovery in the 1970s that several thermodynamic and transport properties of supercooled water exhibit a pronounced temperature dependence and appear to diverge slightly below the homogeneous nucleation temperature inspired a large number of experimental and theoretical studies. Likewise, an important body of work on glassy water has been stimulated by experiments, starting in the mid-1980s and continuing to this date, which suggest that vitreous water can exist in at least two apparently distinct forms. A coherent theory of the thermodynamic and transport properties of supercooled and glassy water does not yet exist. Nevertheless, significant progress towards this goal has been made during the past 20 years. This article summarizes the known experimental facts and reviews critically theoretical and computational work aimed at interpreting the observations and providing a unified viewpoint on cold, non-crystalline, metastable states of water.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)R1669-R1726
JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
Issue number45
StatePublished - Nov 19 2003

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Materials Science
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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