Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). XIII. Large-scale Feedback and Star Formation in a Low-luminosity Quasar at z = 7.07 on the Local Black Hole to Host Mass Relation

Takuma Izumi, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Seiji Fujimoto, Masafusa Onoue, Michael A. Strauss, Hideki Umehata, Masatoshi Imanishi, Kotaro Kohno, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Taiki Kawamuro, Shunsuke Baba, Tohru Nagao, Yoshiki Toba, Kohei Inayoshi, John D. Silverman, Akio K. Inoue, Soh Ikarashi, Kazushi Iwasawa, Nobunari Kashikawa, Takuya HashimotoKouichiro Nakanishi, Yoshihiro Ueda, Malte Schramm, Chien Hsiu Lee, Hyewon Suh

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50 Scopus citations


We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array [C ii] 158 μm line and underlying far-infrared (FIR) continuum emission observations (0.″70 × 0.″56 resolution) toward HSC J124353.93+010038.5 (J1243+0100) at z = 7.07, the only low-luminosity (M 1450 > -25 mag) quasar currently known at z > 7. The FIR continuum is bright (1.52 mJy) and resolved with a total luminosity of L FIR = 3.5 × 1012 L o˙. The spatially extended component is responsible for ∼40% of the emission. The area-integrated [C ii] spectrum shows a broad wing (FWHM = 997 km s-1, L [C ii] = 1.2 × 109 L o˙), as well as a bright core (FWHM = 235 km s-1, L [C ii] = 1.9 × 109 L o˙). This wing is the first detection of a galactic-scale quasar-driven outflow (atomic outflow rate >447 M o˙ yr-1) at z > 7. The estimated large mass-loading factor of the total outflow (e.g., ⪆9 relative to the [C ii]-based star formation rate) suggests that this outflow will soon quench the star formation of the host. The core gas dynamics are governed by rotation, with a rotation curve suggestive of a compact bulge (∼3.3 × 1010 M o˙), although it is not yet spatially resolved. Finally, we found that J1243+0100 has a black hole mass-to-dynamical mass (and -to-bulge mass) ratio of ∼0.4% (∼1%), consistent with the local value within the uncertainties. Our results therefore suggest that the black hole-host coevolution relation is already in place at z ∼ 7 for this object.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number36
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 10 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


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