Smarter Energy: From smart metering to the smart grid

Hongjian Sun, Nikos Hatziargyriou, H. Vincent Poor, Laurence Carpanini, Miguel Angel Sánchez Fornié

Research output: Book/ReportBook

10 Scopus citations


This book presents cutting-edge perspectives and research results in smart energy spanning multiple disciplines across four main topics: smart metering, smart grid modeling, control and optimization, and smart grid communications and networking. Chapters from an international panel of experts in the field cover: privacy-preserving data aggregation in smart metering systems; smart price-based scheduling of flexible residential appliances; smart tariffs for demand response from smart metering platforms; decentralized models for real-time renewable integration in future grid; distributed and decentralized control in future power systems; multiobjective optimization for smart grid system design; frequency regulation of smart grid via dynamic demand control and battery energy storage systems; distributed frequency control and demand-side management; game theory approaches for demand side management in the smart grid; energy storage systems and grid integration; overview of research in the ADVANTAGE project; big data analysis of power grid from random matrix theory; a model-driven evaluation of demand response communication protocols for smart grid; energy-efficient smart grid communications; and cyber security of smart grid state estimation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherInstitution of Engineering and Technology
Number of pages500
ISBN (Electronic)9781785611056
ISBN (Print)9781785611049
StatePublished - Jan 1 2016

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


  • Cyber-security
  • Security of data
  • Smart energy system
  • Smart grid communication
  • Smart grid modelling
  • Smart metering
  • Smart meters
  • Smart power grids


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