Simultaneous precision spectroscopy of pp, Be 7, and pep solar neutrinos with Borexino Phase-II

Borexino collaboration

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115 Scopus citations


We present the simultaneous measurement of the interaction rates Rpp, RBe, Rpep of pp, Be7, and pep solar neutrinos performed with a global fit to the Borexino data in an extended energy range (0.19-2.93) MeV with particular attention to details of the analysis methods. This result was obtained by analyzing 1291.51 days of Borexino Phase-II data, collected after an extensive scintillator purification campaign. Using counts per day (cpd)/100 ton as unit, we find Rpp=134±10(stat)-10+6(sys), RBe=48.3±1.1(stat)-0.7+0.4(sys); and RpepHZ=2.43±0.36(stat)-0.22+0.15(sys) assuming the interaction rate RCNO of CNO-cycle (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxigen) solar neutrinos according to the prediction of the high metallicity standard solar model, and RpepLZ=2.65±0.36(stat)-0.24+0.15(sys) according to that of the low metallicity model. An upper limit RCNO<8.1 cpd/100 ton (95% C.L.) is obtained by setting in the fit a constraint on the ratio Rpp/Rpep (47.7±0.8 cpd/100 ton or 47.5±0.8 cpd/100 ton according to the high or low metallicity hypothesis).

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number082004
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number8
StatePublished - Oct 28 2019

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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