Sim-to-Lab-to-Real: Safe reinforcement learning with shielding and generalization guarantees

Kai Chieh Hsu, Allen Z. Ren, Duy P. Nguyen, Anirudha Majumdar, Jaime F. Fisac

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


Safety is a critical component of autonomous systems and remains a challenge for learning-based policies to be utilized in the real world. In particular, policies learned using reinforcement learning often fail to generalize to novel environments due to unsafe behavior. In this paper, we propose Sim-to-Lab-to-Real to bridge the reality gap with a probabilistically guaranteed safety-aware policy distribution. To improve safety, we apply a dual policy setup where a performance policy is trained using the cumulative task reward and a backup (safety) policy is trained by solving the Safety Bellman Equation based on Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) reachability analysis. In Sim-to-Lab transfer, we apply a supervisory control scheme to shield unsafe actions during exploration; in Lab-to-Real transfer, we leverage the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC)-Bayes framework to provide lower bounds on the expected performance and safety of policies in unseen environments. Additionally, inheriting from the HJ reachability analysis, the bound accounts for the expectation over the worst-case safety in each environment. We empirically study the proposed framework for ego-vision navigation in two types of indoor environments with varying degrees of photorealism. We also demonstrate strong generalization performance through hardware experiments in real indoor spaces with a quadrupedal robot. See for supplementary material.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number103811
JournalArtificial Intelligence
StatePublished - Jan 2023
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Language and Linguistics
  • Linguistics and Language
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Generalization
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Safety analysis
  • Sim-to-Real transfer


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