Seesaw model solutions of the solar neutrino problem

S. A. Bludman, D. C. Kennedy, P. G. Langacker

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56 Scopus citations


We re-examine solutions to the solar neutrino oscillations, decaying neutrinos and a cooler center of the sun. Comparison of the Homestake and Kamiokande II observations implies that low-energy neutrinos are more suppressed than high-energy, disfavoring the large-mass adiabatic MSW resonance and allowing us to exclude non-standard solar models with a simple reduction of core temperature. Diagonal (sin22θ - 0.004-0.5, Δm2 {reversed tilde equals} 0.08-10 meV2), vertical large-angle (sin2 {reversed tilde equals} 0.6-0.9, Δm2 {reversed tilde equals} 0.08-2, 4-60 meV2), and part of the horizontal (sin22θ {reversed tilde equals} 0.02-0.6, Δm2 {reversed tilde equals} 80 meV2) MSW solutions are compatible with these data (meV = 10-3 eV). The present SAGE results disfavor non-standard solar models and the horizontal MSW solution. Assuming νe → νμ conversion, we show that seesaw models of neutrino masses imply mνμ = 0.3-9 meV, intermediate-scale symmetry breaking O(109-1012) GeV, and a τ-neutrino mass with cosmological ramifications in some cases and laboratory or atmospheric νμ - ντ oscillations. While seesaw predictions for neutrino masses are model-dependent and subject to large uncertainties, we prove that leptonic mixing angles are similar to quark mixings for a wide range of models. We also present two specific seesaw models compatible with electroweak neutral current and proton decay constraints, including radiative corrections to the seesaw predictions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)373-391
Number of pages19
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 27 1992

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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