Search for the decay K+ → π+νν̄ in the momentum region Pπ < 195 MeV/c

S. Adler, M. Aoki, M. Ardebili, M. S. Atiya, A. O. Bazarko, P. C. Bergbusch, B. Bhuyan, E. W. Blackmore, D. A. Bryman, I. H. Chiang, M. R. Convery, M. V. Diwan, J. S. Frank, J. S. Haggerty, T. Inagaki, M. Ito, V. Jain, D. E. Jaffe, S. Kabe, M. KazumoriS. H. Kettell, P. Kitching, M. Kobayashi, T. K. Komatsubara, A. Konaka, Y. Kuno, M. Kuriki, T. F. Kycia, K. K. Li, L. S. Littenberg, D. R. Marlow, R. A. McPherson, J. A. Macdonald, P. D. Meyers, J. Mildenberger, N. Muramatsu, T. Nakano, C. Ng, S. Ng, T. Numao, J. M. Poutissou, R. Poutissou, G. Redlinger, T. Sasaki, T. Sato, T. Shinkawa, F. C. Shoemaker, A. J.S. Smith, R. Soluk, J. R. Stone, R. C. Strand, S. Sugimoto, Y. Yoshimura, C. Witzig

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44 Scopus citations


We have searched for the decay K+ → π+νν̄ in the kinematic region with pion momentum below the K+ → π+π0 peak. One event was observed, consistent with the background estimate of 0.73 ± 0.18. This implies an upper limit on B(K+ → π+ νν̄ < 4.2 × 10-9 (90% C.L.), consistent with the recently measured branching ratio of (1.57+-0.82+1.75) × 10-10, obtained using the standard model spectrum and the kinematic region above the K+ → π+π0 peak. The same data were used to search for K+ → π+X0, where X0 is a weakly interacting neutral particle or system of particles with 150 < MX0 < 250 MeV/c2.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)211-216
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Issue number3-4
StatePublished - Jun 20 2002

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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