Search for b→h(*)νν̄ decays at belle

K. F. Chen, I. Adachi, H. Aihara, V. Aulchenko, T. Aushev, S. Bahinipati, A. M. Bakich, V. Balagura, E. Barberio, A. Bay, K. Belous, U. Bitenc, A. Bondar, A. Bozek, M. Bračko, J. Brodzicka, T. E. Browder, M. C. Chang, P. Chang, Y. ChaoA. Chen, B. G. Cheon, C. C. Chiang, I. S. Cho, Y. Choi, Y. K. Choi, S. Cole, M. Danilov, M. Dash, A. Drutskoy, S. Eidelman, S. Fratina, N. Gabyshev, B. Golob, H. Ha, J. Haba, T. Hara, K. Hayasaka, M. Hazumi, D. Heffernan, T. Hokuue, Y. Hoshi, W. S. Hou, Y. B. Hsiung, H. J. Hyun, T. Iijima, K. Ikado, K. Inami, A. Ishikawa, H. Ishino, R. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, Y. Iwasaki, N. J. Joshi, S. Kajiwara, J. H. Kang, N. Katayama, H. Kawai, T. Kawasaki, H. Kichimi, Y. J. Kim, K. Kinoshita, S. Korpar, P. Krian, P. Krokovny, R. Kumar, C. C. Kuo, A. Kuzmin, Y. J. Kwon, J. S. Lee, S. E. Lee, T. Lesiak, S. W. Lin, Y. Liu, D. Liventsev, F. Mandl, D. Marlow, A. Matyja, S. McOnie, T. Medvedeva, K. Miyabayashi, H. Miyake, H. Miyata, Y. Miyazaki, R. Mizuk, Y. Nagasaka, I. Nakamura, M. Nakao, S. Nishida, S. Ogawa, T. Ohshima, S. Okuno, S. L. Olsen, H. Ozaki, P. Pakhlov, G. Pakhlova, H. Park, K. S. Park, R. Pestotnik, L. E. Piilonen, Y. Sakai, O. Schneider, J. Schümann, C. Schwanda, A. J. Schwartz, R. Seidl, K. Senyo, M. E. Sevior, M. Shapkin, C. P. Shen, H. Shibuya, S. Shinomiya, J. G. Shiu, B. Shwartz, J. B. Singh, A. Sokolov, A. Somov, S. Stanič, M. Starič, K. Sumisawa, T. Sumiyoshi, O. Tajima, F. Takasaki, N. Tamura, M. Tanaka, G. N. Taylor, Y. Teramoto, I. Tikhomirov, K. Trabelsi, S. Uehara, K. Ueno, T. Uglov, Y. Unno, S. Uno, P. Urquijo, Y. Usov, G. Varner, K. E. Varvell, K. Vervink, S. Villa, A. Vinokurova, C. C. Wang, C. H. Wang, M. Z. Wang, P. Wang, Y. Watanabe, R. Wedd, E. Won, B. D. Yabsley, A. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamashita, M. Yamauchi, C. C. Zhang, Z. P. Zhang, V. Zhilich, A. Zupanc

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

79 Scopus citations


We present a search for the rare decays B→h(*)νν̄, where h(*) stands for a light meson. A data sample of 535×106 BB̄ pairs collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e- collider is used. Signal candidates are required to have an accompanying B meson fully reconstructed in a hadronic mode and signal side particles consistent with a single h(*) meson. No significant signal is observed and we set upper limits on the branching fractions at 90% confidence level. The limits on B0→K*0νν̄ and B+→K+νν̄ decays are more stringent than the previous constraints, while the first searches for B0→K0νν̄, π0νν̄, ρ0νν̄, νν̄ and B+→K*+νν̄, ρ+νν̄ are reported.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number221802
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - Nov 30 2007

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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