Reliable joint source-channel cooperative transmission over relay networks

Deniz Gündüz, Elza Erkip, Andrea Goldsmith, H. Vincent Poor

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23 Scopus citations


Reliable transmission of a discretememoryless source to multiple destinations over a relay network is considered. Motivated by sensor network applications, it is assumed that the relays and the destinations all have access to side information correlated with the underlying source signal. Joint source-channel cooperative transmission is studied in which the terminals in the network help the transmission of the source signal to the destinations by using their overheard signals, as in the classical channel cooperation scenario, as well as the available correlated side information. Decode-and-forward-based cooperative transmission is studied in a network of multiple relay terminals and two different achievability schemes are proposed: 1) a regular encoding and slidingwindow decoding scheme without explicit source binning at the encoder; and 2) a semiregular encoding and backward decoding scheme with binning based on the side information statistics. It is shown that both of these schemes lead to the same source-channel code rate, which is shown to be the source-channel capacity in the case of 1) a physically degraded relay networkwith a single destination in which the side information signals are degraded in the same order as the channel; and 2) a relay network with multiple destinations, in which all the terminals want to reconstruct the source reliably, while at most one of them can act as a relay.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number6378473
Pages (from-to)2442-2458
Number of pages17
JournalIEEE Transactions on Information Theory
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2013

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Information Systems
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Library and Information Sciences


  • Cooperative transmission
  • Decode-and-forward
  • Joint source-channel coding
  • Network information theory
  • Relay network


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