Regulation of antennapedia transcript distribution by the bithorax complex in Drosophila

Ernst Hafen, Michael Levine, Walter J. Gehring

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175 Scopus citations


The homoeotic genes of Drosophila seem to be involved in the establishment of developmental pathways and the specification of different anatomical segment identities1,2. For example, it has been proposed that a function of the Antennapedia+ (Antp+) locus is to direct embryonic cells to follow a mesothoracic developmental pathway3-5. Using cloned cDNA probes of the Antp+ (ref. 6) locus and an improved in situ hybridization method7, we found that the neural cells of the embryonic and larval mesothorax possess higher levels of Antp+ transcripts than the neural tissue of the other segments7,8. Here we present further evidence that Antp+ products are associated with formation of the mesothorax, obtained by analysing the distribution of Antp + transcripts in bithorax mutants. Embryos homozygous for any one of several bithorax mutations display a transformation of the epidermis of the more posterior segments into the homologous tissue of the mesothorax1. For example, the metathorax and first seven abdominal segments of embryos that completely lack the bithorax gene complex show a cuticular phenotype characteristic of the normal mesothorax1,9. By in situ hybridization of an Antp+ cDNA probe to tissue sections of these embryos, we have found that the neural cells of the transformed segments accumulate Antp + transcripts to a level characteristic of the normal mesothorax.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)287-289
Number of pages3
Issue number5948
StatePublished - 1984
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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