Pupil-Aware Holography

Praneeth Chakravarthula, Seung Hwan Baek, Florian Schiffers, Ethan Tseng, Grace Kuo, Andrew Maimone, Nathan Matsuda, Oliver Cossairt, Douglas Lanman, Felix Heide

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


Holographic displays promise to deliver unprecedented display capabilities in augmented reality applications, featuring a wide field of view, wide color gamut, spatial resolution, and depth cues all in a compact form factor. While emerging holographic display approaches have been successful in achieving large étendue and high image quality as seen by a camera, the large étendue also reveals a problem that makes existing displays impractical: The sampling of the holographic field by the eye pupil. Existing methods have not investigated this issue due to the lack of displays with large enough étendue, and, as such, they suffer from severe artifacts with varying eye pupil size and location. We show that the holographic field as sampled by the eye pupil is highly varying for existing display setups, and we propose pupil-Aware holography that maximizes the perceptual image quality irrespective of the size, location, and orientation of the eye pupil in a near-eye holographic display. We validate the proposed approach both in simulations and on a prototype holographic display and show that our method eliminates severe artifacts and significantly outperforms existing approaches.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number212
JournalACM Transactions on Graphics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 30 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design


  • computational optics
  • holography


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