Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru telescope: Massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph

Hajime Sugai, Naoyuki Tamura, Hiroshi Karoji, Atsushi Shimono, Naruhisa Takato, Masahiko Kimura, Youichi Ohyama, Akitoshi Ueda, Hrand Aghazarian, Marcio Vital De Arruda, Robert H. Barkhouser, Charles L. Bennett, Steve Bickerton, Alexandre Bozier, David F. Braun, Khanh Bui, Christopher M. Capocasale, Michael A. Carr, Bruno Castilho, Yin Chang ChangHsin Yo Chen, Richard C.Y. Chou, Olivia R. Dawson, Richard G. Dekany, Eric M. Ek, Richard S. Ellis, Robin J. English, Didier Ferrand, Décio Ferreira, Charles D. Fisher, Mirek Golebiowski, James E. Gunn, Murdock Hart, Timothy M. Heckman, Paul T.P. Ho, Stephen Hope, Larry E. Hovland, Shu Fu Hsu, Yen Shan Hu, Pin Jie Huang, Marc Jaquet, Jennifer E. Karr, Jason G. Kempenaar, Matthew E. King, Olivier Le Fèvre, David Le Mignant, Hung Hsu Ling, Craig Loomis, Robert H. Lupton, Fabrice Madec, Peter Mao, Lucas Souza Marrara, Brice Ménard, Chaz Morantz, Hitoshi Murayama, Graham J. Murray, Antonio Cesar De Oliveira, Claudia Mendes De Oliveira, Ligia Souza De Oliveira, Joe D. Orndorff, Rodrigo De Paiva Vilaça, Eamon J. Partos, Sandrine Pascal, Thomas Pegot-Ogier, Daniel J. Reiley, Reed Riddle, Leandro Santos, Jesulino Bispo Dos Santos, Mark A. Schwochert, Michael D. Seiffert, Stephen A. Smee, Roger M. Smith, Ronald E. Steinkraus, Laerte Sodré, David N. Spergel, Christian Surace, Laurence Tresse, Clément Vidal, Sebastien Vives, Shiang Yu Wang, Chih Yi Wen, Amy C. Wu, Rosie Wyse, Chi Hung Yan

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47 Scopus citations


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