Newman's conjecture in various settings

Julio Andrade, Alan Chang, Steven J. Miller

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4 Scopus citations


Text: De Bruijn and Newman introduced a deformation of the Riemann zeta function ζ(s), and found a real constant Λ which encodes the movement of the zeros of ζ(s) under the deformation. The Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to Λ ≤ 0. Newman conjectured Λ ≥ 0, remarking "the new conjecture is a quantitative version of the dictum that the Riemann hypothesis, if true, is only barely so." Previous work could only handle ζ(s) and quadratic Dirichlet L-functions, obtaining lower bounds very close to zero (-1.14541 {dot operator} 10 -11 for ζ(s) and -1.17 {dot operator} 10 -7 for quadratic Dirichlet L-functions). We generalize to automorphic L-functions and function field L-functions, and explore the limit of these techniques. If D∈Z[T] is a square-free polynomial of degree 3 and D p the polynomial in Fp[T] obtained by reducing D modulo p, we prove the Newman constant ΛDp equals log|ap(D)|2p; by Sato-Tate (if the curve is non-CM) there exists a sequence of primes such that limn→∞ΛDpn=0. We end by discussing connections with random matrix theory. Video: For a video summary of this paper, please visit This author video is a recording of a talk given by Alan Chang at CANT on May 28, 2014.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)70-91
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Number Theory
StatePublished - Nov 2014

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Algebra and Number Theory


  • Function fields
  • L-functions
  • Newman's conjecture
  • Random matrix theory
  • Sato-tate conjecture
  • Zeros of the riemann zeta function


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