Multifunctional hyperuniform cellular networks: Optimality, anisotropy and disorder

S. Torquato, D. Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

30 Scopus citations


Disordered hyperuniform heterogeneousmaterials are new, exotic amorphous states of matter that behave like crystals in themanner in which they suppress volume-fraction fluctuations at large length scales, and yet are statistically isotropic with no Bragg peaks. It has recently been shown that disordered hyperuniform dielectric two-dimensional (2D) cellular network solids possess complete photonic band gaps comparable in size to photonic crystals,while at the same timemaintaining statistical isotropy, enabling waveguide geometries not possible with photonic crystals. Motivated by these developments, we explore other functionalities of various 2D ordered and disordered hyperuniform cellular networks, including their effective thermal or electrical conductivities and elasticmoduli.Weestablish the multifunctionality of a class of such low-density networks by demonstrating that theymaximize or virtually maximize the effective conductivities and elastic moduli. This is accomplished using themachinery of homogenization theory, including optimal bounds and cross-property bounds, and statistical mechanics.We rigorously prove that anisotropic networks consisting of sets of intersecting parallel channels in the low-density limit, ordered or disordered, possess optimal effective conductivity tensors. For a variety of different disordered networks,we showthatwhen short-range and long-range order increases, there is an increase in both the effective conductivity and elasticmoduli of the network. Moreover,we demonstrate that the effective conductivity and elasticmoduli of various disordered networks derived from disordered 'stealthy' hyperuniform point patterns possess virtually optimal values.We note that the optimal networks for conductivity are also optimal for the fluid permeability associatedwith slow viscous flow through the channels as well as themean survival time associated with diffusioncontrolled reactions in the channels. In summary,we have identified ordered and disordered hyperuniform low-weight cellular networks that aremultifunctional with respect to transport (e.g., heat dissipation and fluid transport),mechanical and electromagnetic properties, which can be readily fabricated using 3D printing and lithographic technologies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number015001
JournalMultifunctional Materials
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2018

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Biomaterials
  • Surfaces, Coatings and Films
  • Materials Science (miscellaneous)


  • Disorder
  • Elastic moduli
  • Hyperuniformity
  • Multifunctional
  • Networks
  • Transport properties


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