Microscopic study of the impurity effect in the kagome superconductor La(Ru1-xFex)3Si2

C. Mielke, D. Das, J. Spring, H. Nakamura, S. Shin, H. Liu, V. Sazgari, S. Jöhr, J. Lyu, J. N. Graham, T. Shiroka, M. Medarde, M. Z. Hasan, S. Nakatsuji, R. Khasanov, D. J. Gawryluk, H. Luetkens, Z. Guguchia

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We report on the effect of magnetic impurities on the microscopic superconducting (SC) properties of the kagome-lattice superconductor La(Ru1-xFex)3Si2 using muon spin relaxation/rotation. A strong suppression of the superconducting critical temperature Tc, the SC volume fraction, and the superfluid density was observed. We further find a correlation between the superfluid density and Tc which is considered a hallmark feature of unconventional superconductivity. Most remarkably, measurements of the temperature-dependent magnetic penetration depth λ reveal a change in the low-temperature behavior from exponential saturation to a linear increase, which indicates that Fe doping introduces nodes in the superconducting gap structure at concentrations as low as x=0.015. Our results point to a rare example of unconventional superconductivity in the correlated kagome lattice and accessible tunability of the superconducting gap structure, offering new insights into the microscopic mechanisms involved in superconducting order.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number134501
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number13
StatePublished - Apr 1 2024

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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