Measurement of the ratio of the νμ charged-current single-pion production to quasielastic scattering with a 0.8 GeV neutrino beam on mineral oil

A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo, C. E. Anderson, A. O. Bazarko, S. J. Brice, B. C. Brown, L. Bugel, J. Cao, L. Coney, J. M. Conrad, D. C. Cox, A. Curioni, Z. Djurcic, D. A. Finley, B. T. Fleming, R. Ford, F. G. Garcia, G. T. Garvey, C. Green, J. A. Green, T. L. HartE. Hawker, R. Imlay, R. A. Johnson, G. Karagiorgi, P. Kasper, T. Katori, T. Kobilarcik, I. Kourbanis, S. Koutsoliotas, E. M. Laird, S. K. Linden, J. M. Link, Y. Liu, Y. Liu, W. C. Louis, K. B.M. Mahn, W. Marsh, V. T. McGary, G. McGregor, W. Metcalf, P. D. Meyers, F. Mills, G. B. Mills, J. Monroe, C. D. Moore, R. H. Nelson, P. Nienaber, J. A. Nowak, B. Osmanov, S. Ouedraogo, R. B. Patterson, D. Perevalov, C. C. Polly, E. Prebys, J. L. Raaf, H. Ray, B. P. Roe, A. D. Russell, V. Sandberg, R. Schirato, D. Schmitz, M. H. Shaevitz, F. C. Shoemaker, D. Smith, M. Soderberg, M. Sorel, P. Spentzouris, J. Spitz, I. Stancu, R. J. Stefanski, M. Sung, H. A. Tanaka, R. Tayloe, M. Tzanov, R. Van De Water, M. O. Wascko, D. H. White, M. J. Wilking, H. J. Yang, G. P. Zeller, E. D. Zimmerman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

46 Scopus citations


Using high statistics samples of charged-current νμ interactions, the MiniNooNE Collaboration reports a measurement of the single-charged-pion production to quasielastic cross section ratio on mineral oil (CH2), both with and without corrections for hadron reinteractions in the target nucleus. The result is provided as a function of neutrino energy in the range 0.4GeV<Eν<2.4GeV with 11% precision in the region of highest statistics. The results are consistent with previous measurements and the prediction from historical neutrino calculations.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number081801
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 17 2009

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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