title = "Measurement of the γ + D* ± Cross Section in pp Collisions at √ s = 1.8 TeV",
abstract = "We have measured the cross section of γ + D* ± production in pp collisions at √ = 1.8 TeV using the Collider Detector at Fermilab. In this kinematic region, the Compton scattering process (gc → γ c) is expected to dominate and thus provide a direct link to the charm quark density in the proton. From the 45 ± 18 γ + D* ± candidates in a 16.4 pb− 1 data sample, we have determined the production cross section to be 0.38 ± 0.15 ± (stat) ± 0.11(syst)nb for the rapidity range | y(D* ±)| < 1.2 and | y (γ) | < 0.9, and for the transverse momentum range pT(D* ±) > 6GeV/c and 16 < pT(γ) < 40 GeV/c. The measured cross section is compared to a theoretical prediction.",
author = "{University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada M5S 1A7} and {CDF Collaboration} and F. Abe and H. Akimoto and A. Akopian and Albrow, {M. G.} and Amendolia, {S. R.} and D. Amidei and J. Antos and C. Anway-Wiese and S. Aota and G. Apollinari and T. Asakawa and W. Ashmanskas and M. Atac and F. Azfar and P. Azzi-Bacchetta and N. Bacchetta and W. Badgett and S. Bagdasarov and Bailey, {M. W.} and J. Bao and {De Barbaro}, P. and A. Barbaro-Galtieri and Barnes, {V. E.} and Barnett, {B. A.} and E. Barzi and G. Bauer and T. Baumann and F. Bedeschi and S. Behrends and S. Belforte and G. Bellettini and J. Bellinger and D. Benjamin and J. Benlloch and J. Bensinger and D. Benton and A. Beretvas and Berge, {J. P.} and J. Berryhill and S. Bertolucci and B. Bevensee and A. Bhatti and K. Biery and M. Binkley and D. Bisello and Blair, {R. E.} and C. Blocker and A. Bodek and W. Bokhari and J. Olsen",
year = "1996",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.5005",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "77",
pages = "5005--5010",
journal = "Physical review letters",
issn = "0031-9007",
publisher = "American Physical Society",
number = "25",