Hyperuniformity of maximally random jammed packings of hyperspheres across spatial dimensions

Charles Emmett Maher, Yang Jiao, Salvatore Torquato

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6 Scopus citations


The maximally random jammed (MRJ) state is the most random (i.e., disordered) configuration of strictly jammed (mechanically rigid) nonoverlapping objects. MRJ packings are hyperuniform, meaning their long-wavelength density fluctuations are anomalously suppressed compared to typical disordered systems, i.e., their structure factors S(k) tend to zero as the wave number |k| tends to zero. Here we show that generating high-quality strictly jammed states for Euclidean space dimensions d=3,4, and 5 is of paramount importance in ensuring hyperuniformity and extracting precise values of the hyperuniformity exponent α>0 for MRJ states, defined by the power-law behavior of S(k)∼|k|α in the limit |k|→0. Moreover, we show that for fixed d it is more difficult to ensure jamming as the particle number N increases, which results in packings that are nonhyperuniform. Free-volume theory arguments suggest that the ideal MRJ state does not contain rattlers, which act as defects in numerically generated packings. As d increases, we find that the fraction of rattlers decreases substantially. Our analysis of the largest truly jammed packings suggests that the ideal MRJ packings for all dimensions d≥3 are hyperuniform with α=d-2, implying the packings become more hyperuniform as d increases. The differences in α between MRJ packings and the recently proposed Manna-class random close packed (RCP) states, which were reported to have α=0.25 in d=3 and be nonhyperuniform (α=0) for d=4 and d=5, demonstrate the vivid distinctions between the large-scale structure of RCP and MRJ states in these dimensions. Our paper clarifies the importance of the link between true jamming and hyperuniformity and motivates the development of an algorithm to produce rattler-free three-dimensional MRJ packings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number064602
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2023

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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