High-redshift quasars found in sloan digital sky survey commissioning data. II. The spring equatorial stripe

Xiaohui Fan, Michael A. Strauss, Donald P. Schneider, James E. Gunn, Robert H. Lupton, Scott F. Anderson, Wolfgang Voges, Bruce Margon, James Annis, Neta A. Bahcall, J. Brinkmann, Robert J. Brunner, Michael A. Carr, István Csabai, Mamoru Doi, Joshua A. Frieman, Masataka Fukugita, G. S. Hennessy, Robert B. Hindsley, Željko IvezićG. R. Knapp, D. Q. Lamb, Timothy A. Mckay, Jeffrey A. Munn, Heidi Jo Newberg, A. George Pauls, Jeffrey R. Pier, Ron Rechenmacher, Gordon T. Richards, Constance M. Rockosi, Chris Stoughton, Alexander S. Szalay, Aniruddha R. Thakar, Douglas L. Tucker, Patrick Waddell, Donald G. York

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32 Scopus citations


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