Exploring the variable sky with the sloan digital sky survey

Branimir Sesar, Željko Ivezić, Robert H. Lupton, Mario Jurić, James E. Gunn, Gillian R. Knapp, Nathan De Lee, J. Allyn Smith, Gajus Miknaitis, Huan Lin, Douglas Tucker, Mamoru Doi, Masayuki Tanaka, Masataka Fukugita, Jon Holtzman, Steve Kent, Brian Yanny, David Schlegel, Douglas Finkbeiner, Nikhil PadmanabhanConstance M. Rockosi, Nicholas Bond, Brian Lee, Chris Stoughton, Sebastian Jester, Hugh Harris, Paul Hardmg, Jon Brinkmann, Donald P. Schneider, Donald York, Michael W. Richmond, Daniel Vanden Berk

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285 Scopus citations


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