Engineering for the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) End-cap

A. Abdesselam, P. P. Allport, B. Anderson, L. Andricek, F. Anghinolfi, R. J. Apsimon, T. Atkinson, A. Austin, H. Band, P. Barclay, A. Barr, L. E. Batchelor, R. L. Bates, J. R. Batley, G. Beck, H. Becker, P. Bell, W. H. Bell, A. Belymam, J. BenešP. Beneš, E. Berbee, J. Bernabeu, S. Bethke, N. Bingefors, J. P. Bizzell, Z. J. Blaszczak, J. Blocki, J. Brož, J. Bohm, R. Brenner, T. J. Brodbeck, P. Bruckman De Renstrom, R. Buis, G. Burton, J. Buskop, C. M. Buttar, J. M. Butterworth, S. Butterworth, E. Capocci, C. Carpentieri, A. A. Carter, J. R. Carter, M. Chamizo, D. G. Charlton, A. Cheplakov, A. Chilingarov, S. Chouridou, D. Chren, M. L. Chu, V. Cindro, A. Ciocio, J. V. Civera, A. Clark, P. Coe, A. P. Colijn, P. A. Cooke, M. J. Costa, D. Costanzo, M. Curtis-Rous, C. Dabinett, W. Dabrowski, J. Dalmau, K. M. Danielsen, S. D'Auria, I. Dawson, P. De Jong, P. Dervan, E. Dobson, F. Doherty, Z. Doležal, M. Donega, M. D'Onofrio, O. Dorholt, M. Doubrava, I. P. Duerdoth, C. Duisters, R. Duxfield, M. Dwuznik, S. Eckert, L. Eklund, C. Escobar, D. L. Evans, V. Fadeyev, D. Fasching, L. Feld, D. P.S. Ferguson, P. Ferrari, D. Ferrere, J. Fopma, P. Ford, R. Fortin, J. M. Foster, H. Fox, T. J. Fraser, J. Freestone, R. S. French, J. Fuster, B. J. Gallop, M. Galuska, F. Gannaway, C. García, J. E. García-Navarro, M. Gibson, S. Gibson, K. Gnanvo, J. Godlewski, F. Gonzalez, S. Gonzalez-Sevilla, M. J. Goodrick, G. Gorfine, A. Gorisek, E. Gornicki, A. Greenall, D. Greenfield, S. Gregory, A. A. Grillo, J. Grosse-Knetter, C. Gryska, L. Haddad, K. Hara, M. Harris, F. G. Hartjes, D. Hauff, B. Hawes, T. Hayler, S. J. Haywood, F. Heinemann, K. Heinzinger, N. P. Hessey, C. Heusch, A. Hicheur, J. C. Hill, M. Hodgkinson, P. Hodgson, T. I. Hollins, R. Holt, J. Homna, T. Horažiovský, D. Howell, G. Hughes, T. Huse, M. Ibbotson, Y. Ikegami, I. Ilyashenko, C. Issever, J. Jakúbek, J. N. Jackson, K. Jakobs, R. C. Jared, P. Jarron, P. Johansson, D. John, A. Jones, M. Jones, T. J. Jones, D. Joos, J. Joseph, P. Jovanovic, J. Jusko, O. Jusko, J. Kaplon, M. Karagoz-Unel, Ch Ketterer, P. Kodyš, E. Koffeman, Z. Kohout, T. Kohriki, H. Kok, T. Kondo, S. Koperny, A. Korporaal, V. Koukol, V. Král, G. Kramberger, P. Kubík, J. Kudlaty, W. Kuilman, N. Kundu, C. Lacasta, V. Lacuesta, W. Lau, S. C. Lee, R. Leguyt, K. Leney, S. Lenz, C. G. Lester, Z. Liang, K. Liebicher, M. Limper, L. E. Lindquist, S. Lindsay, V. Linhart, A. Lintern, C. Locket, M. Lockwood, F. K. Loebinger, M. Lozano, I. Ludwig, J. Ludwig, G. Lutz, M. Maassen, D. MacIna, A. MacPherson, C. MacWaters, C. A. Magrath, P. Malecki, I. Mandić, M. Mangin-Brinet, G. Marshall, S. Martí-García, G. F.M. Martinez-Mckinney, J. P. Matheson, F. McEwan, S. J. McMahon, D. McPhail, J. Meinhardt, B. Mellado, I. J. Mercer, I. Messmer, B. Mikulec, M. Mikuž, S. Mima, K. Mistry, A. Mitra, V. A. Mitsou, P. Modesto, S. Moed, B. Mohn, R. Moles, G. F. Moorhead, B. Moreno, J. Morin, J. Morris, H. G. Moser, A. Moszczynski, A. J.M. Muijs, B. Munneke, W. J. Murray, D. Muskett, J. Nacher, K. Nagai, D. Naito, I. Nakano, C. Nelson, A. Nichols, R. B. Nickerson, R. Nisius, J. Noviss, M. Olcese, V. O'Shea, O. K. Oye, S. Paganis, M. J. Palmer, M. A. Parker, U. Parzefall, J. R. Pater, H. Pernegger, E. Perrin, A. Phillips, P. W. Phillips, J. P. Pieron, K. Poltorak, S. Pospíšil, M. Postranecky, T. Pritchard, K. Prokofiev, C. Raine, P. N. Ratoff, A. Reitmeijer, P. Řezníček, R. H. Richter, A. Robichaud-Véronneau, D. Robinson, A. Robson, R. Rodriguez-Oliete, S. Roe, G. Rolfe, J. Rövenkamp, K. Runge, A. Saavedra, H. F.W. Sadrozinski, F. J. Sanchez, H. Sandaker, J. Schieck, H. Schuijlenburg, J. Siegrist, A. Seiden, A. Sfyrla, G. Simm, J. Slatter, T. Slavíéek, B. Smith, K. M. Smith, N. A. Smith, C. Snippe, S. W. Snow, M. Solar, A. O. Solberg, B. Sopko, V. Sopko, L. Sospedra, G. D. Southern, M. Sowinski, E. Spencer, H. Spieler, E. Stanecka, S. Stapnes, J. Stastny, I. Šteckl, M. Stodulski, V. Strachko, A. Stradling, B. Stugu, P. Sutcliffe, R. Szczygiel, R. Takashima, R. Tanaka, G. Tappern, J. Tarrant, G. N. Taylor, S. Temple, P. K. Teng, S. Terada, R. J. Thompson, N. E. Thresher, M. Titov, D. R. Tovey, G. Tratzl, A. Tricoli, M. Turala, P. R. Turner, M. Tyndel, M. Ullán, Y. Unno, T. Vickey, V. Vacek, E. Van Der Kraaij, M. Van Ovenbeek, G. Viehhauser, C. Vu, E. G. Villani, T. Vu Anh, J. H. Vossebeld, M. Wachler, R. Wallny, C. P. Ward, M. R.M. Warren, R. Wastie, M. Weber, A. R. Weidberg, P. Weilhammer, P. S. Wells, P. Werneke, P. Wetzel, M. J. White, M. Wiesmann, I. Wilmut, J. A. Wilson, M. Wolter, M. P. Wormald, S. L. Wu, X. Wu, J. Zimmer, A. Zsenei, H. Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


The ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) is a silicon-strip tracking detector which forms part of the ATLAS inner detector. The SCT is designed to track charged particles produced in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN at an energy of 14 TeV. The tracker is made up of a central barrel and two identical end-caps. The barrel contains 2112 silicon modules, while each end-cap contains 988 modules. The overall tracking performance depends not only on the intrinsic measurement precision of the modules but also on the characteristics of the whole assembly, in particular, the stability and the total material budget. This paper describes the engineering design and construction of the SCT end-caps, which are required to support mechanically the silicon modules, supply services to them and provide a suitable environment within the inner detector. Critical engineering choices are highlighted and innovative solutions are presented - these will be of interest to other builders of large-sca e tracking detectors. The SCT end-caps will be fully connected at the start of 2008. Further commissioning will continue, to be ready for proton-proton collision data in 2008.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberP05002
JournalJournal of Instrumentation
Issue number5
StatePublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Instrumentation
  • Mathematical Physics


  • Detector design and construction technologies and materials
  • Large detector systems for particle and astroparticle physics
  • Overall mechanics design (support structures and materials, vibration analysis etc)
  • Particle tracking detectors


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