Electrically controlled waveguide polariton laser

D. G. Suarez-Forero, F. Riminucci, V. Ardizzone, M. De Giorgi, L. Dominici, F. Todisco, G. Lerario, L. N. Pfeiffer, G. Gigli, D. Ballarini, D. Sanvitto

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

22 Scopus citations


Exciton-polaritons are mixed light-matter particles offering a versatile solid state platformto study many-body physical effects. In this work, we demonstrate an electrically controlled polariton laser, in a compact, easy-to-fabricate and integrable configuration, based on a semiconductor waveguide. Interestingly, we show that polariton lasing can be achieved in a system without a global minimum in the polariton energy-momentum dispersion. The cavity modes for the laser emission are obtained by adding couples of specifically designed diffraction gratings on top of the planar waveguide, forming an in-plane Fabry-Perot cavity. It is due to the waveguide geometry that we can apply a transverse electric field to finely tune the laser energy and quality factor of the cavity modes. Remarkably, we exploit the system sensitivity to the applied electric field to achieve an electrically controlled population of coherent polaritons. The precise control that can be reached with the manipulation of the grating properties and of the electric field provides strong advantages to this device in terms of miniaturization and integrability, two main features for the future development of coherent sources for polaritonic technologies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1579-1586
Number of pages8
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 6 2020
Externally publishedYes

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics


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