Electric charge build-up and dissipation at pulsed streamer corona by EFISH and probe measurements

Skye Elliott, Arthur Dogariu, Celia Coates, Sergey B. Leonov

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1 Scopus citations


This work examines the dynamics of volumetric electric charge deposited by a single pin electrode streamer corona in atmospheric air at ambient conditions. Recent studies show that, at pulse-periodic operation, electric charge remains in surrounding air after the first discharge. This residual charge significantly affects the electric field distribution and morphology of discharges at subsequent pulses. In this study, the residual electrical potential/field was measured during and after dissipation of a pulsed 80 kV streamer corona of alternating polarity. This was accomplished using electrostatic probes and the electric field induced second harmonic method (EFISH generation). The residual volumetric charge of a positive pulse polarity streamer corona occupies a zone of up to 80 mm from the electrode. The subsequent application of a negative polarity pulse leads to partial neutralization of the previous charge and the generation of a region with a high-amplitude electric field. The propagation of following positive polarity pulses is limited by the residual positive volumetric charge. The EFISH method reveals the magnitude of the electric field at discharge propagation and electrostatic probes inform the polarity. Intensified imaging acquisition was used to evaluate the spatial distribution and dynamics of corona discharge during the alternating polarity waveform.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number124003
JournalPlasma Sources Science and Technology
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2022

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Condensed Matter Physics


  • EFISH method
  • electrical charge
  • electrostatic probes
  • pulsed streamer corona


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