Ecology for a Crowded Planet

Margaret Palmer, Emily Bernhardt, Elizabeth Chornesky, Scott Collins, Andrew P. Dobson, Clifford Duke, Barry Gold, Robert Jacobson, Sharon Kingsland, Rhonda Kranz, Michael Mappin, M. Luisa Martinez, Fiorenza Micheli, Jennifer Morse, Michael Pace, Mercedes Pascual, Stephen Palumbi, O. J. Reichman, Ashley Simons, Alan TownsendMonica Turner

Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

421 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1251-1252
Number of pages2
Issue number5675
StatePublished - May 28 2004

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General

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