title = "Density of human lens pigmentation: In vivo measures over an extended age range",
author = "Stanley Coren and Girgus, {Joan S.}",
note = "Funding Information: Acknowledgements-Thisr esearchw as supportedi n part by National Institute of Health Grant Number 16327a, nd National ScienceF oundationGrant Number GB-8178,w hich werea wardedt o LEONF ESTINGER. We would like to thank C. W. WHITEf or his assistancew ith the computerp rogram,H . HEMMENDINGEfoRr his technicald ata on the Color Rule, M. R. ALLYN for his technicala ssistancea, nd the memberso f the Psy-chologicalL aboratorieso f the New School for Social Research,e speciallyE . EHRLICHMANa nd A. H. FRIED, for their assistancein thea ctualm easuringo f subjects.L . FESTINGEaRl so is thankedf or his helpfulc omments.",
year = "1972",
month = feb,
doi = "10.1016/0042-6989(72)90124-1",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "12",
pages = "343--346",
journal = "Vision Research",
issn = "0042-6989",
publisher = "Elsevier Ltd",
number = "2",