Demonstration of athena X-IFU compatible 40-row time-division-multiplexed readout

Malcolm Durkin, Joseph S. Adams, Simon R. Bandler, James A. Chervenak, Saptarshi Chaudhuri, Carl S. Dawson, Edward V. Denison, William B. Doriese, Shannon M. Duff, Fred M. Finkbeiner, Connor T. Fitzgerald, Joseph W. Fowler, Johnathon D. Gard, Gene C. Hilton, Kent D. Irwin, Young Il Joe, Richard L. Kelley, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Antoine R. Miniussi, Kelsey M. MorganGalen C. O'Neil, Christine G. Pappas, Frederick S. Porter, Carl D. Reintsema, David A. Rudman, Kazuhiro Sakai, Stephen J. Smith, Robert W. Stevens, Daniel S. Swetz, Paul Szypryt, Joel N. Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Nicholas A. Wakeham, Joel C. Weber, Betty A. Young

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45 Scopus citations


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