Characterizing the hyperuniformity of ordered and disordered two-phase media

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12 Scopus citations


The hyperuniformity concept provides a unified means to classify all perfect crystals, perfect quasicrystals, and exotic amorphous states of matter according to their capacity to suppress large-scale density fluctuations. While the classification of hyperuniform point configurations has received considerable attention, much less is known about the classification of hyperuniform two-phase heterogeneous media, which include composites, porous media, foams, cellular solids, colloidal suspensions, and polymer blends. The purpose of this article is to begin such a program for certain two-dimensional models of hyperuniform two-phase media by ascertaining their local volume-fraction variances σV2(R) and the associated hyperuniformity order metrics B¯V. This is a highly challenging task because the geometries and topologies of the phases are generally much richer and more complex than point-configuration arrangements, and one must ascertain a broadly applicable length scale to make key quantities dimensionless. Therefore, we purposely restrict ourselves to a certain class of two-dimensional periodic cellular networks as well as periodic and disordered or irregular packings of circular disks, some of which maximize their effective transport and elastic properties. Among the cellular networks considered, the honeycomb networks have minimal values of the hyperuniformity order metrics B¯V across all volume fractions. On the other hand, for all packings of circular disks examined, the triangular-lattice packings have the smallest values of B¯V for the possible range of volume fractions. Among all structures studied here, the triangular-lattice packing of circular disks have the minimal values of the order metric for almost all volume fractions. Our study provides a theoretical foundation for the establishment of hyperuniformity order metrics for general two-phase media and a basis to discover new hyperuniform two-phase systems with desirable bulk physical properties by inverse design procedures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number012123
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2021

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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