Blockage by adenovirus E4orf6 of transcriptional activation by the p53 tumor suppressor

Thomas Dobner, Nobuo Horikoshi, Susanne Rubenwolf, Thomas Shenk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

263 Scopus citations


The adenovirus E4orf6 protein is shown here to interact with the cellular tumor suppressor protein p53 and to block p53-mediated transcriptional activation. The adenovirus protein inhibited the ability of p53 to bind to human TAF(II)31, a component of transcription factor IID (TFIID). Earlier work demonstrated that the interaction of p53 with TAF(II)31 involves a sequence near the NH2-terminus of p53, whereas the E4orf6-p53 interaction occurs within amino acids 318 to 360 of p53. Thus, the E4orf6 protein interacts at a site on p53 distinct from the domain that binds to TAF(II)31 but nevertheless inhibits the p53-TAF(II)31 interaction.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1470-1473
Number of pages4
Issue number5267
StatePublished - 1996

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General


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