title = "Authenticity as the tie that binds: Andrej Bitov's {"}Armenia Lessons{"}",
author = "Ellen Chances",
note = "Funding Information: directly upon Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam{\textquoteright}Asrmeniatravelogue.Thepublicationhistoryis written up in Jane Gary Harris{\textquoteright} commentaryto the English translationof “PuteSestviev Anneniju.” Osip E. Mandelstam, The Complete Critical Prose and Letters Ed. Jane Gary Harris. Trans. Jane Gary Harris and ConstanceLink (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1979),p. 669. Scholarly work on this Mandel{\textquoteright}StamworkincludesCarolAvins, Bordet Cmssings. The West and Russian Identity in Soviet Literature 1917-1934 (Berkeley,California, 1983), Chapter 12, “Narrowed Borders. Osip Mandelstarn,{\textquoteleft}Journeyto Armenia{\textquoteright} (1933), ” pp. 148-156; JaneGaryHarris, “The Latin Gerundive{\textquoteright} as AutobiographicalImperative:A Readingof Mandelshtam{\textquoteright}sJourneyto Armenia”, Slavic Review, 45 (1986), Spring,pp.1-19; Nancy Pollak, The ObscureWay to MandeHtam {\textquoteleft}s Armenia, PhD dissertationY, aleUniversity, 1983; and Nancy Pollak, “Mandel{\textquoteright}shtam{\textquoteright}sMandel{\textquoteleft}shtein(Initial Obser-vations on the Cracking of a Slit-Eyed Nut OR a Coupleof Chinks in the Shchell)“, SlavicReview, 46 (1987).450-470. For Bitov scholars,it is essentiatlo point out the datesof the publication of theseMandel{\textquoteright}Stammaterials-1967 and 1968 - for thesewerethe years during which Bitov was working on “Armenia Lessons”. StephenGeorgeSidneyHagen,TheStonesof Andrei Bitov, 1958-1966. A Searchfor Individual Perception. MA Dissertation,Universityof Durham, 1980, Appendix IV, p. 231. The first publishedversionof “Uroki Arme-nii”, in Druzba namdov, No. 9, 1969 (pp. 161-227),borethe subtitle, “A SentimentaJl ourney”(“Sentimental{\textquoteright}nopeutelestvie”),p. 161. The Sem{\textquoteright}pu-t&estvo version [Andrej Bitov, “Umki Armenii”, in Andrcj Bitov, Sem{\textquoteright} putekstvij (Leningrad, 1976), pp. 261-3981was subtitled “Journey to a SmalI Country” (“PuteSestvivenebol{\textquoteright}sujustranu”),p.26 1. Osip E. Mandel{\textquoteright}Statn“,JourneytoArmenia”, in Mandel{\textquoteright}StamT,he Complete Critical Prose, op.c&, p. 349; O.Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,PuteSestvive Armeniju”, Literatumaja Annemja, p. 87. 8 Mandel{\textquoteright}starn“,Journey”,p. 350; Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,PuteSestvie”p,. 87. 9 Bitov, Uroki, pp. 119.174. 10 Ibid., p.52. 11 Mandel{\textquoteright}starn“,Journey”,p.358; Mandel{\textquoteright}Statn“,PuteSestviep”,. 90. 12 Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,Journey”,p. 374; Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,PuteSestvie”p,. 97. 13 Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,Journey”,p. 372; Mandel{\textquoteright}Stam“,PuteSestvie”p,. 96. 14 Bitov, Umti, p. 7. 15 0. Mandel{\textquoteright}Statn,“Armenija”,No. XIII, “KoljuCajaret{\textquoteright}araratskodjoliny-,I{\textquoteright} in Osip Mandel{\textquoteright}StamS. obraniesocinenij, vol. 1 (Washington:1964).p. 142 and No. XV, “Dikaja koska-annjanskajaret{\textquoteright}-,” pp. 142-143. 16 In this connection,it is interestingto note that French actor Jean-Louis Barrault,inLe Langage du Corps,writes,“Like the flower, humanspeechis part of the flesh of the humanbody. If the deepsoulof a peopleis contained in speech,it is speechthatis above all the most subtle emanationof its body...” I am thankful to Troup Mathews for bringing this passageto my attention.",
year = "1990",
month = jul,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1016/0304-3479(90)90041-E",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "28",
pages = "1--9",
journal = "Russian Literature",
issn = "0304-3479",
publisher = "Elsevier",
number = "1",