Astrometry with the Keck Interferometer: The ASTRA project and its science

Jorg Uwe Pott, Julien Woillez, Rachel L. Akeson, Ben Berkey, Mark M. Colavita, Andrew Cooper, Josh A. Eisner, Andrea M. Ghez, James R. Graham, Lynne Hillenbrand, Michael Hrynewych, Drew Medeiros, Rafael Millan-Gabet, John Monnier, Douglas Morrison, Tatyana Panteleeva, Eliot Quataert, Bill Randolph, Brett Smith, Kellee SummersKevin Tsubota, Colette Tyau, Nevin Weinberg, Ed Wetherell, Peter L. Wizinowich

Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

13 Scopus citations


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