Angular, temperature, and impurity effects on secondary electron emission from Ni(110)

M. I. Patino, R. E. Wirz, Y. Raitses, Bruce E. Koel

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7 Scopus citations


The secondary electron emission from a temperature-controlled Ni(110) sample was examined for 50-1500 eV electrons impacting at 0°-35°, 50°, and 78°. Measurements showed a non-cosine dependence on an electron incidence angle: the yield has a maximum at 0°, minima at ±12°, and increases at larger angles up to 35°. This trend in angular dependence is characteristic of single crystal materials and is due to increased secondary electron generation when primary electrons are directed along a close-packed direction. For example, compared to polycrystalline nickel, the yield for Ni(110) from primary electrons at 0° (i.e., along the [110] direction) is up to 36% larger. Additionally, secondary electron yields are highly sensitive to incident electron energy (most notably between 0 and 500 eV) and to the presence of adsorbed carbon monoxide [with an up to 25% decrease compared to clean Ni(110)]. However, yields are independent of sample temperature between 300 and 600 K and of exposure to deuterium ions leading to formation of subsurface hydrogen. These results reaffirm the unique secondary electron emission properties of single crystals materials and highlight the importance of crystal orientation. Results are important for plasma-enhanced chemistry applications that utilize Ni(110) catalysts, since larger secondary electron emission may facilitate reactions of adsorbed species.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number093301
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 7 2018

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Physics and Astronomy


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