Angular distribution of the bremsstrahlung emission during lower hybrid current drive on plt

S. Von Goeler, J. Stevens, S. Bernabei, M. Bitter, T. K. Chu, P. Efthimion, N. Fisch, W. Hooke, K. Hill, J. Hosea, F. Jobes, C. Karney, J. Mervine, E. Meservey, R. Motley, P. Roney, S. Sesnic, K. Silber, G. Taylor

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


The bremsstrahlung emission from the PLT tokamak during lower-hybrid current drive has been measured as a function of angle between the magnetic field and the emission direction. The emission is peaked strongly in the forward direction, indicating a strong anisotropy of the electron velocity distribution. The data demonstrate the existence of a nearly flat tail of the velocity distribution, which extends out to approximately 500 keV and which is interpreted as the plateau created by Landau damping of the lower-hybrid waves.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1515-1528
Number of pages14
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1985

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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