Analytic combinatorics

Philippe Flajolet, Robert Sedgewick

Research output: Book/ReportBook

2435 Scopus citations


Analytic Combinatorics is a self-contained treatment of the mathematics underlying the analysis of discrete structures, which has emerged over the past several decades as an essential tool in the understanding of properties of computer programs and scientific models with applications in physics, biology and chemistry. Thorough treatment of a large number of classical applications is an essential aspect of the presentation. Written by the leaders in the field of analytic combinatorics, this text is certain to become the definitive reference on the topic. The text is complemented with exercises, examples, appendices and notes to aid understanding therefore, it can be used as the basis for an advanced undergraduate or a graduate course on the subject, or for self-study.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherCambridge University Press
Number of pages810
ISBN (Electronic)9780511801655
ISBN (Print)9780521898065
StatePublished - Jan 1 2009

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Mathematics


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