Analysis of systematic effects and statistical uncertainties in angular clustering of galaxies from early sloan digital sky survey data
Ryan Scranton, David Johnston, Scott Dodelson, Joshua A. Frieman, Andy Connolly, Daniel J. Eisenstein, James E. Gunn, Lam Hui, Bhuvnesh Jain, Stephen Kent, Jon Loveday, Vijay Narayanan, Robert C. Nichol, Liam O'Connell, Roman Scoccimarro, Ravi K. Sheth, Albert Stebbins, Michael A. Strauss, Alexander S. Szalay, István SzapudiMax Tegmark, Michael Vogeley, Idit Zehavi, James Annis, Neta A. Bahcall, Jon Brinkman, István Csabai, Robert Hindsley, Zeljko Ivezic, Rita S.J. Kim, Gillian R. Knapp, Don Q. Lamb, Brian C. Lee, Robert H. Lupton, Timothy McKay, Jeff Munn, John Peoples, Jeff Pier, Gordon T. Richards, Constance Rockosi, David Schlegel, Donald P. Schneider, Christopher Stoughton, Douglas L. Tucker, Brian Yanny, Donald G. York
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