Sean M. Lemons, Amy E. Reines, Richard M. Plotkin, Elena Gallo, Jenny E. Greene

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

82 Scopus citations


We present a sample of hard X-ray-selected candidate black holes (BHs) in 19 dwarf galaxies. BH candidates are identified by cross-matching a parent sample of ∼44,000 local dwarf galaxies (M ≤ 3 × 109 M, z < 0.055) with the Chandra Source Catalog and subsequently analyzing the original X-ray data products for matched sources. Of the 19 dwarf galaxies in our sample, eight have X-ray detections reported here for the first time. We find a total of 43 point-like hard X-ray sources with individual luminosities L2-10 keV ∼ 1037 - 1040 erg s-1. Hard X-ray luminosities in this range can be attained by stellar-mass X-ray binaries (XRBs) and by massive BHs accreting at low Eddington ratio. We place an upper limit of 53% (10/19) on the fraction of galaxies in our sample hosting a detectable hard X-ray source consistent with the optical nucleus, although the galaxy center is poorly defined in many of our objects. We also find that 42% (8/19) of the galaxies in our sample exhibit statistically significant enhanced hard X-ray emission relative to the expected galaxy-wide contribution from low-mass and high-mass XRBs, based on the L2-10 keVXRB - M - star formation rate relation defined by more massive and luminous systems. For the majority of these X-ray-enhanced dwarf galaxies, the excess emission is consistent with (but not necessarily due to) a nuclear X-ray source. Follow-up observations are necessary to distinguish between stellarmass XRBs and active galactic nuclei powered by more massive BHs. In any case, our results support the notion that X-ray-emitting BHs in low-mass dwarf galaxies may have had an appreciable impact on reionization in the early universe.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number12
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 20 2015

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


  • X-rays: binaries
  • X-rays: galaxies
  • galaxies: active
  • galaxies: dwarf
  • galaxies: nuclei


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