A cosmic microwave background radiation measurement reproduced: A statistical comparison of MSAM1-94 to MSAM1-92

C. A. Inman, E. S. Cheng, D. A. Cottingham, D. J. Fixsen, M. S. Kowitt, S. S. Meyer, L. A. Page, J. L. Puchalla, J. E. Ruhl, R. F. Silverberg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


The goal of the second flight of the medium-scale anisotropy measurement (MSAM1-94) was to confirm the measurement of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) anisotropy made in the first flight (MSAM1-92). The CMBR anisotropy and interstellar dust emission signals from the two flights are compared by forming the sum and difference of those portions of the data with the same pointings on the sky. The difference data are consistent with a null detection, while the summed data show significant signal. We conclude that MSAM1-92 and MSAM1-94 measured the same celestial signal.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)L1-L4
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number1 PART II
StatePublished - 1997

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science


  • Balloons
  • Cosmic microwave background
  • Cosmology: observations


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