Michael Sockin
- University of Texas at Austia
- University of Texas at Austin
- McCombs School of Business
- University of Texas System
- University of Texas at Austia
External person
José Scheinkman
- Princeton University
- Department of Economics
- Department of Economics
- Department Of Economics
External person
Zhiguo He
- The University of Chicago
- National Bureau of Economic Research
- Booth School of Business
External person
Lin Peng
- City University of New York
- Department of Economics and Finance
- Department of Economics and Finance
External person
Harrison Hong
- Princeton University
- National Bureau of Economic Research
- China Academy of Financial Research
- Department of Economics
- Department Of Economics
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
External person
Jianping Mei
- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
- Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business(CKGSB)
External person
Rong Zhang
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Princeton University
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Program
External person
Jialin Yu
- Columbia University
- Princeton University
- Department of Finance and Economics
- Graduate School of Business
External person
Chunxin Jia
- Peking University
- Guanghua School of Management
- Guanghua School of Management Peking University
External person