Robert Hugh Lupton

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1995 …2024

Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2018

    Hyper Suprime-Cam: System design and verification of image quality

    Miyazaki, S., Komiyama, Y., Kawanomoto, S., Doi, Y., Furusawa, H., Hamana, T., Hayashi, Y., Ikeda, H., Kamata, Y., Karoji, H., Koike, M., Kurakami, T., Miyama, S., Morokuma, T., Nakata, F., Namikawa, K., Nakaya, H., Nariai, K., Obuchi, Y. & Oishi, Y. & 66 others, Okada, N., Okura, Y., Tait, P., Takata, T., Tanaka, Y., Tanaka, M., Terai, T., Tomono, D., Uraguchi, F., Usuda, T., Utsumi, Y., Yamada, Y., Yamanoi, H., Aihara, H., Fujimori, H., Mineo, S., Miyatake, H., Oguri, M., Uchida, T., Tanaka, M. M., Yasuda, N., Takada, M., Murayama, H., Nishizawa, A. J., Sugiyama, N., Chiba, M., Futamase, T., Wang, S. Y., Chen, H. Y., Ho, P. T. P., Liaw, E. J. Y., Chiu, C. F., Ho, C. L., Lai, T. C., Lee, Y. C., Jeng, D. Z., Iwamura, S., Armstrong, R., Bickerton, S., Bosch, J., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R. H., Loomis, C., Price, P., Smith, S., Strauss, M. A., Turner, E. L., Suzuki, H., Miyazaki, Y., Muramatsu, M., Yamamoto, K., Endo, M., Ezaki, Y., Ito, N., Kawaguchi, N., Sofuku, S., Taniike, T., Akutsu, K., Dojo, N., Kasumi, K., Matsuda, T., Imoto, K., Miwa, Y., Suzuki, M., Takeshi, K. & Yokota, H., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S1.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    411 Scopus citations
  • Illuminating Low Surface Brightness Galaxies with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

    Greco, J. P., Greene, J. E., Strauss, M. A., Macarthur, L. A., Flowers, X., Goulding, A. D., Huang, S., Kim, J. H., Komiyama, Y., Leauthaud, A., Leisman, L., Lupton, R. H., Sifón, C. & Wang, S. Y., Apr 20 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 857, 2, 104.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    139 Scopus citations
  • LSST data management software development practices and tools

    Jenness, T., Economou, F., Findeisen, K., Hernandez, F., Hoblitt, J., Krughoff, K. S., Lim, K. T., Lupton, R. H., Mueller, F., O'Mullane, W., Owen, R., Pietrowicz, S. R., Schellart, P., Sick, J., Swinbank, J., Thornton, A., Bosch, J., Kantor, J., Parejko, J. K. & Price, P. & 1 others, Van Klaveren, B., 2018, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V. Guzman, J. C. & Ibsen, J. (eds.). SPIE, 1070709. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10707).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    9 Scopus citations
  • Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru telescope: Ongoing integration and future plans

    Tamura, N., Takato, N., Shimono, A., Moritani, Y., Yabe, K., Ishizuka, Y., Kamata, Y., Ueda, A., Aghazarian, H., Arnouts, S., Barkhouser, R. H., Balard, P., Barette, R., Belhadi, M., Burnham, J. A., Caplar, N., Carr, M. A., Chabaud, P. Y., Chang, Y. C. & Chen, H. Y. & 92 others, Chou, C. Y., Chu, Y. H., Cohen, J. G., De Almeida, R. P., De Oliveira, A. C., De Oliveira, L. S., Dekany, R. G., Dohlen, K., Dos Santos, J. B., Dos Santos, L. H., Ellis, R. S., Fabricius, M., Ferreira, D., Furusawa, H., Garcia-Carpio, J., Golebiowski, M., Gross, J., Gunn, J. E., Hammond, R., Harding, A., Hart, M., Heckman, T. M., Ho, P. T. P., Hope, S. C., Hover, D. J., Hsu, S. F., Hu, Y. S., Huang, P. J., Jamal, S., Jaquet, M., Jeschke, E., Jing, Y., Kado-Fong, E., Karr, J. L., Kimura, M., King, M. E., Koike, M., Komatsu, E., Le Brun, V., Le Fèvre, O., Le Fur, A., Le Mignant, D., Ling, H. H., Loomis, C. P., Lupton, R. H., Madec, F., Mao, P. H., Marchesini, D., Marrara, L. S., Medvedev, D., Mineo, S., Minowa, Y., Murayama, H., Murray, G. J., Ohyama, Y., Onodera, M., Orndorff, J., Pascal, S., Peebles, J., Pernot, G., Pourcelot, R., Reiley, D. J., Reinecke, M., Roberts, M., Rosa, J. A., Rousselle, J., Schmitt, A., Schwochert, M. A., Seiffert, M. D., Siddiqui, H., Smee, S. A., Sodré, L., Steinkraus, A. J., Strauss, M. A., Surace, C., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Tamura, T., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, Y., Thakar, A. R., Verducci, O., Vibert, D., Wang, S. Y., Wang, Z., Wen, C. Y., Werner, S., Yamada, Y., Yan, C. H., Yasuda, N., Yoshida, H. & Yoshida, M., 2018, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VII. Simard, L., Simard, L., Evans, C. J. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 107021C. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10702).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • SCARLET: Source separation in multi-band images by Constrained Matrix Factorization

    Melchior, P., Moolekamp, F., Jerdee, M., Armstrong, R., Sun, A. L., Bosch, J. & Lupton, R., Jul 2018, In: Astronomy and Computing. 24, p. 129-142 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    54 Scopus citations
  • Searches for new Milky Way satellites from the first two years of data of the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam survey: Discovery of Cetus III

    Homma, D., Chiba, M., Okamoto, S., Komiyama, Y., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, M., Ishigaki, M. N., Hayashi, K., Arimoto, N., Garmilla, J. A., Lupton, R. H., Strauss, M. A., Miyazaki, S., Wang, S. Y. & Murayama, H., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S18.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    68 Scopus citations
  • Software development of fiber positioning sequencer for prime focus spectrograph of Subaru telescope

    Yan, C. H., Wen, C. Y., Karr, J., Wang, S. Y., Gross, J., Aghazarian, H., Tamura, N., Shimono, A., Loomis, C. P. & Lupton, R. H., 2018, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V. Guzman, J. C. & Ibsen, J. (eds.). SPIE, 1070728. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 10707).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Stellar Stream and Halo Structure in the Andromeda Galaxy from a Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey

    Komiyama, Y., Chiba, M., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, M., Kirihara, T., Miki, Y., Mori, M., Lupton, R. H., Guhathakurta, P., Kalirai, J. S., Gilbert, K., Kirby, E., Lee, M. G., Jang, I. S., Sharma, S. & Hayashi, K., Jan 20 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 853, 1, 29.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). II. Discovery of 32 quasars and luminous galaxies at 5.7 < z ≤ 6.8

    Matsuoka, Y., Onoue, M., Kashikawa, N., Iwasawa, K., Strauss, M. A., Nagao, T., Imanishi, M., Lee, C. H., Akiyama, M., Asami, N., Bosch, J., Foucaud, S., Furusawa, H., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Harikane, Y., Ikeda, H., Izumi, T., Kawaguchi, T. & Kikuta, S. & 26 others, Kohno, K., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Minezaki, T., Miyazaki, S., Morokuma, T., Murayama, H., Niida, M., Nishizawa, A. J., Oguri, M., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Sameshima, H., Schulze, A., Shirakata, H., Silverman, J. D., Sugiyama, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Tang, J. J., Toba, Y., Utsumi, Y. & Wang, S. Y., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S35.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    95 Scopus citations
  • Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). IV. Discovery of 41 Quasars and Luminous Galaxies at 5.7 ≤ z ≤ 6.9

    Matsuoka, Y., Iwasawa, K., Onoue, M., Kashikawa, N., Strauss, M. A., Lee, C. H., Imanishi, M., Nagao, T., Akiyama, M., Asami, N., Bosch, J., Furusawa, H., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Harikane, Y., Ikeda, H., Izumi, T., Kawaguchi, T., Kato, N. & Kikuta, S. & 27 others, Kohno, K., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Minezaki, T., Miyazaki, S., Morokuma, T., Murayama, H., Niida, M., Nishizawa, A. J., Oguri, M., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Sameshima, H., Schulze, A., Shirakata, H., Silverman, J. D., Sugiyama, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Tang, J. J., Toba, Y., Utsumi, Y., Wang, S. Y. & Yamashita, T., Jul 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 237, 1, 5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    93 Scopus citations
  • Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs). V. Quasar Luminosity Function and Contribution to Cosmic Reionization at z = 6

    Matsuoka, Y., Strauss, M. A., Kashikawa, N., Onoue, M., Iwasawa, K., Tang, J. J., Lee, C. H., Imanishi, M., Nagao, T., Akiyama, M., Asami, N., Bosch, J., Furusawa, H., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Harikane, Y., Ikeda, H., Izumi, T., Kawaguchi, T. & Kato, N. & 27 others, Kikuta, S., Kohno, K., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Minezaki, T., Miyazaki, S., Murayama, H., Niida, M., Nishizawa, A. J., Noboriguchi, A., Oguri, M., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Sameshima, H., Schulze, A., Shirakata, H., Silverman, J. D., Sugiyama, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Toba, Y., Utsumi, Y., Wang, S. Y. & Yamashita, T., Dec 20 2018, In: Astrophysical Journal. 869, 2, 150.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    175 Scopus citations
  • Sumo Puff: Tidal debris or disturbed ultra-diffuse galaxy?

    Greco, J. P., Greene, J. E., Price-Whelan, A. M., Leauthaud, A., Huang, S., Goulding, A. D., Strauss, M. A., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Miyazaki, S., Takada, M., Tanaka, M. & Usuda, T., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S19.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    17 Scopus citations
  • The first-year shear catalog of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Survey

    Mandelbaum, R., Miyatake, H., Hamana, T., Oguri, M., Simet, M., Armstrong, R., Bosch, J., Murata, R., Lanusse, F., Leauthaud, A., Coupon, J., More, S., Takada, M., Miyazaki, S., Speagle, J. S., Shirasaki, M., Sifón, C., Huang, S., Nishizawa, A. J. & Medezinski, E. & 11 others, Okura, Y., Okabe, N., Czakon, N., Takahashi, R., Coulton, W. R., Hikage, C., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Strauss, M. A., Tanaka, M. & Utsumi, Y., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S25.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    182 Scopus citations
  • The Hyper Suprime-Cam software pipeline

    Bosch, J., Armstrong, R., Bickerton, S., Furusawa, H., Ikeda, H., Koike, M., Lupton, R., Mineo, S., Price, P., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Yasuda, N., Alsayyad, Y., Becker, A. C., Coulton, W., Coupon, J., Garmilla, J., Huang, S., Krughoff, K. S. & Lang, D. & 15 others, Leauthaud, A., Lim, K. T., Lust, N. B., Macarthur, L. A., Mandelbaum, R., Miyatake, H., Miyazaki, S., Murata, R., More, S., Okura, Y., Owen, R., Swinbank, J. D., Strauss, M. A., Yamada, Y. & Yamanoi, H., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    390 Scopus citations
  • The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP survey: Overview and survey design

    Aihara, H., Arimoto, N., Armstrong, R., Arnouts, S., Bahcall, N. A., Bickerton, S., Bosch, J., Bundy, K., Capak, P. L., Chan, J. H. H., Chiba, M., Coupon, J., Egami, E., Enoki, M., Finet, F., Fujimori, H., Fujimoto, S., Furusawa, H., Furusawa, J. & Goto, T. & 124 others, Goulding, A., Greco, J. P., Greene, J. E., Gunn, J. E., Hamana, T., Harikane, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Hattori, T., Hayashi, M., Hayashi, Y., Hełminiak, K. G., Higuchi, R., Hikage, C., Ho, P. T. P., Hsieh, B. C., Huang, K., Huang, S., Ikeda, H., Imanishi, M., Inoue, A. K., Iwasawa, K., Iwata, I., Jaelani, A. T., Jian, H. Y., Kamata, Y., Karoji, H., Kashikawa, N., Katayama, N., Kawanomoto, S., Kayo, I., Koda, J., Koike, M., Kojima, T., Komiyama, Y., Konno, A., Koshida, S., Koyama, Y., Kusakabe, H., Leauthaud, A., Lee, C. H., Lin, L., Lin, Y. T., Lupton, R. H., Mandelbaum, R., Matsuoka, Y., Medezinski, E., Mineo, S., Miyama, S., Miyatake, H., Miyazaki, S., Momose, R., More, A., More, S., Moritani, Y., Oriya, T. J. M., Morokuma, T., Mukae, S., Murata, R., Murayama, H., Nagao, T., Nakata, F., Niida, M., Niikura, H., Nishizawa, A. J., Obuchi, Y., Oguri, M., Oishi, Y., Okabe, N., Okamoto, S., Okura, Y., Ono, Y., Onodera, M., Onoue, M., Osato, K., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Pyo, T. S., Sako, M., Sawicki, M., Shibuya, T., Shimasaku, K., Shimono, A., Shirasaki, M., Silverman, J. D., Simet, M., Speagle, J., Spergel, D. N., Strauss, M. A., Sugahara, Y., Sugiyama, N., Suto, Y., Suyu, S. H., Suzuki, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takata, T., Tamura, N., Tanaka, M. M., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, Y., Terai, T., Terashima, Y., Toba, Y., Tominaga, N., Toshikawa, J., Turner, E. L., Uchida, T., Uchiyama, H., Umetsu, K., Uraguchi, F., Urata, Y. J., Usuda, T., Utsumi, Y., Wang, S. Y., Wang, W. H., Wong, K. C., Yabe, K., Yamada, Y., Yamanoi, H., Yasuda, N., Yeh, S., Yonehara, A. & Yuma, S., Jan 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S4.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    791 Scopus citations
  • The on-site quality-assurance system for Hyper Suprime-Cam: OSQAH

    Furusawa, H., Koike, M., Takata, T., Okura, Y., Miyatake, H., Lupton, R. H., Bickerton, S., Price, P. A., Bosch, J., Yasuda, N., Mineo, S., Yamada, Y., Miyazaki, S., Nakata, F., Koshida, S., Komiyama, Y., Utsumi, Y., Kawanomoto, S., Jeschke, E. & Noumaru, J. & 7 others, Schubert, K., Iwata, I., Finet, F., Fujiyoshi, T., Tajitsu, A., Terai, T. & Lee, C. H., Jan 1 2018, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 70, Special Issue 1, S3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    164 Scopus citations
  • Wavelength-dependent PSFs and their impact on weak lensing measurements

    Carlsten, S. G., Strauss, M. A., Lupton, R. H., Meyers, J. E. & Miyazaki, S., Sep 11 2018, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 479, 2, p. 1491-1504 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • 2017

    Scientific synergy between LSST And Euclid

    Rhodes, J., Nichol, R. C., Aubourg, É., Bean, R., Boutigny, D., Bremer, M. N., Capak, P., Cardone, V., Carry, B., Conselice, C. J., Connolly, A. J., Cuillandre, J. C., Hatch, N. A., Helou, G., Hemmati, S., Hildebrandt, H., Hložek, R., Jones, L., Kahn, S. & Kiessling, A. & 17 others, Kitching, T., Lupton, R., Mandelbaum, R., Markovic, K., Marshall, P., Massey, R., Maughan, B. J., Melchior, P., Mellier, Y., Newman, J. A., Robertson, B., Sauvage, M., Schrabback, T., Smith, G. P., Strauss, M. A., Taylor, A. & Von Der Linden, A., Dec 2017, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 233, 2, 21.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    47 Scopus citations
  • 2016

    A collimated beam projector for precise telescope calibration

    Coughlin, M., Abbott, T. M. C., Brannon, K., Claver, C., Doherty, P., Fisher-Levine, M., Ingraham, P., Lupton, R., Mondrik, N. & Stubbs, C., 2016, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VI. Peck, A. B., Seaman, R. L. & Benn, C. R. (eds.). SPIE, 99100Q. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9910).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations

    Homma, D., Chiba, M., Okamoto, S., Komiyama, Y., Tanaka, M., Tanaka, M., Ishigaki, M. N., Akiyama, M., Arimoto, N., Garmilla, J. A., Lupton, R. H., Strauss, M. A., Furusawa, H., Miyazaki, S., Murayama, H., Nishizawa, A. J., Takada, M., Usuda, T. & Wang, S. Y., Nov 20 2016, In: Astrophysical Journal. 832, 1, 21.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    77 Scopus citations

    Carlin, J. L., Sand, D. J., Price, P., Willman, B., Karunakaran, A., Spekkens, K., Bell, E. F., Brodie, J. P., Crnojević, D., Forbes, D. A., Hargis, J., Kirby, E., Lupton, R., Peter, A. H. G., Romanowsky, A. J. & Strader, J., Sep 1 2016, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 828, 1, L5.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    83 Scopus citations
  • High fidelity point-spread function retrieval in the presence of electrostatic, hysteretic pixel response

    Rasmussen, A., Guyonnet, A., Lage, C., Antilogus, P., Astier, P., Doherty, P., Gilmore, K., Kotov, I., Lupton, R., Nomerotski, A., O'Connor, P., Stubbs, C., Tyson, A. & Walter, C., 2016, High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII. Holland, A. D. & Beletic, J. (eds.). SPIE, 99151A. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9915).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • Investigating interoperability of the LSST data management software stack with Astropy

    Jenness, T., Bosch, J., Owen, R., Parejko, J., Sick, J., Swinbank, J., De Val-Borro, M., Dubois-Felsmann, G., Lim, K. T., Lupton, R. H., Schellart, P., Krughoff, K. S. & Tollerud, E. J., 2016, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV. Chiozzi, G. & Guzman, J. C. (eds.). SPIE, 99130G. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9913).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    6 Scopus citations
  • Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru telescope: Overview, recent progress, and future perspectives

    Tamura, N., Takato, N., Shimono, A., Moritani, Y., Yabe, K., Ishizuka, Y., Ueda, A., Kamata, Y., Aghazarian, H., Arnouts, S., Barban, G., Barkhouser, R. H., Borges, R. C., Braun, D. F., Carr, M. A., Chabaud, P. Y., Chang, Y. C., Chen, H. Y., Chiba, M. & Chou, R. C. Y. & 80 others, Chu, Y. H., Cohen, J., De Almeida, R. P., De Oliveira, A. C., De Oliveira, L. S., Dekany, R. G., Dohlen, K., Dos Santos, J. B., Dos Santos, L. H., Ellis, R., Fabricius, M., Ferrand, D., Ferreira, D., Golebiowski, M., Greene, J. E., Gross, J., Gunn, J. E., Hammond, R., Harding, A., Hart, M., Heckman, T. M., Hirata, C. M., Ho, P., Hope, S. C., Hovland, L., Hsu, S. F., Hu, Y. S., Huang, P. J., Jaquet, M., Jing, Y., Karr, J., Kimura, M., King, M. E., Komatsu, E., Le Brun, V., Le Fèvre, O., Lefur, A., Le Mignant, D., Ling, H. H., Loomis, C. P., Lupton, R. H., Madec, F., Mao, P., Marrara, L. S., Mendes De Oliveira, C., Minowa, Y., Morantz, C., Murayama, H., Murray, G. J., Ohyama, Y., Orndorff, J., Pascal, S., Pereira, J. M., Reiley, D., Reinecke, M., Ritter, A., Roberts, M., Schwochert, M. A., Seiffert, M. D., Smee, S. A., Sodre, L., Spergel, D. N., Steinkraus, A. J., Strauss, M. A., Surace, C., Suto, Y., Suzuki, N., Swinbank, J., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Tamura, T., Tanaka, Y., Tresse, L., Verducci, O., Vibert, D., Vidal, C., Wang, S. Y., Wen, C. Y., Yan, C. H. & Yasuda, N., 2016, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI. Simard, L., Evans, C. J. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 99081M. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9908).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    114 Scopus citations
  • Robust detection of CID double stars in SDSS

    Pourbaix, D., Knapp, G. R., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R. H., Ivezić, Z., Siopis, C., Rigaux, M. & Rubbens, A., 2016, In: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 591, A96.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1 Scopus citations

    Matsuoka, Y., Onoue, M., Kashikawa, N., Iwasawa, K., Strauss, M. A., Nagao, T., Imanishi, M., Niida, M., Toba, Y., Akiyama, M., Asami, N., Bosch, J., Foucaud, S., Furusawa, H., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Harikane, Y., Ikeda, H., Kawaguchi, T. & Kikuta, S. & 19 others, Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Minezaki, T., Miyazaki, S., Morokuma, T., Murayama, H., Nishizawa, A. J., Ono, Y., Ouchi, M., Price, P. A., Sameshima, H., Silverman, J. D., Sugiyama, N., Tait, P. J., Takada, M., Takata, T., Tanaka, M., Tang, J. J. & Utsumi, Y., Sep 1 2016, In: Astrophysical Journal. 828, 1, 26.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    177 Scopus citations
  • The LSST calibration hardware system design and Development

    Merlin, F. L., Ingraham, P., Stubbs, C. W., Claver, C., Lupton, R., Araujo, C., Liang, M., Andrewa, J., Barr, J., Brannon, K., Coughlin, M., Gressler, W., Sebag, J., Thomas, S., Wiecha, O. & Yoachim, P., 2016, Ground-Based and Airborne Telescopes VI. Marshall, H. K., Hall, H. J. & Gilmozzi, R. (eds.). SPIE, 99060O. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9906).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    8 Scopus citations
  • The survey operation software system development for Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) on Subaru Telescope

    Shimono, A., Tamura, N., Takato, N., Yasuda, N., Suzuki, N., Loomis, C. P., Lupton, R. H., Moritani, Y. & Yabe, K., 2016, Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV. Chiozzi, G. & Guzman, J. C. (eds.). SPIE, 99133B. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9913).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    5 Scopus citations
  • 2015

    A new faint milky way satellite discovered in the Pan-STARRS1 3π Survey

    Laevens, B. P. M., Martin, N. F., Ibata, R. A., Rix, H. W., Bernard, E. J., Bell, E. F., Sesar, B., Ferguson, A. M. N., Schlafly, E. F., Slater, C. T., Burgett, W. S., Chambers, K. C., Flewelling, H., Hodapp, K. A., Kaiser, N., Kudritzki, R. P., Lupton, R. H., Magnier, E. A., Metcalfe, N. & Morgan, J. S. & 4 others, Price, P. A., Tonry, J. L., Wainscoat, R. J. & Waters, C., Apr 1 2015, In: Astrophysical Journal Letters. 802, 2, L18.

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    146 Scopus citations
  • Cosmological implications of baryon acoustic oscillation measurements

    (BOSS Collaboration), Dec 14 2015, In: Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology. 92, 12, 123516.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    573 Scopus citations
  • Hyper-luminous dust-obscured galaxies discovered by the Hyper Suprime-Cam on Subaru and WISE

    Toba, Y., Nagao, T., Strauss, M. A., Aoki, K., Goto, T., Imanishi, M., Kawaguchi, T., Terashima, Y., Ueda, Y., Bosch, J., Bundy, K., Doi, Y., Inami, H., Komiyama, Y., Lupton, R. H., Matsuhara, H., Matsuoka, Y., Miyazaki, S., Morokuma, T. & Nakata, F. & 14 others, Oi, N., Onoue, M., Oyabu, S., Price, P., Tait, P. J., Takata, T., Tanaka, M. M., Terai, T., Turner, E. L., Uchida, T., Usuda, T., Utsumi, Y., Yamada, Y. & Wang, S. Y., Jun 30 2015, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 67, 5, 86.

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    45 Scopus citations
  • Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru telescope: Massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph

    Sugai, H., Tamura, N., Karoji, H., Shimono, A., Takato, N., Kimura, M., Ohyama, Y., Ueda, A., Aghazarian, H., De Arruda, M. V., Barkhouser, R. H., Bennett, C. L., Bickerton, S., Bozier, A., Braun, D. F., Bui, K., Capocasale, C. M., Carr, M. A., Castilho, B. & Chang, Y. C. & 64 others, Chen, H. Y., Chou, R. C. Y., Dawson, O. R., Dekany, R. G., Ek, E. M., Ellis, R. S., English, R. J., Ferrand, D., Ferreira, D., Fisher, C. D., Golebiowski, M., Gunn, J. E., Hart, M., Heckman, T. M., Ho, P. T. P., Hope, S., Hovland, L. E., Hsu, S. F., Hu, Y. S., Huang, P. J., Jaquet, M., Karr, J. E., Kempenaar, J. G., King, M. E., Fèvre, O. L., Mignant, D. L., Ling, H. H., Loomis, C., Lupton, R. H., Madec, F., Mao, P., Marrara, L. S., Ménard, B., Morantz, C., Murayama, H., Murray, G. J., De Oliveira, A. C., De Oliveira, C. M., De Oliveira, L. S., Orndorff, J. D., De Paiva Vilaça, R., Partos, E. J., Pascal, S., Pegot-Ogier, T., Reiley, D. J., Riddle, R., Santos, L., Dos Santos, J. B., Schwochert, M. A., Seiffert, M. D., Smee, S. A., Smith, R. M., Steinkraus, R. E., Sodré, L., Spergel, D. N., Surace, C., Tresse, L., Vidal, C., Vives, S., Wang, S. Y., Wen, C. Y., Wu, A. C., Wyse, R. & Yan, C. H., Jul 1 2015, In: Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems. 1, 3, 035001.

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    54 Scopus citations

    Miyazaki, S., Oguri, M., Hamana, T., Tanaka, M., Miller, L., Utsumi, Y., Komiyama, Y., Furusawa, H., Sakurai, J., Kawanomoto, S., Nakata, F., Uraguchi, F., Koike, M., Tomono, D., Lupton, R., Gunn, J. E., Karoji, H., Aihara, H., Murayama, H. & Takada, M., Jul 1 2015, In: Astrophysical Journal. 807, 1, 22.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    37 Scopus citations

    Alam, S., Albareti, F. D., Prieto, C. A., Anders, F., Anderson, S. F., Anderton, T., Andrews, B. H., Armengaud, E., Aubourg, É., Bailey, S., Basu, S., Bautista, J. E., Beaton, R. L., Beers, T. C., Bender, C. F., Berlind, A. A., Beutler, F., Bhardwaj, V., Bird, J. C. & Bizyaev, D. & 284 others, Blake, C. H., Blanton, M. R., Blomqvist, M., Bochanski, J. J., Bolton, A. S., Bovy, J., Bradley, A. S., Brandt, W. N., Brauer, D. E., Brinkmann, J., Brown, P. J., Brownstein, J. R., Burden, A., Burtin, E., Busca, N. G., Cai, Z., Capozzi, D., Rosell, A. C., Carr, M. A., Carrera, R., Chambers, K. C., Chaplin, W. J., Chen, Y. C., Chiappini, C., Chojnowski, S. D., Chuang, C. H., Clerc, N., Comparat, J., Covey, K., Croft, R. A. C., Cuesta, A. J., Cunha, K., Costa, L. N. D., Rio, N. D., Davenport, J. R. A., Dawson, K. S., Lee, N. D., Delubac, T., Deshpande, R., Dhital, S., Dutra-Ferreira, L., Dwelly, T., Ealet, A., Ebelke, G. L., Edmondson, E. M., Eisenstein, D. J., Ellsworth, T., Elsworth, Y., Epstein, C. R., Eracleous, M., Escoffier, S., Esposito, M., Evans, M. L., Fan, X., Fernández-Alvar, E., Feuillet, D., Ak, N. F., Finley, H., Finoguenov, A., Flaherty, K., Fleming, S. W., Font-Ribera, A., Foster, J., Frinchaboy, P. M., Galbraith-Frew, J. G., García, R. A., García-Hernández, D. A., Pérez, A. E. G., Gaulme, P., Ge, J., Génova-Santos, R., Georgakakis, A., Ghezzi, L., Gillespie, B. A., Girardi, L., Goddard, D., Gontcho, S. G. A., Hernández, J. I. G., Grebel, E. K., Green, P. J., Grieb, J. N., Grieves, N., Gunn, J. E., Guo, H., Harding, P., Hasselquist, S., Hawley, S. L., Hayden, M., Hearty, F. R., Hekker, S., Ho, S., Hogg, D. W., Holley-Bockelmann, K., Holtzman, J. A., Honscheid, K., Huber, D., Huehnerhoff, J., Ivans, I. I., Jiang, L., Johnson, J. A., Kinemuchi, K., Kirkby, D., Kitaura, F., Klaene, M. A., Knapp, G. R., Kneib, J. P., Koenig, X. P., Lam, C. R., Lan, T. W., Lang, D., Laurent, P., Goff, J. M. L., Leauthaud, A., Lee, K. G., Lee, Y. S., Licquia, T. C., Liu, J., Long, D. C., López-Corredoira, M., Lorenzo-Oliveira, D., Lucatello, S., Lundgren, B., Lupton, R. H., Iii, C. E. M., Mahadevan, S., Maia, M. A. G., Majewski, S. R., Malanushenko, E., Malanushenko, V., Manchado, A., Manera, M., Mao, Q., Maraston, C., Marchwinski, R. C., Margala, D., Martell, S. L., Martig, M., Masters, K. L., Mathur, S., McBride, C. K., McGehee, P. M., McGreer, I. D., McMahon, R. G., Ménard, B., Menzel, M. L., Merloni, A., Mészáros, S., Miller, A. A., Miralda-Escudé, J., Miyatake, H., Montero-Dorta, A. D., More, S., Morganson, E., Morice-Atkinson, X., Morrison, H. L., Mosser, B., Muna, D., Myers, A. D., Nandra, K., Newman, J. A., Neyrinck, M., Nguyen, D. C., Nichol, R. C., Nidever, D. L., Noterdaeme, P., Nuza, S. E., O'Connell, J. E., O'Connell, R. W., O'Connell, R., Ogando, R. L. C., Olmstead, M. D., Oravetz, A. E., Oravetz, D. J., Osumi, K., Owen, R., Padgett, D. L., Padmanabhan, N., Paegert, M., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Pan, K., Parejko, J. K., Pâris, I., Park, C., Pattarakijwanich, P., Pellejero-Ibanez, M., Pepper, J., Percival, W. J., Pérez-Fournon, I., Pérez-Ra'Fols, I., Petitjean, P., Pieri, M. M., Pinsonneault, M. H., Mello, G. F. P. D., Prada, F., Prakash, A., Price-Whelan, A. M., Protopapas, P., Raddick, M. J., Rahman, M., Reid, B. A., Rich, J., Rix, H. W., Robin, A. C., Rockosi, C. M., Rodrigues, T. S., Rodríguez-Torres, S., Roe, N. A., Ross, A. J., Ross, N. P., Rossi, G., Ruan, J. J., Rubiño-Martín, J. A., Rykoff, E. S., Salazar-Albornoz, S., Salvato, M., Samushia, L., Sánchez, A. G., Santiago, B., Sayres, C., Schiavon, R. P., Schlegel, D. J., Schmidt, S. J., Schneider, D. P., Schultheis, M., Schwope, A. D., Scóccola, C. G., Scott, C., Sellgren, K., Seo, H. J., Serenelli, A., Shane, N., Shen, Y., Shetrone, M., Shu, Y., Aguirre, V. S., Sivarani, T., Skrutskie, M. F., Slosar, A., Smith, V. V., Sobreira, F., Souto, D., Stassun, K. G., Steinmetz, M., Stello, D., Strauss, M. A., Streblyanska, A., Suzuki, N., Swanson, M. E. C., Tan, J. C., Tayar, J., Terrien, R. C., Thakar, A. R., Thomas, D., Thomas, N., Thompson, B. A., Tinker, J. L., Tojeiro, R., Troup, N. W., Vargas-Magaña, M., Vazquez, J. A., Verde, L., Viel, M., Vogt, N. P., Wake, D. A., Wang, J., Weaver, B. A., Weinberg, D. H., Weiner, B. J., White, M., Wilson, J. C., Wisniewski, J. P., Wood-Vasey, W. M., Ye'Che, C., York, D. G., Zakamska, N. L., Zamora, O., Zasowski, G., Zehavi, I., Zhao, G. B., Zheng, Z., Zhou, X., Zhou, Z., Zou, H. & Zhu, G., Jul 20 2015, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 219, 1, 12.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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    1618 Scopus citations
  • 2014

    A framework for modeling the detailed optical response of thick, multiple segment, large format sensors for precision astronomy applications

    Rasmussen, A., Antilogus, P., Astier, P., Claver, C., Doherty, P., Dubois-Felsmann, G., Gilmore, K., Kahn, S., Kotov, I., Lupton, R., O'Connor, P., Nomerotski, A., Ritz, S. & Stubbs, C., 2014, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VI. SPIE, 915017. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9150).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Characterization of the praesepe star cluster by photometry and proper motions with 2MASS, PPMXL, and Pan-STARRS

    Wang, P. F., Chen, W. P., Lin, C. C., Pandey, A. K., Huang, C. K., Panwar, N., Lee, C. H., Tsai, M. F., Tang, C. H., Goldman, B., Burgett, W. S., Chambers, K. C., Draper, P. W., Flewelling, H., Grav, T., Heasley, J. N., Hodapp, K. W., Huber, M. E., Jedicke, R. & Kaiser, N. & 14 others, Kudritzki, R. P., Luppino, G. A., Lupton, R. H., Magnier, E. A., Metcalfe, N., Monet, D. G., Morgan, J. S., Onaka, P. M., Price, P. A., Stubbs, C. W., Sweeney, W., Tonry, J. L., Wainscoat, R. J. & Waters, C., Mar 20 2014, In: Astrophysical Journal. 784, 1, 57.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    21 Scopus citations
  • CHARIS science: Performance simulations for the Subaru Telescope's third-generation of exoplanet imaging instrumentation

    Brandt, T. D., McElwain, M. W., Janson, M., Knapp, G. R., Mede, K., Limbach, M. A., Groff, T., Burrows, A. S., Gunn, J. E., Guyon, O., Hashimoto, J., Hayashi, M., Jovanovic, N., Kasdin, N. J., Kuzuhara, M., Lupton, R. H., Martinache, F., Sorahana, S., Spiegel, D. S. & Takato, N. & 4 others, Tamura, M., Turner, E. L., Vanderbei, R. J. & Wisniewski, J., 2014, Adaptive Optics Systems IV. Veran, J.-P., Marchetti, E. & Close, L. M. (eds.). SPIE, 914849. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9148).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    12 Scopus citations
  • Consequences of thick CCDs on image processing

    Lupton, R. H., Apr 2014, In: Journal of Instrumentation. 9, 4, C04023.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    9 Scopus citations
  • Development of database system for data obtained by Hyper Suprime-Cam on Subaru Telescope

    Yamada, Y., Takata, T., Furusawa, H., Okura, Y., Koike, M., Yamanoi, H., Mineo, S., Yasuda, N., Bickerton, S., Katayama, N., Lupton, R. H., Bosch, J., Loomis, C., Miyatake, H., Price, P. A., Smith, K. & Lang, D., 2014, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V. Peck, A. B., Benn, C. R. & Seaman, R. L. (eds.). SPIE, 91492I. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9149).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Erratum: "A description of quasar variability measured using repeated sdss and poss imaging" (2012, ApJ, 753, 106)

    MacLeod, C. L., Ivezić, Ž., Sesar, B., De Vries, W., Kochanek, C. S., Kelly, B. C., Becker, A. C., Lupton, R. H., Hall, P. B., Richards, G. T., Anderson, S. F. & Schneider, D. P., Feb 20 2014, In: Astrophysical Journal. 782, 2, 119.

    Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

  • Novel technique for tracking manpower and work packages: A useful tool for the team and management

    Gill, R., Gracia, G., Lupton, R. H. & O'Mullane, W., 2014, Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy VI. SPIE, 91501E. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9150).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    1 Scopus citations
  • Progress with the Prime focus spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: A massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph

    Sugai, H., Tamura, N., Karoji, H., Shimono, A., Takato, N., Kimura, M., Ohyama, Y., Ueda, A., Aghazarian, H., De Arruda, M. V., Barkhouser, R. H., Bennett, C. L., Bickerton, S., Bozier, A., Braun, D. F., Bui, K., Capocasale, C. M., Carr, M. A., Castilho, B. & Chang, Y. C. & 64 others, Chen, H. Y., Chou, R. C. Y., Dawson, O. R., Dekany, R. G., Ek, E. M., Ellis, R. S., English, R. J., Ferrand, D., Ferreira, D., Fisher, C. D., Golebiowski, M., Gunn, J. E., Hart, M., Heckman, T. M., Ho, P. T. P., Hope, S., Hovland, L. E., Hsu, S. F., Hu, Y. S., Huang, P. J., Jaquet, M., Karr, J. E., Kempenaar, J. G., King, M. E., Le Fèvre, O., Le Mignant, D., Ling, H. H., Loomis, C., Lupton, R. H., Madec, F., Mao, P., Marrara, L. S., Ménard, B., Morantz, C., Murayama, H., Murray, G. J., De Oliveira, A. C., De Oliveira, C. M., De Oliveira, L. S., Orndorff, J. D., De Paiva Vilaça, R., Partos, E. J., Pascal, S., Pegot-Ogier, T., Reiley, D. J., Riddle, R., Santos, L., Dos Santos, J. B., Schwochert, M. A., Seiffert, M. D., Smee, S. A., Smith, R. M., Steinkraus, R. E., Sodré, L., Spergel, D. N., Surace, C., Tresse, L., Vidal, C., Vives, S., Wang, S. Y., Wen, C. Y., Wu, A. C., Wyse, R. & Yan, C. H., 2014, Ground-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy V. Ramsay, S. K., McLean, I. S. & Takami, H. (eds.). SPIE, 91470T. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9147).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    Open Access
    7 Scopus citations
  • Seeing in the dark-I. multi-epoch alchemy

    Huff, E. M., Hirata, C. M., Mandelbaum, R., Schlegel, D., Seljak, U. & Lupton, R. H., May 2014, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 440, 2, p. 1296-1321 26 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    15 Scopus citations
  • The atacama cosmology telescope: Temperature and gravitational lensing power spectrum measurements from three seasons of data

    Das, S., Louis, T., Nolta, M. R., Addison, G. E., Battistelli, E. S., Bond, J. R., Calabrese, E., Crichton, D., Devlin, M. J., Dicker, S., Dunkley, J., Dünner, R., Fowler, J. W., Gralla, M., Hajian, A., Halpern, M., Hasselfield, M., Hilton, M., Hincks, A. D. & Hlozek, R. & 24 others, Huffenberger, K. M., Hughes, J. P., Irwin, K. D., Kosowsky, A., Lupton, R. H., Marriage, T. A., Marsden, D., Menanteau, F., Moodley, K., Niemack, M. D., Page, L. A., Partridge, B., Reese, E. D., Schmitt, B. L., Sehgal, N., Sherwin, B. D., Sievers, J. L., Spergel, D. N., Staggs, S. T., Swetz, D. S., Switzer, E. R., Thornton, R., Trac, H. & Wollack, E., Apr 2014, In: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. 2014, 4, 014.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    203 Scopus citations
  • The clustering of galaxies in the SDSS-III baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: Baryon acoustic oscillations in the data releases 10 and 11 galaxy samples

    Anderson, L., Aubourg, É., Bailey, S., Beutler, F., Bhardwaj, V., Blanton, M., Bolton, A. S., Brinkmann, J., Brownstein, J. R., Burden, A., Chuang, C. H., Cuesta, A. J., Dawson, K. S., Eisenstein, D. J., Escoffier, S., Gunn, J. E., Guo, H., Ho, S., Honscheid, K. & Howlett, C. & 45 others, Kirkby, D., Lupton, R. H., Manera, M., Maraston, C., McBride, C. K., Mena, O., Montesano, F., Nichol, R. C., Nuza, S. E., Olmstead, M. D., Padmanabhan, N., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Parejko, J., Percival, W. J., Petitjean, P., Prada, F., Price-Whelan, A. M., Reid, B., Roe, N. A., Ross, A. J., Ross, N. P., Sabiu, C. G., Saito, S., Samushia, L., Sánchez, A. G., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P., Scoccola, C. G., Seo, H. J., Skibba, R. A., Strauss, M. A., Molly, M. E., Thomas, D., Tinker, J. L., Tojeiro, R., Magaña, M. V., Verde, L., Wake, D. A., Weaver, B. A., Weinberg, D. H., White, M., Xu, X., Yèche, C., Zehavi, I. & Zhao, G. B., 2014, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 441, 1, p. 24-62 39 p.

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    1230 Scopus citations
  • The Sloan Digital Sky Survey coadd: 275 deg2 of deep sloan digital sky survey imaging on stripe 82

    Annis, J., Soares-Santos, M., Strauss, M. A., Becker, A. C., Dodelson, S., Fan, X., Gunn, J. E., Hao, J., Ivezić, Ž., Jester, S., Jiang, L., Johnston, D. E., Kubo, J. M., Lampeitl, H., Lin, H., Lupton, R. H., Miknaitis, G., Seo, H. J., Simet, M. & Yanny, B., Oct 20 2014, In: Astrophysical Journal. 794, 2, 120.

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    159 Scopus citations
  • The tenth data release of the Sloan digital sky survey: First spectroscopic data from the SDSS-iii apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment

    Gott, J. R., Mack, C. E., Ahn, C. P., Alexandroff, R., Allende Prieto, C., Anders, F., Anderson, S. F., Anderton, T., Andrews, B. H., Aubourg, É., Bailey, S., Bastien, F. A., Bautista, J. E., Beers, T. C., Beifiori, A., Bender, C. F., Berlind, A. A., Beutler, F., Bhardwaj, V. & Bird, J. C. & 218 others, Bizyaev, D., Blake, C. H., Blanton, M. R., Blomqvist, M., Bochanski, J. J., Bolton, A. S., Borde, A., Bovy, J., Bradley, A. S., Brandt, W. N., Brauer, D., Brinkmann, J., Brownstein, J. R., Busca, N. G., Carithers, W., Carlberg, J. K., Carnero, A. R., Carr, M. A., Chiappini, C., Chojnowski, S. D., Chuang, C. H., Comparat, J., Crepp, J. R., Cristiani, S., Croft, R. A. C., Cuesta, A. J., Cunha, K., Da Costa, L. N., Dawson, K. S., De Lee, N., Dean, J. D. R., Delubac, T., Deshpande, R., Dhital, S., Ealet, A., Ebelke, G. L., Edmondson, E. M., Eisenstein, D. J., Epstein, C. R., Escoffier, S., Esposito, M., Evans, M. L., Fabbian, D., Fan, X., Favole, G., Femenía Castellá, B., Fernández Alvar, E., Feuillet, D., Filiz Ak, N., Finley, H., Fleming, S. W., Font-Ribera, A., Frinchaboy, P. M., Galbraith-Frew, J. G., García-Hernández, D. A., Pérez, A. E. G., Ge, J., Génova-Santos, R., Gillespie, B. A., Girardi, L., González Hernández, J. I., Gunn, J. E., Guo, H., Halverson, S., Harding, P., Harris, D. W., Hasselquist, S., Hawley, S. L., Hayden, M., Hearty, F. R., Herrero Davó, A., Ho, S., Hogg, D. W., Holtzman, J. A., Honscheid, K., Huehnerhoff, J., Ivans, I. I., Jackson, K. M., Jiang, P., Johnson, J. A., Kinemuchi, K., Kirkby, D., Klaene, M. A., Kneib, J. P., Koesterke, L., Lan, T. W., Lang, D., Le Goff, J. M., Leauthaud, A., Lee, K. G., Lee, Y. S., Long, D. C., Loomis, C. P., Lucatello, S., Lupton, R. H., Ma, B., Mahadevan, S., Maia, M. A. G., Majewski, S. R., Malanushenko, E., Malanushenko, V., Manchado, A., Manera, M., Maraston, C., Margala, D., Martell, S. L., Masters, K. L., McBride, C. K., McGreer, I. D., McMahon, R. G., Ménard, B., Mészáros, S., Miralda-Escudé, J., Miyatake, H., Montero-Dorta, A. D., Montesano, F., More, S., Morrison, H. L., Muna, D., Munn, J. A., Myers, A. D., Nguyen, D. C., Nichol, R. C., Nidever, D. L., Noterdaeme, P., Nuza, S. E., O'Connell, J. E., O'Connell, R. W., O'Connell, R., Olmstead, M. D., Oravetz, D. J., Owen, R., Padmanabhan, N., Palanque-Delabrouille, N., Pan, K., Parejko, J. K., Parihar, P., Pâris, I., Pepper, J., Percival, W. J., Pérez-Ràfols, I., Dotto Perottoni, H., Petitjean, P., Pieri, M. M., Pinsonneault, M. H., Prada, F., Price-Whelan, A. M., Raddick, M. J., Rahman, M., Rebolo, R., Reid, B. A., Richards, J. C., Riffel, R., Robin, A. C., Rocha-Pinto, H. J., Rockosi, C. M., Roe, N. A., Ross, A. J., Ross, N. P., Rossi, G., Roy, A., Rubiño-Martin, J. A., Sabiu, C. G., Sánchez, A. G., Santiago, B., Sayres, C., Schiavon, R. P., Schlegel, D. J., Schlesinger, K. J., Schmidt, S. J., Schneider, D. P., Schultheis, M., Sellgren, K., Seo, H. J., Shen, Y., Shetrone, M., Shu, Y., Simmons, A. E., Skrutskie, M. F., Slosar, A., Smith, V. V., Snedden, S. A., Sobeck, J. S., Sobreira, F., Stassun, K. G., Steinmetz, M., Strauss, M. A., Streblyanska, A., Suzuki, N., Swanson, M. E. C., Terrien, R. C., Thakar, A. R., Thomas, D., Thompson, B. A., Tinker, J. L., Tojeiro, R., Troup, N. W., Vandenberg, J., Vargas Magaña, M., Viel, M., Vogt, N. P., Wake, D. A., Weaver, B. A., Weinberg, D. H., Weiner, B. J., White, M., White, S. D. M., Wilson, J. C., Wisniewski, J. P., Wood-Vasey, W. M., Yèche, C., York, D. G., Zamora, O., Zasowski, G., Zehavi, I., Zhao, G. B., Zheng, Z. & Zhu, G., Apr 2014, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 211, 2, 17.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    573 Scopus citations
  • Web-based data providing system for Hyper Suprime-Cam

    Koike, M., Furusawa, H., Takata, T., Okura, Y., Yamada, Y., Yamanoi, H., Mineo, S., Yasuda, N., Bickerton, S., Katayama, N., Lupton, R., Price, P., Bosch, J. & Loomis, C., 2014, Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems V. Peck, A. B., Benn, C. R. & Seaman, R. L. (eds.). SPIE, 914920. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 9149).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

  • 2013

    An algorithm for precise aperture photometry of critically sampled images

    Bickerton, S. J. & Lupton, R. H., May 11 2013, In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 431, 2, p. 1275-1285 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    10 Scopus citations
  • Design of the CHARIS integral field spectrograph for exoplanet imaging

    Groff, T. D., Peters, M. A., Kasdin, N. J., Knapp, G., Galvin, M., Carr, M. A., McElwain, M. W., Brandt, T., Janson, M., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R., Guyon, O., Martinache, F., Jovanovic, N., Hayashi, M. & Takato, N., 2013, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VI. 88640H. (Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering; vol. 8864).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

    9 Scopus citations