Neta A. Bahcall

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus
1966 …2024

Research activity per year

Search results

  • 2004

    Evolution of the cluster correlation function

    Bahcall, N. A., Lei, H. A. O., Bode, P. & Dong, F., Mar 1 2004, In: Astrophysical Journal. 603, 1 I, p. 1-6 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    3 Scopus citations
  • Observations and theoretical implications of the large-separation lensed quasar SDSS J1004+4112

    Oguri, M., Inada, N., Keeton, C. R., Pindor, B., Hennawi, J. F., Gregg, M. D., Becker, R. H., Chiu, K., Zheng, W., Ichikawa, S. I., Suto, Y., Turner, E. L., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Castander, F. J., Eisenstein, D. J., Frieman, J. A., Goto, T. & Gunn, J. E. & 8 others, Johnston, D. E., Kent, S. M., Nichol, R. C., Richards, G. T., Rix, H. W., Schneider, D. P., Sheldon, E. S. & Szalay, A. S., Apr 10 2004, In: Astrophysical Journal. 605, 1 I, p. 78-97 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    95 Scopus citations
  • On departures from a power law in the galaxy correlation function

    Zehavi, I., Weinberg, D. H., Zheng, Z., Berlind, A. A., Frieman, J. A., Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K., Blanton, M. R., Tegmark, M., Mo, H. J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Burles, S., Csabai, I., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E., Lamb, D. Q., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H. & Meiksin, A. & 8 others, Munn, J. A., Nichol, R. C., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D. P., SubbaRao, M., Szalay, A. S., Uomoto, A. & York, D. G., Jun 10 2004, In: Astrophysical Journal. 608, 1 I, p. 16-24 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    238 Scopus citations
  • Sloan digital sky survey imaging of low galactic latitude fields: Technical summary and data release

    Finkbeiner, D. P., Padmanabhan, N., Schlegel, D. J., Carr, M. A., Gunn, J. E., Rockosi, C. M., Sekiguchi, M., Lupton, R. H., Knapp, G. R., Ivezić, Ž., Blanton, M. R., Hogg, D. W., Adelman-McCarthy, J. K., Annis, J., Hayes, J., Kinney, E., Long, D. C., Seljak, U., Strauss, M. A. & Yanny, B. & 69 others, Agüeros, M. A., Allam, S. S., Anderson, S. F., Bahcall, N. A., Baldry, I. K., Bernardi, M., Boroski, W. N., Briggs, J. W., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R. J., Budavári, T., Castander, F. J., Covey, K. R., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Dong, F., Eisenstein, D. J., Fan, X., Friedman, S. D., Fukugita, M., Gillespie, B., Grebel, E. K., Gurbani, V. K., De Haas, E., Harris, F. H., Hendry, J. S., Hennessy, G. S., Jester, S., Johnston, D. E., Jorgensen, A. M., Jurić, M., Kent, S. M., Kniazev, A. Y., Krzesiński, J., French Leger, R., Lin, H., Loveday, J., Mannery, E., Martínez-Delgado, D., McGehee, P. M., Meiksin, A., Munn, J. A., Neilsen, E. H., Newman, P. R., Nitta, A., Pauls, G., Quinn, T. R., Rafikov, R. R., Richards, G. T., Richmond, M. W., Schneider, D. P., Schroeder, J., Shimasaku, K., Siegmund, W. A., Allyn Smith, J., Snedden, S. A., Stebbins, A., Szalay, A. S., Szokoly, G. P., Tegmark, M., Tucker, D. L., Uomoto, A., Vanden Berk, D. E., Weinberg, D. H., West, A. A., Yasuda, N., Yocum, D. R., York, D. G. & Zehavi, I., Nov 2004, In: Astronomical Journal. 128, 5, p. 2577-2592 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    67 Scopus citations
  • Stellar and dynamical masses of ellipticals in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

    Padmanabhan, N., Seljak, U., Strauss, M. A., Blanton, M. R., Kauffmann, G., Schlegel, D. J., Tremonti, C., Bahcall, N. A., Bernardi, M., Brinkmann, J., Fukugita, M. & Ivezić, Ž., Jun 2004, In: New Astronomy. 9, 5, p. 329-342 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    140 Scopus citations
  • The dependence on environment of the color-magnitude relation of galaxies

    Hogg, D. W., Blanton, M. R., Brinchmann, J., Eisenstein, D. J., Schlegel, D. J., Gunn, J. E., McKay, T. A., Rix, H. W., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J. & Meiksin, A., Jan 20 2004, In: Astrophysical Journal. 601, 1 II, p. L29-L32

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    343 Scopus citations
  • The galaxy-mass correlation function measured from weak lensing in the sloan digital sky survey

    Sheldon, E. S., Johnston, D. E., Frieman, J. A., Scranton, R., McKay, T. A., Connolly, A. J., Budávari, T., Zehavi, I., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J. & Fukugita, M., May 2004, In: Astronomical Journal. 127, 5 1781, p. 2544-2564 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    263 Scopus citations
  • The second data release of the sloan digital sky survey

    Abazajian, K., Adelman-McCarthy, J. K., Agüeros, M. A., Allam, S. S., Kurt, S. J. A., Anderson, S. F., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Baldry, I. K., Bastian, S., Berlind, A., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M. R., Bochanski, J. J., Boroski, W. N., Briggs, J. W., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R. J., Budavári, T. & Carey, L. N. & 133 others, Carliles, S., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Dong, F., Eisenstein, D. J., Evans, M. L., Fan, X., Finkbeiner, D. P., Friedman, S. D., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Gal, R. R., Gillespie, B., Glazebrook, K., Gray, J., Grebel, E. K., Gunn, J. E., Gurbani, V. K., Hall, P. B., Hamabe, M., Harris, F. H., Harris, H. C., Harvanek, M., Heckman, T. M., Hendry, J. S., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R. B., Hogan, C. J., Hogg, D. W., Holmgren, D. J., Ichikawa, S. I., Ichikawa, T., Ivezić, Ž., Jester, S., Johnston, D. E., Jorgensen, A. M., Kent, S. M., Kleinman, S. J., Knapp, G. R., Kniazev, A. Y., Kron, R. G., Krzesinski, J., Kunszt, P. Z., Kuropatkin, N., Lamb, D. Q., Lampeitl, H., Lee, B. C., Leger, R. F., Li, N., Lin, H., Loh, Y. S., Long, D. C., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H., Malik, T., Margon, B., Matsubara, T., McGehee, P. M., McKay, T. A., Meiksin, A., Munn, J. A., Nakajima, R., Nash, T., Neilsen, E. H., Newberg, H. J., Newman, P. R., Nichol, R. C., Nicinski, T., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Nitta, A., Okamura, S., O'Mullane, W., Ostriker, J. P., Owen, R., Padmanabhan, N., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Pope, A. C., Quinn, T. R., Richards, G. T., Richmond, M. W., Hans-Rix, W., Rockosi, C. M., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P., Scranton, R., Sekiguchi, M., Seljak, U., Sergey, G., Sesar, B., Sheldon, E., Shimasaku, K., Siegmund, W. A., Silvestri, N. M., Smith, J. A., Smolčić, V., Snedden, S. A., Stebbins, A., Stoughton, C., Strauss, M. A., Subba, M. R., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Szkody, P., Szokoly, G. P., Tegmark, M., Teodoro, L., Thakar, A. R., Tremonti, C., Tucker, D. L., Uomoto, A., vanden Berk, D. E., Vandenberg, J., Vogeley, M. S., Voges, W., Vogt, N. P., Walkowicz, L. M., Wang, S. I., Weinberg, D. H., West, A. A., White, S. D. M., Wilhite, B. C., Xu, Y., Yanny, B., Yasuda, N., Yip, C. W., Yocum, D. R., York, D. G., Zehavi, I., Zibetti, S. & Zucker, D. B., Jul 2004, In: Astronomical Journal. 128, 1 1783, p. 502-512 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    939 Scopus citations
  • The three-dimensional power spectrum of galaxies from the sloan digital sky survey

    Tegmark, M., Blanton, M. R., Strauss, M. A., Hoyle, F., Schlegel, D., Scoccimarro, R., Vogeley, M. S., Weinberg, D. H., Zehavi, I., Berlind, A., Budavari, T., Connolly, A., Eisenstein, D. J., Finkbeiner, D., Frieman, J. A., Gunn, J. E., Hamilton, A. J. S., Hui, L., Jain, B. & Johnston, D. & 45 others, Kent, S., Lin, H., Nakajima, R., Nichol, R. C., Ostriker, J. P., Pope, A., Scranton, R., Seljak, U., Sheth, R. K., Stebbins, A., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Verde, L., Xu, Y., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Burles, S., Castander, F. J., Csabai, I., Loveday, J., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Gott, J. R., Hennessy, G., Hogg, D. W., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., McKay, T. A., Kunszt, P., Munn, J. A., O'Connell, L., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Richmond, M., Rockosi, C., Schneider, D. P., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Vanden Berk, D. E., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., May 10 2004, In: Astrophysical Journal. 606, 2 I, p. 702-740 39 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    1503 Scopus citations
  • 2003

    A gravitationally lensed quasar with quadruple images separated by 14.62 arcseconds

    Inada, N., Oguri, M., Pindor, B., Hennawi, J. F., Chiu, K., Zheng, W., Ichikawa, S. I., Gregg, M. D., Becker, R. H., Suto, Y., Strauss, M. A., Turner, E. L., Keeton, C. R., Annis, J., Castander, F. J., Eisenstein, D. J., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E. & Johnston, D. E. & 12 others, Kent, S. M., Nichol, R. C., Richards, G. T., Rix, H. W., Sheldon, E. S., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Ivezić, Z., Lamb, D. Q., McKay, T. A., Schneider, D. P. & York, D. G., Dec 18 2003, In: Nature. 426, 6968, p. 810-812 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    173 Scopus citations
  • A large, uniform sample of X-ray-emitting AGNs: Selection approach and an initial catalog from the ROSAT all-sky and sloan digital sky surveys

    Anderson, S. F., Voges, W., Margon, B., Trümper, J., Agüeros, M. A., Boller, T., Collinge, M. J., Homer, L., Stinson, G., Strauss, M. A., Annis, J., Gómez, P., Hall, P. B., Nichol, R. C., Richards, G. T., Schneider, D. P., Vanden Berk, D. E., Fan, X., Ivezić, Ž. & Munn, J. A. & 8 others, Newberg, H. J., Richmond, M. W., Weinberg, D. H., Yanny, B., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Fukugita, M. & York, D. G., Nov 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 126, 5 1775, p. 2209-2229 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    79 Scopus citations
  • A merged catalog of clusters of galaxies from early sloan digital sky survey data

    Bahcall, N. A., McKay, T. A., Annis, J., Kim, R. S. J., Dong, F., Hansen, S., Goto, T., Gunn, J. E., Miller, C., Nichol, R. C., Postman, M., Schneider, D., Schroeder, J., Voges, W., Brinkmann, J. & Fukugita, M., Oct 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 148, 2, p. 243-274 32 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    87 Scopus citations
  • Angular clustering with photometric redshifts in the sloan digital sky survey: Bimodality in the clustering properties of galaxies

    Budavári, T., Connolly, A. J., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Csabai, I., Scranton, R., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Eisenstein, D. J., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E., Johngton, D., Kent, S., Loveday, J. N., Lupton, R. H., Tecmark, M., Thakar, A. R., Yanny, B. & York, D. G. & 1 others, Zehavi, I., Sep 20 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 595, 1 I, p. 59-70 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    109 Scopus citations
  • A survey of z > 5.7 quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II - Discovery of three additional quasars at z > 6

    Fan, X., Strauss, M. A., Schneider, D. P., Becker, R. H., White, R. L., Haiman, Z., Gregg, M., Pentericci, L., Grebel, E. K., Narayanan, V. K., Loh, Y. S., Richards, G. T., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R. H., Knapp, G. R., Ivezić, Ž., Brandt, W. N., Collinge, M., Hao, L. & Harbeck, D. & 11 others, Prada, F., Schaye, J., Strateva, I., Zakamska, N., Anderson, S., Brinkmann, J., Bahcall, N. A., Lamb, D. Q., Okamura, S., Szalay, A. & York, D. G., Apr 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 125, 4 1768, p. 1649-1659 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    694 Scopus citations
  • Cosmological constraints from a combined analysis of the cluster mass function and microwave background anisotropies

    Melchiorri, A., Bode, P., Bahcall, N. A. & Silk, J., Mar 20 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 586, 1 II, p. L1-L3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    18 Scopus citations
  • Early-type galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. I. The sample

    Bernardi, M., Sheth, R. K., Annis, J., Burles, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Finkbeiner, D. P., Hogg, D. W., Lupton, R. H., Schlegel, D. J., Subbarao, M., Bahcall, N. A., Blakeslee, J. P., Brinkmann, J., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Frieman, J. & Heckman, T. & 11 others, Hennessy, G. S., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., McKAY, T., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R., Okamura, S., Schneider, D. P., Thakar, A. R. & York, D. G., Apr 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 125, 4 1768, p. 1817-1848 32 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    234 Scopus citations
  • Early-type galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. II. Correlations between observables

    Bernardi, M., Sheth, R. K., Annis, J., Burles, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Finkbeiner, D. P., Hogg, D. W., Lupton, R. H., Schlegel, D. J., SubbaRao, M., Bahcall, N. A., Blakeslee, J. P., Brinkmann, J., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Frieman, J. & Heckman, T. & 11 others, Hennessy, G. S., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, R., Lamb, D. Q., McKay, T., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R., Okamura, S., Schneider, D. P., Thakar, A. R. & York, D. G., Apr 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 125, 4 1768, p. 1849-1865 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    246 Scopus citations
  • Early-type galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. III. The fundamental plane

    Bernardi, M., Sheth, R. K., Annis, J., Burles, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Finkbeiner, D. P., Hogg, D. W., Lupton, R. H., Schlegel, D. J., SubbaRao, M., Bahcall, N. A., Blakeslee, J. P., Brinkmann, J., Castander, F., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Frieman, J. & Heckman, T. & 11 others, Hennessy, G. S., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., McKay, T., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R., Okamura, S., Schneider, D. P., Thakar, A. R. & York, D. G., Apr 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 125, 4 1768, p. 1866-1881 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    306 Scopus citations
  • Early-type galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. IV. Colors and chemical evolution

    Bernardi, M., Sheth, R. K., Annis, J., Burles, S., Finkbeiner, D. P., Lupton, R. H., Schlegel, D. J., SubbaRao, M., Bahcall, N. A., Blakeslee, J. P., Brinkmann, J., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Frieman, J., Heckman, T., Hennessy, G. S. & Ivezić, Ž. & 9 others, Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., McKay, T., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R., Okamura, S., Schneider, D. P., Thakar, A. R. & York, D. G., Apr 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 125, 4 1768, p. 1882-1896 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    178 Scopus citations
  • Karhunen-Loève estimation of the power spectrum parameters from the angular distribution of galaxies in early Sloan digital sky survey data

    Szalay, A. S., Jain, B., Matsubara, T., Scranton, R., Vogeley, M. S., Connolly, A., Dodelson, S., Eisenstein, D., Frieman, J. A., Gunn, J. E., Hui, L., Johnston, D., Kent, S., Kerscher, M., Loveday, J., Meiksin, A., Narayanan, V., Nichol, R. C., O'Connell, L. & Pope, A. & 28 others, Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K., Stebbins, A., Strauss, M. A., Szapudi, I., Tegmark, M., Zehavi, I., Annis, J., Bahcall, N., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G., Ivezic, Z., Knapp, G. R., Kunszt, P. Z., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., Munn, J. R., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., Jul 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 591, 1 I, p. 1-11 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    60 Scopus citations
  • Morphological Butcher-Oemler Effect in the SDSS "Cut and Enhance" Galaxy Cluster Catalog

    Goto, T., Okamura, S., Yagi, M., Sheth, R. K., Bahcall, N. A., Zabel, S. A., Crouch, M. S., Sekiguchi, M., Annis, J., Bernardi, M., Chong, S. S., Gómez, P. L., Hansen, S., Kim, R. S. J., Knudson, A., Mckay, T. A. & Miller, C. J., 2003, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 55, 4, p. 739-755 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    61 Scopus citations
  • SDSS J090334.92+502819.2: A new gravitational lens

    Johnston, D. E., Richards, G. T., Frieman, J. A., Keeton, C. R., Strauss, M. A., Knapp, G. R., Becker, R. H., White, R. L., Johnson, E. T., Ma, Z., SubbaRao, M., Bahcall, N. A., Bernardi, M., Brinkmann, J., Eisenstein, D. J., Fukugita, M., Hall, P. B., Inada, N., Pindor, B. & Schlegel, D. J. & 5 others, Scranton, R., Sheldon, E. S., Schneider, D. P., Szalay, A. S. & York, D. G., Nov 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 126, 5 1775, p. 2281-2290 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    43 Scopus citations
  • The amplitude of mass fluctuations

    Bahcall, N. A. & Bode, P., May 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 588, 1 II, p. L1-L4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    56 Scopus citations
  • The broadband optical properties of galaxies with redshifts 0.02 < Z < 0.22

    Blanton, M. R., Hogg, D. W., Bahcall, N. A., Baldry, I. K., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Eisenstein, D., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E., Ivezić, Z., Lamb, D. Q., Lupton, R. H., Loveday, J., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R. C., Okamura, S., Schlegel, D. J., Shimasaku, K., Strauss, M. A. & Vogeley, M. S. & 1 others, Weinberg, D. H., Sep 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 594, 1 I, p. 186-207 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    Open Access
    590 Scopus citations
  • The cluster mass function from early Sloan Digital Sky Survey data: Cosmological implications

    Bahcall, N. A., Dong, F., Bode, P., Kim, R., Annis, J., McKay, T. A., Hansen, S., Schroeder, J., Gunn, J., Ostriker, J. P., Postman, M., Nichol, R. C., Miller, C., Goto, T., Brinkmann, J., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. O., Schneider, D. P., Vogeley, M. S. & York, D. G., Mar 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 585, 1 I, p. 182-190 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    124 Scopus citations
  • The first data release of the sloan digital sky survey

    Abazajian, K., Adelman-McCarthy, J. K., Agüeros, M. A., Allam, S. S., Anderson, S. F., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Baldry, I. K., Bastian, S., Berlind, A., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M. R., Blythe, N., Bochanski, J. J., Boroski, W. N., Brewington, H., Briggs, J. W., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R. J. & Budavári, T. & 169 others, Carey, L. N., Carr, M. A., Castander, F. J., Chiu, K., Collinge, M. J., Connolly, A. J., Covey, K. R., Csabai, I., Dalcanton, J. J., Dodelson, S., Doi, M., Dong, F., Eisenstein, D. J., Evans, M. L., Fan, X., Feldman, P. D., Finkbeiner, D. P., Friedman, S. D., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Gal, R. R., Gillespie, B., Glazebrook, K., Gonzalez, C. F., Gray, J., Grebel, E. K., Grodnicki, L., Gunn, J. E., Gurbani, V. K., Hall, P. B., Hao, L., Harbeck, D., Harris, F. H., Harris, H. C., Harvanek, M., Hawley, S. L., Heckman, T. M., Helmboldt, J. F., Hendry, J. S., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R. B., Hogg, D. W., Holmgren, D. J., Holtzman, J. A., Homer, L., Hui, L., Ichikawa, S. I., Ichikawa, T., Inkmann, J. P., Ivezić, Ž., Jester, S., Johnston, D. E., Jordan, B., Jordan, W. P., Jorgensen, A. M., Jurić, M., Kauffmann, G., Kent, S. M., Kleinman, S. J., Knapp, G. R., Kniazev, A. Y., Kron, R. G., Krzesiński, J., Kunszt, P. Z., Kuropatkin, N., Lamb, D. Q., Lampeitl, H., Laubscher, B. E., Lee, B. C., Leger, R. F., Li, N., Lidz, A., Lin, H., Loh, Y. S., Long, D. C., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H., Malik, T., Margon, B., McGehee, P. M., McKay, T. A., Meiksin, A., Miknaitis, G. A., Moorthy, B. K., Munn, J. A., Murphy, T., Nakajima, R., Narayanan, V. K., Nash, T., Neilsen, E. H., Newberg, H. J., Newman, P. R., Nichol, R. C., Nicinski, T., Nieto-Santisteban, M., Nitta, A., Odenkirchen, M., Okamura, S., Ostriker, J. P., Owen, R., Padmanabhan, N., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Pindor, B., Pope, A. C., Quinn, T. R., Rafikov, R. R., Raymond, S. N., Richards, G. T., Richmond, M. W., Rix, H. W., Rockosi, C. M., Schaye, J., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P., Schroeder, J., Scranton, R., Sekiguchi, M., Seljak, U., Sergey, G., Sesar, B., Sheldon, E., Shimasaku, K., Siegmund, W. A., Silvestri, N. M., Sinisgalli, A. J., Sirko, E., Smith, J. A., Smolić, V., Snedden, S. A., Stebbins, A., Steinhardt, C., Stinson, G., Stoughton, C., Strateva, I. V., Strauss, M. A., Rao, M. S., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Szkody, P., Tasca, L., Tegmark, M., Thakar, A. R., Tremonti, C., Tucker, D. L., Uomoto, A., vanden Berk, D. E., Vandenberg, J., Vogeley, M. S., Voges, W., Vogt, N. P., Walkowicz, L. M., Weinberg, D. H., West, A. A., White, S. D. M., Wilhite, B. C., Willman, B., Xu, Y., Yanny, B., Yarger, J., Yasuda, N., Yip, C. W., Yocum, D. R., York, D. G., Zakamska, N. L., Zehavi, I., Zheng, W., Zibetti, S. & Zucker, D. B., Oct 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 126, 4 1774, p. 2081-2086 6 p.

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    818 Scopus citations
  • The galaxy luminosity function and luminosity density at redshift z = 0.1

    Blanton, M. R., Hogg, D. W., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Britton, M., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Fukugita, M., Loveday, J., Meiksin, A., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R. C., Okamura, S., Quinn, T., Schneider, D. P., Shimasaku, K., Strauss, M. A., Tegmark, M., Vogeley, M. S. & Weinberg, D. H., Aug 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 592, 2 I, p. 819-838 20 p.

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    852 Scopus citations
  • The overdensities of galaxy environments as a function of luminosity and color

    Hogg, D. W., Blanton, M. R., Eisenstein, D. J., Gunn, J. E., Schlegel, D. J., Zehavi, I., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Schneider, D. P., Weinberg, D. H. & York, D. G., Mar 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 585, 1 II, p. L5-L9

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    261 Scopus citations
  • The richness-dependent cluster correlation function: Early Sloan Digital Sky Survey data

    Bahcall, N. A., Dong, F., Hao, L., Bode, P., Annis, J., Gunn, J. E. & Schneider, D. P., Dec 20 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 599, 2 I, p. 814-819 6 p.

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    63 Scopus citations
  • The sloan digital sky survey quasar catalog. II. First data release

    Schneider, D. P., Fan, X., Hall, P. B., Jester, S., Richards, G. T., Stoughton, C., Strauss, M. A., Subbarao, M., Vanden Berk, D. E., Anderson, S. F., Brandt, W. N., Gunn, J. E., Gray, J., Trump, J. R., Voges, W., Yanny, B., Bahcall, N. A., Blanton, M. R., Boroski, W. N. & Brinkmann, J. & 31 others, Brunner, R., Burles, S., Castander, F. J., Mamoru, D. O. I., Eisenstein, D., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Heckman, T. M., Hennessy, G. S., IVEZIĆ, Ž., Kent, S., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H., Margon, B., Meiksin, A., Munn, J. A., Jo Newberg, H., Nichol, R. C., Niederste-Ostholt, M., Pier, J. R., Richmond, M. W., Rockosi, C. M., Saxe, D. H., Schlegel, D. J., Szalay, A. S., Thakar, A. R., Uomoto, A. & York, D. G., Dec 2003, In: Astronomical Journal. 126, 6 1776, p. 2579-2593 15 p.

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    162 Scopus citations
  • The velocity dispersion function of early-type galaxies

    Sheth, R. K., Bernardi, M., Schechter, P. L., Burles, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Finkbeiner, D. P., Frieman, J., Lupton, R. H., Schlegel, D. J., Subbarao, M., Shimasaku, K., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J. & Ivezić, Z., Sep 1 2003, In: Astrophysical Journal. 594, 1 I, p. 225-231 7 p.

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    195 Scopus citations
  • 2002

    Analysis of systematic effects and statistical uncertainties in angular clustering of galaxies from early sloan digital sky survey data

    Scranton, R., Johnston, D., Dodelson, S., Frieman, J. A., Connolly, A., Eisenstein, D. J., Gunn, J. E., Hui, L., Jain, B., Kent, S., Loveday, J., Narayanan, V., Nichol, R. C., O'Connell, L., Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K., Stebbins, A., Strauss, M. A., Szalay, A. S. & Szapudi, I. & 26 others, Tegmark, M., Vogeley, M., Zehavi, I., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkman, J., Csabai, I., Hindsley, R., Ivezic, Z., Kim, R. S. J., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., McKay, T., Munn, J., Peoples, J., Pier, J., Richards, G. T., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D. P., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., Nov 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 579, 1 I, p. 48-75 28 p.

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    210 Scopus citations
  • Antibias in clusters: The dependence of the mass-to-light ratio on cluster temperature

    Bahcall, N. A. & Comerford, J. M., Jan 20 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 565, 1 II, p. L5-L8

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    45 Scopus citations
  • Composite luminosity functions based on the sloan digital sky survey "cut and enhance" galaxy cluster catalog

    Goto, T., Okamura, S., Mckay, T. A., Bahcall, N. A., Annis, J., Bernardi, M., Brinkmann, J., Gómez, P. L., Hansen, S., Kim, R. S. J., Sekiguchi, M. & Sheth, R. K., 2002, In: Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 54, 4, p. 515-525 11 p.

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    69 Scopus citations
  • Detecting clusters of galaxies in the sloan digital sky survey. I. Monte Carlo comparison of cluster detection algorithms

    Kim, R. S. J., Kepner, J. V., Postman, M., Strauss, M. A., Bahcall, N. A., Gunn, J. E., Lupton, R. H., Annis, J., Nichol, R. C., Castander, F. J., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R. J., Connolly, A., Csabai, I., Hindsley, R. B., Ivenzić, Ž., Vogeley, M. S. & York, D. G., Jan 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 123, 1 1753, p. 20-36 17 p.

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    114 Scopus citations
  • Dynamical confirmation of sloan digital sky survey weak-lensing scaling laws

    McKay, T. A., Sheldon, E. S., Johnston, D., Grebel, E. K., Prada, F., Rix, H. W., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Fukugita, M., Lamb, D. Q. & York, D. G., Jun 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 571, 2 II, p. L85-L88

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    97 Scopus citations
  • Exploratory Chandra observations of the three highest redshift quasars known

    Brandt, W. N., Schneider, D. P., Fan, X., Strauss, M. A., Gunn, J. E., Richards, G. T., Anderson, S. F., Vanden Berk, D. E., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R., Chen, B., Hennessy, G. S., Lamb, D. Q., Voges, W. & York, D. G., Apr 10 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 569, 1 II, p. L5-L9

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    60 Scopus citations
  • Galaxy clustering in early sloan digital sky survey redshift data

    Zehavi, I., Blanton, M. R., Frieman, J. A., Weinberg, D. H., Mo, H. J., Strauss, M. A., Anderson, S. F., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Bernardi, M., Briggs, J. W., Brinkmann, J., Burles, S., Carey, L., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Dalcanton, J. J., Dodelson, S. & Doi, M. & 49 others, Eisenstein, D., Evans, M. L., Finkbeiner, D. P., Friedman, S., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R. B., Ivezić, Ž., Kent, S., Knapp, G. R., Kron, R., Kunszt, P., Lamb, D. Q., Leger, R. F., Long, D. C., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H., Mckay, T., Meiksin, A., Merrelli, A., Munn, J. A., Narayanan, V., Newcomb, M., Nichol, R. C., Owen, R., Peoples, J., Pope, A., Rockosi, C. M., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D. P., Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K., Siegmund, W., Smee, S., Snir, Y., Stebbins, A., Stoughton, C., SubbaRao, M., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Tegmark, M., Tucker, D. L., Uomoto, A., Vanden Berk, D., Vogeley, M. S., Waddell, P., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., May 20 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 571, 1 I, p. 172-190 19 p.

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    534 Scopus citations
  • Higher order moments of the angular distribution of galaxies from early Sloan Digital Sky Survey data

    Szapudi, I., Frieman, J. A., Scoccimarro, R., Szalay, A. S., Connolly, A. J., Dodelson, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Gunn, J. E., Johnston, D., Kent, S., Loveday, J., Meiksin, A., Nichol, R. C., Scranton, R., Stebbins, A., Vogeley, M. S., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkman, J. & Csabai, I. & 18 others, Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Ivezić, Ž., Kim, R. S. J., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., McKay, T. A., Munn, J., Peoples, J., Pier, J., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., May 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 570, 1 I, p. 75-85 11 p.

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    40 Scopus citations
  • Optical and radio properties of extragalactic sources observed by the first survey and the sloan digital sky survey

    Ivezíc, Ž., Menou, K., Knapp, G. R., Strauss, M. A., Lupton, R. H., Vanden Berk, D. E., Richards, G. T., Tremonti, C., Weinstein, M. A., Anderson, S., Bahcall, N. A., Becker, R. H., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M., Eisenstein, D., Fan, X., Finkbeiner, D., Finlator, K., Frieman, J. & Gunn, J. E. & 20 others, Hall, P. B., Kim, R. S. J., Kinkhabwala, A., Narayanan, V. K., Rockosi, C. M., Schlegel, D., Schneider, D. P., Strateva, I., Subbarao, M., Thakar, A. R., Voges, W., White, R. L., Yanny, B., Brinkmann, J., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G. S., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R. C. & York, D. G., Nov 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 124, 5 1763, p. 2364-2400 37 p.

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    433 Scopus citations
  • Sloan digital sky survey: Early data release

    Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M. R., Burles, S., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Eisenstein, D. J., Frieman, J. A., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R. B., Ivezíc, Ž., Kent, S., Kunszt, P. Z., Lee, B. C., Meiksin, A., Munn, J. A., Jo Newberg, H., Nichol, R. C. & Nicinski, T. & 78 others, Pier, J. R., Richards, G. T., Richmond, M. W., Schlegel, D. J., Allyn Smith, J., Strauss, M. A., SubraRao, M., Szalay, A. S., Thakar, A. R., Tucker, D. L., Vanden Berk, D. E., Yanny, B., Adelman, J. K., Anderson, J. E., Anderson, S. F., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Bakken, J. A., Bartelmann, M., Bastian, S., Bauer, A., Berman, E., Böhringer, H., Boroski, W. N., Bracker, S., Briegel, C., Briggs, J. W., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R., Carey, L., Carr, M. A., Chen, B., Christian, D., Colestock, P. L., Crocker, J. H., Csabai, I., Czarapata, P. C., Dalcanton, J., Davidsen, A. F., Davis, J. E., Dehnen, W., Dodelson, S., Doi, M., Dombeck, T., Donahue, M., Ellman, N., Elms, B. R., Evans, M. L., Eyer, L., Fan, X., Federwitz, G. R., Friedman, S., Fukugita, M., Gal, R., Gillespie, B., Glazebrook, K., Gray, J., Grebel, E. K., Greenawalt, B., Greene, G., Gunn, J. E., De Haas, E., Haiman, Z., Haldeman, M., Hall, P. B., Hamabe, M., Hansen, B., Harris, F. H., Harris, H., Harvanek, M., Hawley, S. L., Hayes, J. J. E., Heckman, T. M., Helmi, A., Henden, A., Hogan, C. J., Hogg, D. W. & Holmgren, D. J., Jan 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 123, 1 1753, p. 485-548 64 p.

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    2043 Scopus citations
  • The angular clustering of galaxy pairs

    Infante, L., Strauss, M. A., Bahcall, N. A., Knapp, G. R., Lupton, R. H., Kim, R. S. J., Vogeley, M. S., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G., Ivezić, Ž., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Pier, J. R. & York, D. G., Mar 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 567, 1 I, p. 155-162 8 p.

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    11 Scopus citations
  • The angular correlation function of galaxies from early sloan digital sky survey data

    Connolly, A. J., Scranton, R., Johnston, D., Dodelson, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Frieman, J. A., Gunn, J. E., Lam, H. U. I., Jain, B., Kent, S., Loveday, J., Nichol, R. C., O'Connell, L., Postman, M., Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K., Stebbins, A., Strauss, M. A., Szalay, A. S. & Szapudi, I. & 29 others, Tegmark, M., Vogeley, M. S., Zehavi, I., Annis, J., Bahcall, N., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R., Ichikawa, T., Ivezić, Ž., Kim, R. S. J., Knapp, G. R., Kunszt, P., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., McKay, T. A., Munn, J., Peoples, J., Pier, J., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., Nov 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 579, 1 I, p. 42-47 6 p.

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    79 Scopus citations
  • The angular power spectrum of galaxies from early Sloan Digital Sky Survey data

    Tegmark, M., Dodelson, S., Eisenstein, D. J., Narayanan, V., Scoccimarro, R., Scranton, R., Strauss, M. A., Connolly, A., Frieman, J. A., Gunn, J. E., Lam, H. U. I., Jain, B., Johnston, D., Kent, S., Loveday, J., Nichol, R. C., O'Connell, L., Sheth, R. K., Stebbins, A. & Szalay, A. S. & 27 others, Szapudi, I., Vogeley, M. S., Zehavi, I., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Mamoru, D. O. I., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G., Ivezíc, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., Mckay, T. A., Kunszt, P., Munn, J. A., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Richmond, M., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., May 20 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 571, 1 I, p. 191-205 15 p.

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    75 Scopus citations
  • The cut-and-enhance method: Selecting clusters of galaxies from the sloan digital sky survey commissioning data

    Goto, T., Sekiguchi, M., Nichol, R. C., Bahcall, N. A., Kim, R. S. J., Annis, J., Ivezić, Ž., Brinkmann, J., Hennessy, G. S., Szokoly, G. P. & Tucker, D. L., Apr 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 123, 4 1756, p. 1807-1825 19 p.

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    157 Scopus citations
  • The luminosity density of red galaxies

    Hogg, D. W., Blanton, M., Strateva, I., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Lamb, D. Q., Lupton, R., Munn, J. A., Nichol, R., Schlegel, D. J., Schneider, D. P. & York, D. G., Aug 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 124, 2 1760, p. 646-651 6 p.

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    92 Scopus citations
  • The sloan digital sky survey Quasar Catalog. I. Early data release

    Schneider, D. P., Richards, G. T., Fan, X., Hall, P. B., Strauss, M. A., Vanden Berk, D. E., Gunn, J. E., Newberg, H. J., Reichard, T. A., Stoughton, C., Voges, W., Yanny, B., Anderson, S. F., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Bauer, A., Bernardi, M., Blanton, M. R., Boroski, W. N. & Brinkmann, J. & 45 others, Briggs, J. W., Brunner, R., Burles, S., Carey, L., Castander, F. J., Connolly, A. J., Csabai, I., Doi, M., Friedman, S., Frieman, J. A., Fukugita, M., Heckman, T. M., Hennessy, G. S., Hindsley, R. B., Hogg, D. W., Ivezić, Ž., Kent, S., Knapp, G. R., Kunzst, P. Z., Lamb, D. Q., French Leger, R., Long, D. C., Loveday, J., Lupton, R. H., Margon, B., Meiksin, A., Merelli, A., Munn, J. A., Newcomb, M., Nichol, R. C., Owen, R., Pier, J. R., Pope, A., Rockosi, C. M., Saxe, D. H., Schlegel, D., Siegmund, W. A., Smee, S., Snir, Y., SubbaRao, M., Szalay, A. S., Thakar, A. R., Uomoto, A., Waddell, P. & York, D. G., Feb 2002, In: Astronomical Journal. 123, 2 1754, p. 567-577 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

    146 Scopus citations
  • The three-dimensional power spectrum from angular clustering of galaxies in early sloan digital sky survey data

    Dodelson, S., Narayanan, V. K., Tegmark, M., Scranton, R., Budavári, T., Connolly, A., Csabai, I., Eisenstein, D., Frieman, J. A., Gunn, J. E., Hui, L., Jain, B., Johnston, D., Kent, S., Loveday, J., Nicnol, R. C., O'Connell, L., Scoccimarro, R., Sheth, R. K. & Stebbins, A. & 26 others, Strauss, M. A., Szalay, A. S., Szapudi, I., Vogeley, M. S., Zehavi, I., Annis, J., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkman, J., Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Hennessy, G., Ivezić, Ž., Knapp, G. R., Kunszt, P., Lamb, D. Q., Lee, B. C., Lupton, R. H., Munn, J. A., Peoples, J., Pier, J. R., Rockosi, C., Schlegel, D., Stoughton, C., Tucker, D. L., Yanny, B. & York, D. G., Jun 10 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 572, 1 I, p. 140-156 17 p.

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    116 Scopus citations
  • Two-dimensional topology of the sloan digital sky survey

    Hoyle, F., Vogeley, M. S., Gott, J. R., Blanton, M., Tegmark, M., Weinberg, D. H., Bahcall, N., Brinkmann, J. & York, D., Dec 1 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal. 580, 2 I, p. 663-671 9 p.

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    47 Scopus citations
  • Unusual broad absorption line quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

    Hall, P. B., Anderson, S. F., Strauss, M. A., York, D. G., Richards, G. T., Fan, X., Knapp, G. R., Schneider, D. P., Vanden Berk, D. E., Geballe, T. R., Bauer, A. E., Becker, R. H., Davis, M., Rix, H. W., Nichol, R. C., Bahcall, N. A., Brinkmann, J., Brunner, R., Connolly, A. J. & Csabai, I. & 33 others, Doi, M., Fukugita, M., Gunn, J. E., Haiman, Z., Harvanek, M., Heckman, T. M., Hennessy, G. S., Inada, N., Ivezić, Ž., Johnston, D., Kleinman, S., Krolik, J. H., Krzesinski, J., Kunszt, P. Z., Lamb, D. Q., Long, D. C., Lupton, R. H., Miknaitis, G., Munn, J. A., Narayanan, V. K., Neilsen, E., Newman, P. R., Nitta, A., Okamura, S., Pentericci, L., Pier, J. R., Schlegel, D. J., Snedden, S., Szalay, A. S., Thakar, A. R., Tsvetanov, Z., White, R. L. & Zheng, W., Aug 2002, In: Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 141, 2, p. 267-309 43 p.

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    297 Scopus citations