Heath E. Johnson
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Wendell A. Lim
- University of California at San Francisco
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Center for Systems and Synthetic Biology
External person
Maxwell Z. Wilson
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- University of California at Santa Barbara
External person
Orion D. Weiner
- University of California at San Francisco
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Cardiovascular Research Institute
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
- Cardiovascular Research
- Cardiovascular Research Institute and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- The University of Chicago
External person
Pavithran T. Ravindran
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Siddhartha G. Jena
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Harvard University
- Harvard University
External person
Alexander G. Goglia
- Princeton University
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
External person
Elliot Dine
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Bruce Tidor
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Center for Material Science and Engineering
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Nicole L. Pannucci
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Kazuhiro Aoki
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - International Research Collaboration Center
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Institute for Basic Biology
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
External person
Ellen H. Brumbaugh-Reed
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - International Research Collaboration Center
- Princeton University
External person
John C. Burnett
- University of California at Berkeley
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
- University of California
External person
Mackenzie T. Walls
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
David V. Schaffer
- University of California at Berkeley
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute
- University of California
External person
Ellen H. Reed
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- Princeton University
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - International Research Collaboration Center
External person
Alexander Loewer
- Harvard University
- Department of Systems Biology
- Department of Systems Biology
External person
Sandra B. Lemke
- University of California at Berkeley
- Center for Integrative Genomics, Division of Genetics, Genomics, and Development
- Center for Integrative Genomics UniversityofCalifornia
- Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry
- Princeton University
External person
Matias D. Zurbriggen
- University of Cologne
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
External person
Leor S. Weinberger
- University of California at Berkeley
- Princeton University
- J. David Gladstone Institutes
- University of California at San Diego
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Biophysics Graduate Group
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences
- Gladstone Institutes
- California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences
External person
Galit Lahav
- Harvard University
- Department of Systems Biology
- Department of Systems Biology
External person
Brigitte Heller
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Caleb J. Bashor
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
- Graduate Group in Biophysics
- Rice University
- Rice University
External person
Yongdae Shin
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Seoul National University
- Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
External person
Patrick Fischbach
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
- University of Cologne
- Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
External person
Adam P. Arkin
- University of California at Berkeley
- Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Virtual Institute for Microbial Stress and Survival
- Dept. of Bioengineering
- Physical Biosciences Division
- Department of Bioengineering
- Department of Bioengineering
External person
Ming Tzo Wei
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
External person
Benjamin A. Diner
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Brian R. Graziano
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- University of California at San Francisco
- The University of Chicago
External person
Florian Douam
- Princeton University
- École normale supérieure de Lyon
- Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Université Lumière Lyon 2
- Boston University
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
External person
Sherif Gerges
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Drew Endy
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Arvind Murugan
- Princeton University
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- Harvard University
- Stanford University
- Department of Physics
- School of Natural Sciences
- Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics
- Department of Applied Physics
- School of Natural Sciences
- Department of Physics
- The University of Chicago
External person
J. K. White
- Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Research Laboratory of Electronics
- Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
- Center for Material Science and Engineering
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
L. J. Bugaj
- Department of Bioengineering
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
- University of Pennsylvania
External person
Krystal K. Lum
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Mihai Alexandru Pais
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Elham Shirvani-Dastgerdi
- Princeton University
- RWTH Aachen University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Medicine III
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Oliver Hoeller
- University of California at San Francisco
- Cardiovascular Research Institute and Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
External person
Yaron Bram
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Princeton University
- Cornell University
- Department of Medicine
External person
Nigel Goldenfeld
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
External person
Bryan A. Nerger
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological
External person
Liu Yang
- University of Massachusetts Boston
- Department of Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Princeton University
External person
Olivier Rivoire
- Collège de France
- Université PSL
- Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology
External person
Katharine Goodwin
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Joel Berry
- Princeton University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
External person
Cynthia Lopez-Haber
- University of Pennsylvania
- Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
External person
Robert E. Schwartz
- Cornell University
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Medicine
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
Eileen White
- Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
- Dentistry of New Jersey-RobertWood Johnson Medical School
- Dentistry of New Jersey-RobertWood Johnson Medical School
- University of Medicine
External person
Kayla G. Sprenger
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Aleksandra M. Walczak
- Sorbonne Université
- Princeton University
- École normale supérieure
- Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics
- Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
- Laboratoire de physique théorique
- Princeton Center for Theoretical Physics
- Laboratoire de Physique Théorique
- CNRS-UMR8549
- Ecole Normale Supérieure
- CNRS-UMR8549
External person
Hong Yan Shih
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Academia Sinica - Institute of Physics
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
External person
Corey A.H. Allard
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
- Dept. of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- The University of Chicago
- Dartmouth College
External person
Yael Sharon
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Aaron E. Lin
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Princeton University
- Broad Institute
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Sayantan Dutta
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Simons Foundation
External person
Yogesh Goyal
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Chemical and Biological Engineering Department
- Department of Bioengineering
- University of Pennsylvania
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Michael V. Wiles
- Jackson Laboratory
- Department of Technology Evaluation and Development
External person
Marcelo G. Kazanietz
- University of Pennsylvania
- Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
External person
Benjamin Y. Winer
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
External person
Junyoung O. Park
- Princeton University
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Department of Chemistry and Integrative Genomics
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- University of California
External person
Jarrod B. French
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Stony Brook University
- Pennsylvania State University
External person
Thierry Mora
- Sorbonne Université
- Princeton University
- École normale supérieure
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Universite Paris Sorbonne - Paris IV
- Joseph Henry Laboratories of Physics
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- UMR8550
- Ecole Normale Supérieure
- CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure
- CNRS-UMR8549
External person
Nareg J.V. Djabrayan
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Princeton University
External person
Reid E. Williams
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
- Graduate Group in Biophysics
External person
Gabriela Hrebikova
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Julie Sellau
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
External person
Christopher A. Voigt
- University of California at San Francisco
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Biological Engineering and Synthetic Biology Center
- Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Acs Sensors
- Acs Central Science
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Kazuhiro Aoki
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- University of Georgia
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - International Research Collaboration Center
- Kyoto University
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Institute for Basic Biology
External person
Bradley Joyce
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Forest M. White
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Center for Cancer Research
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Lance Parsons
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Lewis-Siegler Institute for Integrative Genomics
External person
Franziska Decker
- Marine Biological Laboratory
- Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
- Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
- The University of Chicago
External person
Joshua F. Apgar
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Arup K. Chakraborty
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Departments of Chemical Engineering
- Departments of Chemistry
- Harvard University
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Ragon Institute of MGH
- Physics Department
- Department of Chemistry
- Institute for Medical Engineering and Science and Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Biological Engineering Division
- Departments of Chemical Engineering
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Michael B. Yaffe
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Biological Engineering
- Department of Biology
- Center for Cancer Research
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Victoria Casado-Medrano
- University of Pennsylvania
- Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
External person
Russell M. Gordley
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
External person
Laura Barrio-Real
- University of Pennsylvania
- Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational Therapeutics
External person
Tiffany S. Huang
- Princeton University
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
A. Mitchell
- Program in Systems Biology
- University of California at San Francisco
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
External person
Eric Batchelor
- National Institutes of Health
- Harvard University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Department of Systems Biology
- Department of Physics
External person
T. G. Bivona
- Division of Hematology and Oncology
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
External person
Eyan Yeung
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Department of Molecular Biology
- Lewis-Siegler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Molecular Biology
External person
Monica H. Wei
- Princeton University
- Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics
- Department of Chemistry
External person
Shude Yan
- University of California at San Francisco
- Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
External person