Brett Schneider
- Guy Nordenson and Associ. Structural Engineers LLP
- Rhode Island School of Design
External person
James N. Richardson
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- Guy Nordenson and Associ. Structural Engineers LLP
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- BATir SMC - Structural and Material Computational Mechanics
- MEMC - Mechanics of Materials and Construction
- BATir Department
- BATir
External person
Rajan D. Filomeno Coelho
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- BATir SMC - Structural and Material Computational Mechanics
- BATir Department
- BATir
External person
Stephen Cassell
External person
Erik Andersson
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Stockholm University
- University of Helsinki
- North West University
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
External person
Erik Anders Nelson
- Structures Workshop, Inc. of Providence
- Guy Nerdenson and Associates of New York City
- Structfares Workshop, Inc. of Providence
- Guy Nerdenson and Associates
External person
George Deodatis
- Princeton University
- Columbia University
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Civil Eng./Eng. Mech.
- Department of Civil Engineering and Operations Research
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
External person
James Smith
External person
Thomas Elmqvist
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Stockholm University
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
External person
Howard Kunreuther
- University of Pennsylvania
- Center for Risk Management and Decision Processes
External person
Nicholas F. Forell
External person
Marianne Koch
External person
Timon McPhearson
- The New School
- The New School
- Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Box 50005
- Stockholm Resilience Centre
- Stockholm University
External person
Joe Mulligan
- KTH and Kounkuey Design Initiative
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
- Kounkuey Design Initiative
External person