D. W. Latham
- Harvard University
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Leiden University
- Chalmers University of Technology
- Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
- Universidad Nacional de San Martin
External person
R. W. Noyes
- Harvard University
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
G. Torres
- Harvard University
- University of Copenhagen
- Centre for Star and Planet Formation
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Z. Csubry
- Princeton University
- Harvard University
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
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- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
K. Penev
- Princeton University
- Harvard University
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- University of Texas at Dallas
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
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- Department of Physics
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- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Géza Kovács
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Konkoly Obs.
- University of North Dakota
- Department of Physics and Astrophysics
- CSIC - Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
W. Bhatti
- Princeton University
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
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- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- College of Art and Science
- Lehigh University
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
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- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
External person
Andrés Jordán
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Harvard University
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Center of Astro-Engineering UC
- Millenium Institute of Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Facultad de Ingenier-a y Ciencias
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Universidad Adolfo Ibaáñez
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- El Sauce Observatory—Obstech
- Data Observatory Foundation
- El Sauce Observatory
External person
Geoffrey W. Marcy
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of California Office of the President
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
External person
Gil Esquerdo
- Planetary Science Institute
- Harvard University
- California Institute of Technology
- Department of Astrophysics
- Planetary Science Institute
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
L. Buchhave
- University of Copenhagen
- Harvard University
- National History Museum of Denmark
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Centre for Star and Planet Formation
- Centre for Star and Planet Formation
- Technical University of Denmark
- DTU Space
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- DARK Cosmology Center
External person
Andrew W. Howard
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- University of California at Berkeley
- California Institute of Technology
- University of California Office of the President
- Astronomy Department
- Institute for Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
- Institute for Astronomy
- Space Sciences Laboratory
- Department of Astronomy
- Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Harvard University
External person
Rafael Brahm
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Center of Astro-Engineering UC
- Millenium Institute of Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Universidad Adolfo Ibaáñez
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
- Data Observatory Foundation
External person
D. Bayliss
- Australian National University
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire Astronomique de l'Universit� de Gen�ve
- University of Warwick
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Observatoire Astronomique
- Department of Physics
- Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability
External person
N. Espinoza
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Bernoulli Fellow
- IAU-Gruber Fellow
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Space Telescope Science Institute
External person
M. De Val Borro
- Princeton University
- Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Astrochemistry Laboratory
- Catholic University of America
External person
J. A. Johnson
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- University of California at Berkeley
- California Institute of Technology
- NASA Exoplanet Science Institute (NExScI
- Harvard University
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Yale University
- Department of Astrophysics
- Astronomy Department
- Astronomy Department
- Institute for Astronomy
- Department of Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics
- Department of Astronomy
- Ohio State University
- Institute for Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
G. Zhou
- Australian National University
- Harvard University
- Princeton University
- University of Geneva
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Southern Queensland
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
V. Suc
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Hungarian Astronomical Association
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- El Sauce Observatory
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- El Sauce Observatory—Obstech
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
- El Sauce Observatory
External person
M. Rabus
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- Hungarian Astronomical Association
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Santa Barbara
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
L. Mancini
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- University of Rome Tor Vergata
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Dipartimento di Fisica
External person
Avi Shporer
- Tel Aviv University
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- Santa Barbara
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Wise Observatory
- The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
- Department of Astrophysics
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
- University College London
External person
B. Béky
- Harvard University
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Alphabet Inc.
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
D. A. Fischer
- San Francisco State University
- Yale University
- University of California at Berkeley
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department and Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
T. Henning
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Harvard University
- Université Côte d'Azur
- Administrative Headquarters of the Max Planck Society
- Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Max-Planck-Institut FÃr Astronomie
- Campus Valrose
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
A. Pál
- Harvard University
- Eotvos Lorand University
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Mark Everett
- Planetary Science Institute
- Harvard University
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- Planetary Science Institute
- NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory
External person
R. P. Butler
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- University of New Mexico
- Carnegie Earth &planets Laboratory
External person
Samuel N. Quinn
- Harvard University
- Georgia State University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
B. Schmidt
- Australian National University
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO)
- ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics
- Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO)
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- AustralianNationalUniversity
- Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO)
External person
T. G. Tan
- Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope
- Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope
- Perth Exoplanet Survey Telescope
- Curtin University
External person
Jon Jenkins
- SETI Institute
- NASA Ames Research Center
- ETI Institute
- Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe
External person
Howard Isaacson
- University of California at Berkeley
- San Francisco State University
- University of California Office of the President
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Southern Queensland
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
David Kipping
- University College London
- Columbia University
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
B. Sato
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Kobe University
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Global Edge institute
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Graduate School of Science and Technology
- Okayama Astrophysical Observatory
External person
A. Bieryla
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
- University of Southern Queensland
External person
Sara Seager
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- Physics Department
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- School of Natural Sciences
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Dept. Earth, Atmosph. Planet. Sci.
- Department of Physics
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Department of Earth
- University of Arizona
- Harvard University
- University of California at San Diego
- University of La Laguna
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Maryland
External person
S. Ciceri
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Stockholm University
- Department of Astronomy
External person
George R. Ricker
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Department of Physics
External person
J. Bento
- Australian National University
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
External person
David Charbonneau
- Harvard University
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
- High Altitude Observatory
- Department of Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Roland Vanderspek
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Physics
- Center for Space Research
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Royal Observatory of Belgium
External person
B. J. Fulton
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- University of Hawai'i at Hilo
- California Institute of Technology
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- Institute for Astronomy
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Astronomy Department
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
C. G. Tinney
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- University of New South Wales
- Australian Astronomical Observatory
- UNSW Australia
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- School of Physics
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- School of Physics
External person
Thomas Henning
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Max-Planck-Institut FÃr Astronomie
- Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
External person
C. X. Huang
- Princeton University
- University of Toronto
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Astrophysics Department
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of Florida
- University of Warwick
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Stephane Udry
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de Genève
- Observatoire Astronomique de l'Universit� de Gen�ve
- Observatoire Astronomique
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
- Université de Geneéve
External person
Jose Fernandez
- Harvard University
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- University of Göttingen
- Departamento de Astronomía
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Alessandro Sozzetti
- Harvard University
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Karen Collins
- University of Louisville
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- SETI Institute
- Vanderbilt University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- George Mason University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
D. J. Wright
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- University of New South Wales
- UNSW Australia
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- School of Physics
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- Exoplanetary Science at UNSW
- Centre for Astrophysics
- University of Southern Queensland
External person
Norio Narita
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Astrobiology Center
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- The University of Tokyo
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - AstroBiology Center
- Astrobiology Center
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Department of Astronomical Science
- Department of Physics
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- Astrobiology Center
- Japan Science and Technology Agency
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Astrobiology Center
- University of La Laguna
- Komaba Institute for Science
- Nanjing University
External person
Emilio Falco
- Harvard University
- Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- Smithsonian Institution
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Keivan G. Stassun
- Vanderbilt University
- Fisk University
- Fisk University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-Intensive Astrophysics
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
B. Sipõcz
- Harvard University
- Eotvos Lorand University
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
A. Vanderburg
- Harvard University
- Department of Astronomy
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- University of Texas
External person
F. Bouchy
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- Sorbonne Université
- University of Geneva
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire de Genève
External person
Tsevi Mazeh
- Tel Aviv University
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Wise Observatory
- The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
External person
T. Szklenár
- Harvard University
- Hungarian Astronomical Association
- University of Göttingen
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Gábor Furész
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- University of Copenhagen
- Centre for Star and Planet Formation
- Department of Physics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Matthew J. Holman
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
External person
J. C. Smith
- Hidden Loft Observatory
- SETI Institute
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute
External person
Lisa Kaltenegger
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Cornell University
- Harvard University
- Astronomy Department
- Carl Sagan Institute
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
B. C. Addison
- University of New South Wales
- School of Physics
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Mississippi State University
- University of Southern Queensland
- Centre for Astrophysics
- Swinburne University of Technology
External person
Jack J. Lissauer
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Harvard University
- Space Science and Astrobiology Division
- Stanford University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- SETI Institute
External person
Michaél Gillon
- University of Geneva
- University of Liege
- University of La Laguna
- Universit� de Li�ge
- Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique
- Institut d'Astrophysique et de G�ophysique
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Université de Li ge
External person
B. Csák
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Hungarian Astronomical Association
- ELTE Gothard-Lendület Research Group
- Harvard University
- University of Szeged
- Department of Experimental Physics
- Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Eotvos Lorand University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
David Ciardi
- NASA Exoplanet Science Institute/Caltech
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Joseph E. Rodriguez
- Harvard University
- Michigan State University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
K. Z. Stanek
- Ohio State University
- Harvard University
- Princeton University
- Polish Academy of Sciences
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Perry Berlind
- Harvard University
- Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Gopakumar Perumpilly
- University of South Dakota
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- University of South Dakota
External person
L. D. Nielsen
- Geneva Observatory
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire de Genève
- University of Oxford
- European Southern Observatory
External person
S. Durkan
- Queen's University Belfast
- Astrophysics Research Centre
- Astrophysics Research Centre
External person
Mike Calkins
- Harvard University
- Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
P. Arriagada
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Harvard University
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Departamento de Astronomía
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Steve B. Howell
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Space Science and Astrobiology Division
External person
Stephen A. Rinehart
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Enric Palle
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Keele University
External person
Joshua Pepper
- Vanderbilt University
- Lehigh University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- College of Art and Science
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering
- University of Alabama
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Drake Deming
- University of Maryland, College Park
- NASA Astrobiology Institute's Virtual Planetary Laboratory
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Princeton University
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Department of Astronomy
- Planetary Systems Laboratory
- NASA Astrobiology Institute's
- Solar System Exploration Division
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- NASA Astrobiology Institute
- University of Maryland
External person
Ian J. Crossfield
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Physics and Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Physics
- Physics Department
- University of Kansas
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Kansas
External person
A. R. Schmitt
- Citizen Science
- University of Copenhagen
- Citizen Scientist
- Citizen Scientist
- Citizen Scientist
External person
Pierre Maxted
- Keele University
- Un. Keele
- University of Southampton
- Astrophysics Group
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
T. Kovács
- Princeton University
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Eotvos Lorand University
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
John Doty
- Noqsi Aerospace
- Noqsi Aerospace
- Noqsi Aerospace Ltd.
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ltd.
External person
Andrew W. Mann
- University of Texas at Austin
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Aix Marseille Université
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Texas
External person
Francesco Pepe
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de Genève
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
- Université de Geneéve
External person
Diana Dragomir
- University of British Columbia
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- The University of Chicago
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- Santa Barbara
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of New Mexico
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
Carl Ziegler
- Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Toronto
- Stephen F. Austin State University
External person
D. Segransan
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de Genève
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
External person
J. E. Schlieder
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- California Institute of Technology
- NASA Ames Research Center
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
External person
Natalia Guerrero
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Universi-dade Do Porto
- University of Florida
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
- CROW Observatory
External person
Christophe Lovis
- Obs. Geneve
- University of Geneva
- Obs. Geneve
- Observatoire de Genève
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Aix Marseille Université
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
External person
L. Bouma
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Knicole D. Colón
- University of Florida
- Lehigh University
- Department of Astronomy
- College of Art and Science
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
- GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Felipe Rojas
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Sociedad Radiosky Asesorías de Ingeniería Limitada
- Sociedad Radiosky Asesoras de Ingeniería Limitada Lincoyán 54
- Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica
- Depto 805 Concepción
- Instituto de Astrof�sica
- Instituto de Astrofísica
- Departamento de Astronomía and Astrofísica
- Sociedad Radiosky Asesorías de Ingeniería Limitada
- Instituto de Astrofísica and Centro de Astro-Ingeniería
- Millennium Institute of Astrophysics
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
- Facultad de Ingenier-a y Ciencias
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Sociedad Radiosky Asesorías de Ingeniería Limitada
External person
Khalid Barkaoui
- University of Liege
- Cadi Ayyad University
- Université de Li ge
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
External person
P. Evans
- Rarotonga Observatory
- El Sauce Observatory
- University of Leicester
- El Sauce Observatory
- El Sauce Observatory
- Evans
- El Sauce Observatory
- El Sauce Observatory
External person
Timothy Morton
- California Institute of Technology
- Princeton University
- Peyton Hall
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- University of Montreal
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
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- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Peyton Hall
- Cahill Center for Astrophysics
- Department of Astrophysics
- Department of Astrophysics
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
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- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- University of Florida
- Department of Astronomy
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Center for Computational Astrophysics
- Flatiron Institute
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Peyton Hall
- Simons Foundation
- University of Southern California
- Simons Foundation
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Jessie L. Christiansen
- NASA Ames Research Center
- SETI Institute
- Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- California Institute of Technology
External person
Timothy M. Brown
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope
- High Altitude Observatory
- Santa Barbara
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard
- Aarhus University
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- High Altitude Observatory
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- University of California at Santa Barbara
External person
Zachory K. Berta-Thompson
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
External person
Emmanuel Jehin
- University of Liege
- Universit� de Li�ge
- Institut d'Astrophysique et de G�ophysique
- Institut d'Astrophysique et G�ophysique
- Institut d'Astrophysique et de Géophysique
- Université de Li ge
- Universitďe Liège
- Universitde Liege
External person
Gregory Laughlin
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- UCO/Lick Observatory
- Yale University
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy
- University of California Observatories
- University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory
External person
J. K. Teske
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- NASA Hubble Fellow
- Carnegie Earth &planets Laboratory
External person
Liang Yu
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Physics Department
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Department of Physics
- ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions
External person
Elisa V. Quintana
- SETI Institute
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
External person
Howard M. Relles
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Melissa Hobson
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
External person
Heather A. Knutson
- Harvard University
- California Institute of Technology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Astronomy Department
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Giuseppina Micela
- University of Palermo
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
External person
E. C. Matthews
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Physics
- Physics Department
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Univer sité de Genève
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
External person
Simon Albrecht
- Aarhus University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Leiden University
- Physics Department
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- Department of Physics
- Space Research
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Department of Physics
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre,Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Nordic Optical Telescope
- Princeton University
External person
Monika Lendl
- University of Liege
- University of Geneva
- Universit� de Li�ge
- Observatoire Astronomique de l'Universit� de Gen�ve
- Institut d'Astrophysique et de G�ophysique
- Observatoire Astronomique de l'Université de Genève
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Observatoire de Genève
External person
Kevin I. Collins
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- George Mason University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- American Association of Variable Star Observers
- SETI Institute
External person
Tianjun Gan
- Physics Department and Tsinghua Center for Astrophysics (THCA)
- Tsinghua University
- Physics Department
External person
Rhodes Hart
- University of Southern Queensland
- Centre for Astrophysics
- Computational Science and Engineering Research Centre
External person
Maxime Marmier
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire de Genève
External person
Francisco J. Pozuelos
- University of Liege
- Université de Li ge
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Universitďe Liège
- Universitde Liege
- CSIC - Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia
External person
Diana Kossakowski
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Max-Planck-Institut FÃr Astronomie
External person
Mercedes Lopez-Morales
- Imperial College London
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia
- Harvard University
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Christopher J. Burke
- Harvard University
- NASA Ames Research Center
- SETI Institute
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Peter R. McCullough
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
Shigeru Ida
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- The University of Tokyo
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
- Earth-Life Science Institute
External person
T. Trifonov
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Max-Planck-Institut FÃr Astronomie
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
- Heidelberg University
External person
T. Guillot
- École normale supérieure de Lyon
- University of Arizona
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
- Obs. Nice
- University of Reading
- Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (UMR 142 CNRS)
- Department of Planetary Sciences
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- National Centre for Atmospheric Sciences-Climate
- Department of Planetary Sciences
- Université Côte d'Azur
- Campus Valrose
External person
M. M. Fausnaugh
- Ohio State University
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Texas Tech University
External person
J. Burt
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Physics Department
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Department of Physics
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
External person
Mark Rose
- Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Leidos Inc
External person
Nicholas M. Law
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Peter Tenenbaum
- NASA Ames Research Center
- ETI Institute
- SETI Institute
- Stanford University
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Martin Paegert
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Thomas Barclay
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- Bay Area Environmental Research Institute
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Maryland Baltimore County
External person
P. Deroo
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- KU Leuven
- Instituut voor Sterrenkunde
External person
Nathan De Lee
- Vanderbilt University
- Northern Kentucky University
- University of Florida
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physics and Geology
- Michigan State University
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Y. Yung
- California Institute of Technology
- Konkoly Obs.
- CSIC - Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia
External person
P. D. Sackett
- Australian National University
- University of Groningen
- Australian Astronomical Observatory
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
External person
Jean Philippe Beaulieu
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Sorbonne Université
External person
Angela Ciaravella
- University of Palermo
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
External person
Edward H. Morgan
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Physics Department
External person
T. J. Henry
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Georgia State University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- RECONS Institute
External person
Jean Pierre Maillard
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Sorbonne Université
External person
E. Pascale
- Cardiff University
- University of Toronto
- CfA
- National Research Council of Italy
- Department of Physics
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Rome La Sapienza
- La Sapienza
External person
Motohide Tamura
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Astrobiology Center
- The University of Tokyo
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - AstroBiology Center
- Graduate School of Science
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences
- Princeton University
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- Department of Astronomical Science
- Astrobiology Center
- School of Science
- Astrobiology Center
External person
Francis T. O'Donovan
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- California Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Amaury H.M.J. Triaud
- University of Toronto
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
- Physics Department
- Centre for Planetary Sciences
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Physics
- University of Cambridge
- University of Birmingham
- University of Geneva
External person
Guillaume Hébrard
- Sorbonne Université
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
External person
P. Torres
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Center of Astro-Engineering UC
- Millennium Institute for Astrophysics
- Instituto Milenio de Astrofísica
External person
Justin R. Crepp
- Department of Physics, 225 Nieuwland Science Hall
- University of Notre Dame
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Physics Department
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astrophysics
External person
Jean Baptiste Marquette
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Sorbonne Université
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
N. Aghanim
- Université Paris-Sud
- Cardiff University
- California Institute of Technology
- CfA
- University of British Columbia
- University of Wales
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Wales
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
- Queen Mary University of London
- International School for Advanced Studies
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Astronomy and Instrumentation Group
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Jet Propulsion Lab.
- University of Wales
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Douglas A. Caldwell
- SETI Institute
- NASA Ames Research Center
- ETI Institute
- Carl Sagan Center for the Study of Life in the Universe
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Camilla Danielski
- University College London
- Université Paris-Sud
- Observatoire de Paris
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
John Livingston
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Astronomy
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - AstroBiology Center
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Astrobiology Center
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
External person
Matt J. Griffin
- CfA
- University of British Columbia
- Cardiff University
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
Robert J. Siverd
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Gemini Observatory
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
- Princeton University
- NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory
External person
Chris Stockdale
- Hazelwood Observatory
- Hazelwood Observatory Churchill
- Hazelwood Observatory
- Hazelwood Observatory
- Kotizarovci Observatory
External person
Ignasi Ribas
- Imperial College London
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia
- Institut de Ci�ncies de l'Espai (CSIC-IEEC)
- Institut de Ci�ncies de l'Espai (CSIC-IEEC)
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
- University of Warwick
- Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya/CSIC
External person
Géza Kovcs
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
A. Santerne
- University of Porto
- Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias Do Espaco
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Aix Marseille Université
- Universidad de Chile
External person
Franck Selsis
- Université de Bordeaux
- Un. Bordeaux
- Observatoire de Bordeaux
- Observatoire de Bordeaux
External person
C. Hellier
- Keele University
- Astrophysics Group
- Centro AstronÃmico Hispano-AlemÃin
- University of Porto
External person
D. N.C. Lin
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- Mauna Kea Infrared, LLC
- UCO/Lick Observatory
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of California Observatories
- University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory
- Tsinghua University
External person
R. G. West
- University of Leicester
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Warwick
- Department of Physics
External person
Antonio Maggio
- University of Palermo
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
External person
Lizhou Sha
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
External person
S. Vogt
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- University of California Observatories
- University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory
External person
Cesar Briceño
- Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomia
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
- Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of Toronto
- SOAR Telescope/NSF’s NOIRLab
- NSF's National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory
External person
L. L. Kiss
- University of Sydney
- Australian National University
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- School of Physics
- Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- School of Physics
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Eotvos Lorand University
- University of Szeged
External person
Nikolay Nikolov
- University of Exeter
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Astrophysics Group
- Astrophysics Group
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Space Telescope Science Institute
External person
G. Savini
- University College London
- California Institute of Technology
- Cardiff University
- Optical Science Laboratory
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Observational Cosmology
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Astronomy and Instrumentation Group
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
External person
Saul Rappaport
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
- Physics Department
- Department of Physics
External person
H. Kjeldsen
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- Aarhus University
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- Vilnius University
External person
Matteo Focardi
- University of Florence
- Un. Firenze
- Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Arcetri, Florence
External person
Marc Ollivier
- Un. Firenze
- Université PSL
- Université Paris-Sud
- Observatoire de Paris
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
E. Bryant
- Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability
- University of Warwick
- Department of Physics
- University College London
External person
Pascal Fouque
- Observatoire de Paris
- Laboratoire d'Astrophysique
- Obs-MIP
- Université PSL
- Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
- Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- University of Montreal
External person
Loredana Prisinzano
- University of Palermo
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research
External person
Brigitta Sipcz
- Harvard University
- Eotvos Lorand University
- University of Hertfordshire
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- Centre for Astrophysics Research
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Carl Hergenrother
- University of Arizona
- Harvard University
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Department of Planetary Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Francois Forget
- Sorbonne Université
- École normale supérieure
- École polytechnique
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Enric Palle
- Un. Bordeaux
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Keele University
External person
Jason A. Dittmann
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth
- Department of Physics
- Department of Earth
- Harvard University
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Maria R. Zapatero-Osorio
- CSIC-INTA - Astrobiology Center
- European Space Astronomy Centre
- University of Bern
External person
Giuseppe Leto
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
External person
Emanuele Pace
- University of Florence
- Un. Firenze
- Osservatorio Astrofisico Di Arcetri, Florence
External person
Isabella Pagano
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
External person
Celine Cavarroc
- Un. Firenze
- Centre Energie Atomique
- Université Paris-Sud
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- CEA/Saclay
External person
Michael B. Lund
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Peter K G Williams
- University of California at Berkeley
- Astronomy Department
- Astronomy Department
- The University of Chicago
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Olivier Demangeon
- Un. Firenze
- Université Paris-Sud
- Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias Do Espaco
- University of Porto
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Patrick Gaulme
- Un. Firenze
- Université Paris-Sud
- New Mexico State University
- Department of Astronomy
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
- Aarhus University
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Jonathan Irwin
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- University of Cambridge
External person
D. R. Anderson
- Keele University
- Astrophysics Group
- University of Warwick
- European Southern Observatory
External person
Roger Yelle
- UoA
- University of Arizona
- Princeton University
- UoA
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- University of Wisconsin
- United States Department of Energy
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- University of Wisconsin
External person
J. Andersen
- University of Copenhagen
- Nordic Optical Telescope Scientific Association
- Nordic Optical Telescope
External person
Veselin B. Kostov
- SETI Institute
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration
External person
Carlos Allende Prieto
- Un. Bordeaux
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- University of Texas at Austin
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Department of Astronomy
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- University College London
- University of Texas
External person
Jonay I. González Hernández
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- Un. Bordeaux
- University of La Laguna
- Departamento de Astrofísica
External person
Amaya Moro-Martin
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Johns Hopkins University
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial
- Princeton University
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Center for Astrophysical Sciences
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Department of Astrophysical Sciences
- Department of Astrophysics
- Departamento de Astrofisica
- CSIC-INTA - Astrobiology Center
External person
A. Z. Bonanos
- Harvard University
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Nathaniel Butler
- Arizona State University
- University of California at Berkeley
- Space Telescope Science Institute
External person
Glenn S. Orton
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
External person
F. Murgas
- Université Grenoble Alpes
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- Aarhus University
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- Departamento de Astrofísica
- Université Joseph Fourier
External person
G. Morello
- University College London
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- Chalmers University of Technology
- CSIC - Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia
External person
Jian Ge
- University of Florida
- Department of Astronomy
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Giovanni Strazzulla
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
External person
A. Zapata
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- El Sauce Observatory
- El Sauce Observatory
External person
Bruce Swinyard
- University College London
- Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
Leonardo A. Paredes
- Georgia State University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- RECONS Institute
External person
Jose I. Vines
- Universidad de Chile
- Department of Astronomy
- Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA)
- Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA)
External person
Robert F. Goeke
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Lars Stixrude
- University College London
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of California at Los Angeles
External person
Jerome De Leon
- The University of Tokyo
- Department of Astronomy
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- Academia Sinica - Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
External person
Ryan Cloutier
- University of Toronto
- University of Montreal
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Centre for Planetary Sciences
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Institut de Recherche sur les Exoplanètes
- Harvard University
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Banting Fellow
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- McMaster University
External person
Davide Grassi
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- National Institute for Astrophysics
External person
Maximilian N. Günther
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Juan Carlos Torres Fellow
External person
Kevin Heng
- University of Bern
- Institute for Advanced Studies
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Center for Space and Habitability
- Institute for Astronomy
- School of Natural Sciences
- University of Warwick
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Center for Space and Habitability
- Center for Space and Habitability
External person
J. M. Benko
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
Peter Doel
- University College London
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
- University of Pennsylvania
- Excellence Cluster ORIGINS
- Center for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences
External person
O. Turner
- University of Geneva
- Geneva Observatory
- Observatoire de l’Université de Genève
- Observatoire de Genève
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
External person
S. Villanueva
- Ohio State University
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
External person
E. Herrero
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia
- Autonomous University of Barcelona
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
External person
Ricardo Hueso
- EHU Bilbao
- Polytechnic University of Valencia
- University of the Basque Country
External person
R. A. Wittenmyer
- University of Southern Queensland
- University of New South Wales
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- Computational Science and Engineering Research Centre
- School of Physics
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- School of Physics and Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- Department of Astrophysics
- Centre for Astrophysics
External person
Sharon X. Wang
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism
- Tsinghua University
- Indiana University Bloomington
External person
L. Hirsch
- University of California at Berkeley
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Astronomy Department
- Institute for Astronomy
- Stanford University
- Institute for Astronomy
- Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
- University of Toronto
External person
Arnaud Cassan
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- Institut d'astrophysique de Paris
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- Sorbonne Université
External person
Joel Villasenor
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Physics
- Center for Space Research
External person
M. Díaz
- Universidad de Chile
- Department of Astronomy
- Centro de Astrofisica y Tecnologias Afines (CATA)
- Carnegie Institution of Washington
- Centro de Astrofísica y Tecnologías Afines (CATA)
External person
C. Dressing
- Harvard University
- University of California at Berkeley
- Astronomy Department
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Eric Pantin
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Centre Energie Atomique
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- CEA/Saclay
External person
Francisco J. Martin-Torres
- Luleå University of Technology
- CSIC - Andalusian Earth Sciences Institute
External person
Joseph D. Twicken
- NASA Ames Research Center
- SETI Institute
- Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute
- Curtin University
- Hazelwood Observatory
External person
F. Pont
- University of Exeter
- University of Geneva
- Astrophysics Group
- Astrophysics Group
- Observatoire Astronomique
External person
E. Gonzales
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- National Science Foundation
- University of Notre Dame
External person
A. Adriani
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali
- National Research Council of Italy
- National Institute for Astrophysics
External person
Patricia T. Boyd
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
External person
Tansu Daylan
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Universi-dade Do Porto
- Kavli Fellow
- Princeton University
- University of Southern Queensland
- Washington University St. Louis
External person
Jonathan J. Fortney
- University of California at Santa Cruz
- University of California Office of the President
- University of Arizona
- NASA Ames Research Center
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- University of California Observatories/Lick Observatory
External person
Z. Essack
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth
- Department of Earth
- Dept. Earth, Atmosph. Planet. Sci.
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
David Montes
- Complutense University
- Departamento de Astrofísica y Ciencias de la Atmósfera
External person
Pascal Borde
- Un. Firenze
- Université Paris-Sud
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Susan E. Mullally
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Ennio Poretti
- CU Prague
- Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Bologna
- Fundación Galileo Galilei
- Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera
- Charles University
- INAF – Brera
External person
R. P. Schwarz
- Patashnick Voorheesville Observatory
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Ana Glidden
- Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
External person
M. Clampin
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Exoplanets and Stellar Astrophysics Laboratory
- Sciences and Exploration Dir.
External person
D. Queloz
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire Astronomique de LÚniversité de Genève
- University of Cambridge
- Observatoire de Genève
- Institute of Astronomy
- Astrophysics Group
- Observatoire Astronomique
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
- CAS - Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
External person
Konstantin Batygin
- Harvard University
- California Institute of Technology
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Pierre Olivier Lagage
- Centre Energie Atomique
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Centre Energie Atomique
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Centre de Saclay
- CEA/Saclay
External person
Wei Chun Jao
- Georgia State University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- RECONS Institute
External person
Hui Zhang
- School of Astronomy and Space Science
- Nanjing University
- Nanjing University
- CAS - Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
External person
Sasha Hinkley
- California Institute of Technology
- University of Exeter
- Cahill Center for Astrophysics
- Astrophysics Group
- Department of Astrophysics
- Division of Physics
- California Institute of Technology Division of Engineering and Applied Science
External person
Rudolf B. Kuhn
- South African Astronomical Observatory
- Southern African Large Telescope
- South African Astrophysical Observatory
External person
Akshata Krishnamurthy
- Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Physics
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
External person
Rene Doyon
- University of Montreal
- Observatoire du mont-m'Egantic
- Universit� de Montr�al
- Department of Physics
- Institut de Recherche sur les Exoplanètes
External person
Zs Kovári
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
Hans J. Deeg
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- University of La Laguna
- Departamento de Astrofísica
External person
Benjamin T. Montet
- California Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- Cahill Center for Astrophysics
- Department of Astrophysics
- The University of Chicago
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- University of New South Wales
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
A. Garcia-Piquer
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
External person
Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer
- University of New South Wales
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- School of Physics
- University of Southern Queensland
External person
Gautham Narayan
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
K. Vida
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Eotvos Lorand University
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
Laura Kreidberg
- The University of Chicago
- Harvard University
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Harvard Society of Fellows
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Robert P. Kirshner
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- TMT International Observatory
External person
Thomas G. Beatty
- Harvard University
- Pennsylvania State University
- Ohio State University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Department of Astronomy
- Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds
- Physics Department
- Department of Astronomy
- Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds
- Department of Physics
- University of Arizona
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
External person
Mourad Ghachoui
- Cadi Ayyad University
- University of Liege
- Lomonosov Moscow State University
External person
W. Michael Wood-Vasey
- University of Pittsburgh
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Pittsburgh Particle Physics
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
R. Claudi
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Astronomical Observatory of Padua
- Roma Tre University
External person
Malcolm Hicken
- Harvard University
- Department of Physics
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
J. Bailey
- Australian Centre for Astrobiology
- University of New South Wales
- School of Physics
- University of California at Santa Barbara
External person
H. U. Nørgaard-Nielsen
- Technical University of Denmark
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
- DTU Space
- DTU Space
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Université Paris-Saclay
- CEA/Saclay
External person
Ashley Chontos
- Institute for Astronomy
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Nsf Graduate Research Fellow
- Princeton University
External person
Josep Colomé
- Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
External person
Lyu Abe
- Université Côte d'Azur
- Laboratoire Hippolyte Fizeau
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
- Universit le de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- Université de Nica Sophia Antipolis
- Université le de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Laboratoire Lagrange
- Laboratoire Hippolyte Fizeau
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Laboratoire Lagrange
- Laboratoire Lagrange (UMR 7293)
- Campus Valrose
External person
Benjamin Samuel
- Un. Firenze
- Université Paris-Sud
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Claire Moutou
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Université de Provence
- Aix Marseille Université
- Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
- Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
- Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
External person
Peter Bernath
- IvS
- University of Arizona
- University of Waterloo
- Old Dominion University
- University of York
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
External person
M. Mayor
- University of Geneva
- Observatoire de Genève
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
External person
G. Scandariato
- University of Palermo
- INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
External person
Kristo Ment
- Harvard University
- Yale University
- Department of Astronomy
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Fred C. Adams
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- University of Michigan
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physics
- Department of Physics
- Univer-sity of Michigan
- Department of Physics
- Astronomy Department
- Department of Astronomy
- University of California at Santa Barbara
External person
Nikole K. Lewis
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Arizona
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Planetary Sciences
- Department of Earth
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Cornell University
External person
Peter J. Wheatley
- University of Warwick
- Department of Physics
- Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability
External person
Emily Gilbert
- The University of Chicago
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Adler Planetarium
- GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- California Institute of Technology
External person
P. Machado
- University of Lisbon
- Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA)
- Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço
External person
Aylin Garcia Soto
- Department of Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth
- Dartmouth College
- Dartmouth College
External person
Akihiko Fukui
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Okayama Astrophysical Observatory
- Subaru Telescope Okayama Branch Office
- Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
- Department of Earth and Planetary Science
- The University of Tokyo
- University of La Laguna
- University of Khartoum
External person
G. Morgante
- Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale e Fisica Cosmica di Bologna
- National Research Council of Italy
External person
P. Székely
- University of Szeged
- University of Sydney
- Department of Experimental Physics
- School of Physics
External person
J. Jurcsik
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
C. McCully
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
Phillip Macqueen
- University of Texas at Austin
- McDonald Observatory
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy
- McDonald Observatory
- University of Texas
External person
Jean Michel Désert
- University of Colorado Boulder
- California Institute of Technology
- Harvard University
- University of Amsterdam
- Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences
- Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy
- Astronomy Department
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
Olivier Mousis
- Obs. Besancon
- Obs. Besancon
- Aix-Marseille Université
- Aix Marseille Université
- Institut universitaire de France
External person
Scott W. Fleming
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Florida
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- Computer Sciences Corporation - USA
- CSRA Inc.
- Department of Astronomy
- Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds
- Computer Sciences Corporation - USA
- General Dynamics
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person
Jeremy Leconte
- University of Toronto
- Sorbonne Université
- Canadian Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics
- École normale supérieure
- Université Paris-Saclay
- Observatoire de Bordeaux
- École polytechnique
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
- Observatoire de Bordeaux
External person
Marton G. Hidas
- University of California at Santa Barbara
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc
- University of Sydney
- Santa Barbara
- School of Physics
- School of Physics A28
- Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, Inc.
External person
Daniel Marrone
- Harvard University
- The University of Chicago
- Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
- Steward Observatory
- University of Arizona
- Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
External person
K. Oláh
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
External person
Oliver Krause
- Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- University of Wyoming
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
External person
Gillian Wright
- Royal Observatory
- UK Astronomy Technology Center
- Science and Technology Facilities Council
External person
Nelson Caldwell
- Harvard University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
External person
Robin Wordsworth
- Sorbonne Université
- École normale supérieure
- École polytechnique
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ComUE Paris-Saclay
External person
Wenceslas Marie-Sainte
- Institut Paul Ï¿½mile Victor
- Institut Paul Emile Victor
- Concordia Station
External person
Hodari Sadiki James
- Georgia State University
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- National Optical Astronomy Observatory
External person
P. Rowden
- Open University Milton Keynes
- School of Physical Sciences
- Royal Astronomical Society
- Piccadilly
External person
Daniel A. Yahalomi
- Harvard University
- Columbia University
- Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
- Aix-Marseille Université
External person
William J. Chaplin
- Aarhus University
- University of Birmingham
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- School of Physics and Astronomy
- Stellar Astrophysics Centre
- University of California at Santa Barbara
External person
Nicolas B. Cowan
- Northwestern University
- McGill University
- McGill Space Institute
- University of Washington
- Amherst College
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Astronomy
- Center for Interdisciplinary Exploration and Research in Astrophysics
- University of Montreal
- Space Science Institute
External person
D. Pollacco
- Queen's University Belfast
- Astrophysics Research Centre
- University of Warwick
- Department of Physics
- Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability
External person
V. Parmentier
- Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
- University of Arizona
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory
- Université Côte d'Azur
- University of Oxford
External person
T. Borkovits
- Baja Astronomical Observatory
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- ELKH Secreteriat
- ELTE Gothard Astrophysical Observatory
- University of Szeged
- Eotvos Lorand University
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- ELKH-SZTE Stellar Astrophysics Research Group
External person
Dennis M. Conti
- American Association of Variable Star Observers
- American Association of Variable Star Observers
External person
Teruyuki Hirano
- Tokyo Institute of Technology
- The University of Tokyo
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
- Department of Physics
- Physics Department
- Department of Physics
- Institute for Astronomy
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Institute for Astronomy
- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - AstroBiology Center
- National Institutes of Natural Sciences - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
- Astrobiology Center
External person
Armin Rest
- Harvard University
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- University of Washington
- Department of Physics
- Department of Astronomy
- Johns Hopkins University
- Durham University
- Space Telescope Science Institute
External person
A. Hornstrup
- Technical University of Denmark
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l'Univers
- DTU Space
- DTU Space
- Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives
- Université Paris-Saclay
- ELKH Secreteriat
- CEA/Saclay
- Research Centre For Astronomy and Earth Sciences
- Cosmic Dawn Center
External person
Gaël Ottoni
- Observatoire de l'Université de Genve
- University of Geneva
- Geneva Observatory
External person
Elise Furlan
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
- California Institute of Technology
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- University of Florida
- Astronomy Department, University of Florida, 211 Bryant Space Sciences Center
External person